Al Sharpton Defends Bernie Sanders From ‘Socialist’ Attack:

Wallow in your lack of faith in progress forever man, we will happily accept your improved life when we win this fight.
The problem with your kind is, when you lose you cry about "rigged".

I'm not satisfied with any result other than Trump being removed from office. I'd be fine with what you say if it were a real possibility. What you propose leads to Trump. The only "rigged" there will be is how you chumps were stultified by right wing and Putin's propaganda.
Thanks, but that link is a blog, it's someone's opinion and very likely not factual. I won't click on it.

It's great that Bernie wants to lower prescription prices, that still doesn't change the fact that Medicare won't cover prescriptions.
To be fair, the plan that Bernie wrote but will never get passed does include dental coverage. IF one can believe it will pass then their la la land includes dental.

Because it's all just a smoke and mirrors play that ends with Trump back in office for four years, Benie's plan does includes oral work -- an oral job for Putin and seconds to Trump.
To be fair, the plan that Bernie wrote but will never get passed does include dental coverage. IF one can believe it will pass then their la la land includes dental.

Because it's all just a smoke and mirrors play that ends with Trump back in office for four years, Benie's plan does includes oral work -- an oral job for Putin and seconds to Trump.

Thanks man, I'll trust what you say.

@londonfog it's not that I don't trust what you say, I don't trust what a blog says

I admit I haven't read Bernie's "idea" of health insurance. I am not interested in because I'm happy with what I work hard for, I have good coverage and I can afford it. There's no convincing me M4A will give better coverage than what I have.
I was just curious why not take a bet from someone in Colorado or Oregon?
Uncle Buck is from Oregon and Colorado. He made a bet and did not honor it. No telling which puppet he using so why waste my time with anyone claiming Oregon or Colorado as the place they live...especially if they defend Uncle Buck
Thanks, but that link is a blog, it's someone's opinion and very likely not factual. I won't click on it.

It's great that Bernie wants to lower prescription prices, that still doesn't change the fact that Medicare won't cover prescriptions.
You can remain blind or you can attempt to see. You can stay ignorant or you can seek wisdom. The choice is always yours. Help to know the fact instead of sticking fingers in the ear and singing LALALALA my plan is the best even though I don't know what the other plan is LALALALALA.

Sanders’ bill, which has 14 Senate co-sponsors, would:

  • Cover primary and preventive care, prescription drugs, dental and vision care, mental health and substance abuse treatment, as well as maternity, newborn and long-term care through a government-run plan
Looks like Biden is having a pretty good night, so naturally London is having a meltdown.

You anything about Kamala being his running mate?
When the field narrows, the delegates pledged to moderate candidates that fold will go to other moderates. So if Pete folds and Biden is ahead, Biden will get the delegates or vise versa.

I could see a Harris veep announcement accelerating campaign momentum too. She's got Trump nervous.
Uncle Buck is from Oregon and Colorado. He made a bet and did not honor it. No telling which puppet he using so why waste my time with anyone claiming Oregon or Colorado as the place they live...especially if they defend Uncle Buck
10-4, thanks. How much was the bet?
Looks like Biden is having a pretty good night, so naturally London is having a meltdown.

You anything about Kamala being his running mate?
When I pointed out after Iowa and NH primaries this year that Sanders did worse than in 2016, @londonfog wanted to talk about pies. Tonight it's humble pie that he's eating.

60% of black voters chose Biden. @Padawanbater2 will pull up an opinion poll that shows Sanders won that group. Hey, pad, did black people vote "against their self interest" as you said in the 2016 primaries, where Sanders again failed to get more than a pittance of the black vote?

Telling black people what their "self interest" is. That's the patronizing and dismissive way white men have talked to black people in this country for centuries. Odd that pad and London both chose the same exact fake, dismissive and patronizing arguments. I wonder if they are reading the same propaganda script?
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I did the left coast thing for a while. When I left they were trying to tax private well water. Did they ever accomplish that?

Yeah, fortunately, that's one of those ridiculous measures that certainly must always be shat upon. The only ideology that aligns with is definitely totalitarianism. Much like much of the supposed "left wing" gun control measures. There is always some stupid measure trying to prohibit collection of rainwater or what not, but I wouldn't consider such things as left wing measures, as much as just stupid measures. lol.
Yeah, fortunately, that's one of those ridiculous measures that certainly must always be shat upon. The only ideology that aligns with is definitely totalitarianism. Much like much of the supposed "left wing" gun control measures. There is always some stupid measure trying to prohibit collection of rainwater or what not, but I wouldn't consider such things as left wing measures, as much as just stupid measures. lol.
Some asshole south of me near Medford, Oregon, lost big time in court for impounding water he had no right to collect. He made an artificial lake without the necessary water rights. Right wingers are still whining about him losing in court. I think he did some time for that but maybe its wishful thinking. Here in the west, we take water rights seriously.
Yeah, fortunately, that's one of those ridiculous measures that certainly must always be shat upon. The only ideology that aligns with is definitely totalitarianism. Much like much of the supposed "left wing" gun control measures. There is always some stupid measure trying to prohibit collection of rainwater or what not, but I wouldn't consider such things as left wing measures, as much as just stupid measures. lol.
Your act is slipping