Good enough light for 3 plants?




Well-Known Member
What kind of grow space do you have? I have a 7x4x7 tent I run 2 600w lights . If you give what dimensions as to what your grow area is I can probably give you a better answer as far as your light is concerned15835075691192006796468593936833.jpg15835076066644741563259751591307.jpg15835076256808105632926375404367.jpg


I'm growing 3 plants in a spare small wc with central ac/humidifier/dehumidifier. It's about 2meters by 1 meter


Well-Known Member
The light you stated above is more then enough for your grow bro. How big are your burpees if you have?


The light you stated above is more then enough for your grow bro. How big are your burpees if you have?
2x 150w i got off Amazon, the growth has been slow according to what I have read. This plant is about 4 weeks old, and my indicas are about half the size but bushier


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think you should upgrade, if this is something that you're going to continue doing then definitely upgrade to the light system you spoke above. If not I would suggest going with a 600w light. My Giixer grow light (white one) has a 4ft wide footprint for growing but depending on the height of the light.


Well-Known Member
The light I see in the link is not an hlg 550 clone though, that would be 4 boards and a 480 watt driver
In vid it shows a 120 watt driver with 1 board. Good for a 2ft x 2ft area
There's an option farther down the page of a 120 driver or 240 driver for 2 boards.
Have you had a look in the led section for good nfo on Chinese Knockoff boards?



The light I see in the link is not an hlg 550 clone though, that would be 4 boards and a 480 watt driver
In vid it shows a 120 watt driver with 1 board. Good for a 2ft x 2ft area
There's an option farther down the page of a 120 driver or 240 driver for 2 boards.
Have you had a look in the led section for good nfo on Chinese Knockoff boards?

I ended up ordering: Meijiu Quantum QB288v2 v3 240W hlg red Led Grow Lights, Samsung lm301b 3000k+660nm: