Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of this for getting nitrogen but i will be damned if im gonna smoke something i know has piss all over it.Why not just buy the fertilizer with nitrogen <shrugs>

Most of that nitrogen in a fertilizer is DERIVED from piss and other rotting organic sources to begin with.

Without that ability we'd not be able to sustain the extra couple billion people we SHOULDN'T have right now on this planet.

Hey, either organic piss, or chemically refined piss, guess what?


Whether this comes in the form of 'chemical' fertilizers or organic ones, there's SOME sort of processing of raw material involved.

Hate to tell you but most "organic" fertilizers went through a chemical wash of some sorts before packaging. They don't ever say that, because if they did they'd have to remove the "organic" label. I'll give you three guesses as to what's added to most "organic" ferts to prevent them from breaking down during storage over time.

Hint: It begins with a "P"


say no to sugar water... i dont remember why exactly... i think it has something to do with caking the dirt up... use mollasass instead, also full of nutrients and minerals


Well-Known Member
Sugar water is bad, as it's too complex of a carbohydrate structure (refined sugar.) Molasses has simpler sugars and more nutrients. Perhaps raw untreated/unprocessed sugar cane juice would work, though I'm not quite sure about that. Never grown sugar cane so I couldn't give you specifics on it.


Active Member
Piss can be used as a fertilizer so I would flush it with hydrogen perodixde and water and hope for a speedy recovery =)


Well-Known Member
I heard that a foliar spray of 1 part urine, 1 part water, and 1 part bleach is a great way to cure your plants while drying.

Oh, don't forget to step on the buds before you hang them to dry, it'll squeeze out a lot of the water...
You pissed on your plant, usually you piss on stuff you don't like it it's not a tree or a toilet...
bleach fuck dont do that you will kill everyone


Active Member
Ive heard of this for getting nitrogen but i will be damned if im gonna smoke something i know has piss all over it.Why not just buy the fertilizer with nitrogen <shrugs>
hmmmmm ...... bat guano + fish emulsion or my own pee???? :clap:
yay for pee!!! lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey paltema dont sweat all the shit these guys are giving you. you have some great ideas man. its not very often when RUI gets people who think out of the box. people just dont get it man.

as a matter of fact here is another RUI member that thinks out of the box. i dont think he used the urine thing, but you have to see his plant on page 1 that is 35days old. now he has got some tricks


:-P its all in fun man!!! just do me a favor. when you harvest that first batch of the dankity dank shit. put a sing on your grow room door that reminds you that you are not allowed in there when high.


hey paltema dont sweat all the shit these guys are giving you. you have some great ideas man. its not very often when RUI gets people who think out of the box. people just dont get it man.

as a matter of fact here is another RUI member that thinks out of the box. i dont think he used the urine thing, but you have to see his plant on page 1 that is 35days old. now he has got some tricks


:-P its all in fun man!!! just do me a favor. when you harvest that first batch of the dankity dank shit. put a sing on your grow room door that reminds you that you are not allowed in there when high.

good ole growpassion.... wonder where he is these days:bigjoint:....


Well-Known Member
I laughed out loud when I saw your thread paltema, and I laughed even harder when I saw all the posts from people giving you a hard time for peeing on your plants. It's all goo though bro. I want to know one thing though. Did you just piss like straight on your plants like even on the actual plant; or did you pee in a container and let it get to room temp? Either way is not a good idea as it does need dilution.

Great thread.


Well-Known Member
I laughed out loud when I saw your thread paltema, and I laughed even harder when I saw all the posts from people giving you a hard time for peeing on your plants. It's all goo though bro. I want to know one thing though. Did you just piss like straight on your plants like even on the actual plant; or did you pee in a container and let it get to room temp? Either way is not a good idea as it does need dilution.

Great thread.
straight on it bro


Active Member
oh dude.. your plant looks horrible.. I'm on my first grow and i can tell xD... but yeah.. maybe if it does grow and makes bud.. it'll prob smell and taste like piss..


Well-Known Member

"I heard a foliar spray of 1 part urine 1 part bleach and 1 part water aides the curing process.

But don't forget to step on your buds before your buds, to get out the excess water, before you hang them to dry."

bleach fuck dont do that you will kill everyone

All you noticed that was wrong is the bleach???

Do you know what sarcasm is?