Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
I think this one was whipped to death now.

Good luck with your future grows palema!

BTW, I had heard of it, that and pissing on the weed, then bury it and wait 6 weeks or somethin, then dig it up, dry it, and smoke it....Needless to say, DON'T DO THAT EITHER! Another tidbit from the 60's actually. They also say to do the same with water, do not do it either. If you have bad weed, you have bad weed. Nothing you do will make it good weed.


Well-Known Member
yea you prob killed it. flush it out. Piss has so many other toxins in it and salts. no good man


Junior Creatologist
i legitimately read something about urine having nitrogen and that being good for it and one guy actually said he tested 2 plants one with urine and one without and he got a higher yield with the pissed on plant

yeah dude, well SEMEN has protein in it. Do you jerk off into your hand n then lick it up for vitamin content value??

do like your mom taught you bro, n flush when you pee. run nothin but water through your plant for a week. do that shit like every 2 days, and hopefully your shit will be okay.


New Member
yeah dude, well SEMEN has protein in it. Do you jerk off into your hand n then lick it up for vitamin content value??

do like your mom taught you bro, n flush when you pee. run nothin but water through your plant for a week. do that shit like every 2 days, and hopefully your shit will be okay.
dewd pls im crying :bigjoint: ive never laughed soo much hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Junior Creatologist
yeah dude, well SEMEN has protein in it. Do you jerk off into your hand n then lick it up for vitamin content value??

do like your mom taught you bro, n flush when you pee. run nothin but water through your plant for a week. do that shit like every 2 days, and hopefully your shit will be okay.

-- yeahhhhh, that ones goin in the classic comments vault ;)


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahahaha........ has to be the funniest and stupidest thing i've heard in a long time... whats the smell like?