Ok thanks for a better link. I did read read that one.
I'm still not sold in Bernie's "idea". There's things about it I don't like or believe.
70% tax on people with over $10,000,000? That itax is only going to happen one time, you've just taken almost 3/4 of their wealth and now there's nothing left to tax. So who's going to get taxed when the wealthy don't have any money left? Me and you are going to end up being taxed
No out of pocket costs?
Bernie's going to tax my pay check, so instead of paying "out of pocket", my pay check gets raped more than it already is and I bring home less money. Yeah I'll have to pass on that.
Eliminate private health insurance completely?
My health insurance is a benefit from my job that I work hard as fuck for. I pull 70 hours every single week for the last two years and that's not going to change. I have a high stress demanding job and Bernie wants to take away one of my benefits? Then I'll be bringing home less money due to another payroll tax. That's a big hell no.
Raising the estate tax?
I don't have kids or family (I do have a brother and nieces and nephew, but we are not close at all), but I know you do londonfog, so do a lot of other Americans. So you've worked hard your entire life to have things like savings, house and a business and you want your family and kids to have that when you're gone. Now Bernie is going to swoop in and tax it again after you've worked tirelessly and already paid taxes on it your entire life. Now your family is left with a fraction of what you want them to have. That's not right and makes no sense to me.
I don't know what the answer is to what America's problems are, but taxing anything and everything under the sun isn't the solution
The way I see it right now is things aren't broken, nothing needs fixed (at least in my situation). There's absolutely no chance I'll vote in favor for someone that wants to take away my work related benefits and make it so I bring home less money. I'd be a fool to do that, that is opposite of my best interest.
wow..you're really that concerned about the wealthy and how they'll make ends meet?

we had this tax back in the 50s and it was 90%..something happens when the wealthy stop contributing their fair share here- they use our roads, bridges and infrastructures all to pay $0 ala Amazon..IT ALL FALLS APART.
your union would jump at the chance to not bargain over health; your employer will be happy to not pay 50%+ for their portion of your benefits.
the answer is that EVERYONE pay taxes in sliding scale up or down.
here's a chart to assist you in determining your savings..easy peasy, you just look on the left what you gross and the follow that line across to the savings amount..let's say you make $80k, you'll save $2040 annually; it even tells you on the bottom what's included:

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