Bernie Sanders 2020

A trump supporter crying hypocrisy. That's actually very funny.
Funny, because the Dems have chosen the worst batch of candidates possible I must be a Trump supporter. Nope, another year of no vote cast by me. Give me a candidate who is worthy of my valuable vote and I will support them, until then they are all just as bad as the other.
Funny, because the Dems have chosen the worst batch of candidates possible I must be a Trump supporter. Nope, another year of no vote cast by me. Give me a candidate who is worthy of my valuable vote and I will support them, until then they are all just as bad as the other.

As if Democratic candidates are encouraging the crowds at rallies to put a beat down on hecklers. Or have policies to put kids in cages while they are permanently separated from their parents due to poor planning on the part of the administration. Or cut food for hungry kids.

Yeah, those darn Democrats argue about how to improve our society. I can totally understand the quandry you are in.

As if Democratic candidates are encouraging the crowds at rallies to put a beat down on hecklers. Or have policies to put kids in cages while they are permanently separated from their parents due to poor planning on the part of the administration. Or cut food for hungry kids.

Yeah, those darn Democrats argue about how to improve our society. I can totally understand the quandry you are in.

Who built the cages genius?
I would like to see the rest of the nation run like California.... :cool:

Puke, feces, homeless, disease, needles, safe haven for grandma raping illegal aliens. As Nancy would say, “Not in my backyard”. Oh wait, too late. Time for Calexit. Keep that shit to yourselves and take a small toke with a shit filled deep breath. Paradise. Wow
They were probably built in China. They are pretty good at that sort of thing.

Speaking of false equivalences, Trump has how many kids locked away for the crime of following immigration laws and requesting asylum as authorized by an act of Congress that was signed into law by the president?
lock him up!

That’s funny, not what point it’s making, but I live in Michigan. I prefer not stepping over people just to walk a block. It’s nice Cali should try it. Don’t have to worry about rats resurrecting the Black Plague because the rats are feed of human waste harboring fleas that infect the population. Damn wouldn’t that be something to be proud of. First state to bring back a disease that wiped out over 200 million. Silly me, I was worried about covid.
They were probably built in China. They are pretty good at that sort of thing.

Speaking of false equivalences, Trump has how many kids locked away for the crime of following immigration laws and requesting asylum as authorized by an act of Congress that was signed into law by the president?
That’s funny, they were put there by Obama. Just wondering, who deported more illegals? Oh that’s right Obama and Biden. Why? Because we have a president that would rather strengthen our borders than lock people up and deport. Now that the wall is being built/replaced and the Mexicans are helping we don’t have to deport like Obama. Funny how that works.