Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
pissing can be used as a good nitrogen fertilizer... but you have to dilute it a lot and not get it on the branches... look into details before you piss on ur plant. God it's hilarious to think someone actually did that though.


Well-Known Member
yea i guess i was asking for it. lol but i'm glad I can be honest with you guys. now i know that i should ask more opinions b4 trying ridiculous stuff. the funny thing is i have 2 plants in that pot and the other one is super healthy but the one thats dying had like 2 drops of piss on its leaves but i left them and its the exact spot where u see the yellow marks


Well-Known Member
yea i guess i was asking for it. lol but i'm glad I can be honest with you guys. now i know that i should ask more opinions b4 trying ridiculous stuff. the funny thing is i have 2 plants in that pot and the other one is super healthy but the one thats dying had like 2 drops of piss on its leaves but i left them and its the exact spot where u see the yellow marks
Alright now i feel bad too!! GEEZ

I don't grow in stuff that gets under your nails but if i was you i would STOP pissing in on your plants and flush the shit out of them WITH WATER!! and then go BUY some nutes and you should come out not smelling like piss. :eyesmoke:

This was good for at least 2 good belly laughs at your expence Good luck brother..... and i really mean that. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Urea, a white crystalline solid containing 46% nitrogen, is widely used in the agricultural industry as an animal feed additive and fertilizer.
If properly applied, urea and fertilizers containing urea are excellent sources of nitrogen for crop production.

After application to the soil, urea undergoes chemical changes and ammonium (NH4 +) ions form. Soil moisture determines how rapidly this conversion takes place.

When a urea particle dissolves, the area around it becomes a zone of high pH and ammonia concentration. This zone can be quite toxic for a few hours. Seed and seedling roots within this zone can be killed by the free ammonia that has formed. Fortunately, this toxic zone becomes neutralized in most soils as the ammonia converts to ammonium. Usually it's just a few days before plants can effectively use the nitrogen.

no you havent killed your plant you nearly over dosed it with 46% nitrogen. i shall try give you a good answer without making you look / sound stupid unlike others in this forum.

you have given plants too much pee. give them a flush with clean water ( left for 24hrs). your plants are only babys they wont need pee for a good week or so. you need too cut down the pee too a 10 -1 mix ( tens parts water too one part pee.

always collect pee around dinner time ( mid day) the pee will not be so strong as first thing in morning. pee is a good source of maconuets, what our bodys dont use we get rid of. nitrogen amonia etc etc all come out in our pee.

dont use pee for every feed, once every 3-5 feeds is fine. if your stuck for fertilizer buy something cheap like Babybio or maybe Miricle grow but stick too the required amounts or lower than required amounts.

pee is used in composting it forms micro bugs that help break down the plant waste into a usable compost. it also speeds up composting of soils/leafmould etc etc.

remember a litte of one things is fine but too much will hurt. always water down your pee before use and always collect around mid day.



Well-Known Member
Urea, a white crystalline solid containing 46% nitrogen, is widely used in the agricultural industry as an animal feed additive and fertilizer.
If properly applied, urea and fertilizers containing urea are excellent sources of nitrogen for crop production.

After application to the soil, urea undergoes chemical changes and ammonium (NH4 +) ions form. Soil moisture determines how rapidly this conversion takes place.

When a urea particle dissolves, the area around it becomes a zone of high pH and ammonia concentration. This zone can be quite toxic for a few hours. Seed and seedling roots within this zone can be killed by the free ammonia that has formed. Fortunately, this toxic zone becomes neutralized in most soils as the ammonia converts to ammonium. Usually it's just a few days before plants can effectively use the nitrogen.

no you havent killed your plant you nearly over dosed it with 46% nitrogen. i shall try give you a good answer without making you look / sound stupid unlike others in this forum.

you have given plants too much pee. give them a flush with clean water ( left for 24hrs). your plants are only babys they wont need pee for a good week or so. you need too cut down the pee too a 10 -1 mix ( tens parts water too one part pee.

always collect pee around dinner time ( mid day) the pee will not be so strong as first thing in morning. pee is a good source of maconuets, what our bodys dont use we get rid of. nitrogen amonia etc etc all come out in our pee.

dont use pee for every feed, once every 3-5 feeds is fine. if your stuck for fertilizer buy something cheap like Babybio or maybe Miricle grow but stick too the required amounts or lower than required amounts.

pee is used in composting it forms micro bugs that help break down the plant waste into a usable compost. it also speeds up composting of soils/leafmould etc etc.

remember a litte of one things is fine but too much will hurt. always water down your pee before use and always collect around mid day.


that sounded pretty cool ^^

hahaaaaaa... :mrgreen:


New Member
and one more thing dont use nutes when their babys or in veg state hope they get better mate


Well-Known Member
you really gotta clean your pots man there fuckn nasty and now there full of piss. And get new soil, the one your using now looks like pure garbage..


Well-Known Member
So what was so hard about telling him what he did was wrong instead of sayin all this bullshit to him?


Well-Known Member
you pis AROUND IT RETARD so animals dont eat it why would you piss ON it wtf its dead now man


Well-Known Member
ahahahahahahaha @ pissin on your plants... u must have been really high to think pissin on your plant was a good idea...now u wanna know if it's dead....lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo