Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus


Well-Known Member
Chris sums up the current situation with Trump's negligence and dereliction of duty. They will have to impeach the stupid fuck again before the election. Will Trump order officials not to a appear and documents not to be given to congress when they are investigating this health crises? This needs congressional oversight bigly.
Chris Hayes On Trump’s Failing Response To Coronavirus | All In | MSNBC

The government is not doing enough to protect the American people -- and the person at the top does not want to deal with the problem.
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Well-Known Member
If ya don't wanna take his word for it.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Trump's claim: Here's the real information

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta provides data on the coronavirus after President Trump said he has a "hunch" that the death rate is lower than 3.4%.


Well-Known Member
What Washington’s response to coronavirus tells us

President Donald Trump appointed Vice President Mike Pence to head up the task force to combat the coronavirus, but many across the country are unhappy with how the administration is handling the outbreak. Chris Cillizza explains how the coronavirus became political.


Well-Known Member
real question is when will trump actually have to say aight here's what's going on, truth is better imo what are we expecting their thinking that sweeping it under the floor will help no it wont, people will become scared that's human nature


Well-Known Member
The only comfort ya can take from it Jimmy is that it will hurt him bigly in the election, but it will be a cold and bitter comfort, he politsed it and he fucked up the response with stupid policy decisions, both past and present. This is classic house oversight territory and they are gonna hold investigations and will rub Trump's fucking nose in it this spring and summer. Dereliction of duty is impeachable too, his first job is defending the American people and he failed miserably at this fundamental task, the buck stops with trump here.
Wow, impeachable..:roll:


Well-Known Member
Costco is now rationing some is comes
My wife was showing me images earlier today of people with large water bottles over their heads, and plastic bags tied over their heads as well. Sheesh.

I do wish however I bought stock in toilet paper. People are buying it up by the truckload. What the fuck for? Are they going to build a house with it?

The sad fact is that people have no clue how to prepare at all. Seriously, it's scary. Pure panic and no common sense at all out there.


Well-Known Member
My wife was showing me images earlier today of people with large water bottles over their heads, and plastic bags tied over their heads as well. Sheesh.

I do wish however I bought stock in toilet paper. People are buying it up by the truckload. What the fuck for? Are they going to build a house with it?

The sad fact is that people have no clue how to prepare at all. Seriously, it's scary. Pure panic and no common sense at all out there.
they will sell it for $10 a roll to those that haven't planned....