Al Sharpton Defends Bernie Sanders From ‘Socialist’ Attack:

Added copy & paste info:

Keep in mind, the 4% payroll tax isn't going to cover all of the expenses. It would be helpful to also list the other proposed mechanisms of paying for M4A:

Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four

Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $2 million in payroll

Eliminating health tax expenditures

Making the federal income tax more progressive, including a marginal tax rate of up to 70 percent on those making above $10 million

Making the estate tax more progressive, including a 77 percent top rate on an inheritance above $1 billion

Establishing a tax on extreme wealth

Closing a tax-loophole that allows self-employed people to avoid paying certain taxes by creating an S corporation

Imposing a fee on large financial institution

Repealing corporate accounting gimmicks

I've been questioned about this before so it'll be handy to know these when discussing this with potential voters.
Nice that you actually looked up something on the subject.

The hole in all of those truthy bits is none of what you copied and pasted is what Sanders can accomplish or wrote into his "medicare for all" bill or his white paper on how to fund it. Not that any single payer healthcare bill has a hope of passing through the Senate next term. The only thing that has the chance of putting "progress" into the word "progressive" for healthcare legislation next term is adding the medicare option to the ACA.
my wife is very wealthy but we both have normal incomes

I wonder how this is possible!
whilst paying 170 with a house hold of 3 yeah she wealthy and have normal income
you said you had it was Aetna run your numbers again to help you story. I just did for Colorado. lying fuck.
Did you not say your wife had property all over
Types of income to include in your estimate. wealthy my ass

Income typeInclude as income?Notes
Federal Taxable Wages (from your job)YesIf your pay stub lists “federal taxable wages,” use that. If not, use “gross income” and subtract the amounts your employer takes out of your pay for child care, health insurance, and retirement plans.
Self-employment incomeYesInclude “net self-employment income” you expect — what you’ll make from your business minus business expenses. Note: You’ll be asked to describe the type of work you do. If you have farming or fishing income, enter it as either “farming or fishing” income or “self-employment,” but not both.
Unemployment compensationYes
Social SecurityYesInclude both taxable and non-taxable Social Security income. Enter the full amount before any deductions.
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)YesBut do not include Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Retirement or pension IncomeYesInclude most IRA and 401k withdrawals. (See details on retirement income in the instructions for IRS publication 1040). Note: Don’t include qualified distributions from a designated Roth account as income.
AlimonyDependsDivorces and separations finalized before January 1, 2019: Include as income. Divorces and separations finalized on or after January 1, 2019: Don’t include as income.
Child supportNo
Capital gainsYes
Investment incomeYesInclude expected interest and dividends earned on investments, including tax-exempt interest.
Rental and royalty incomeYesUse net rental and royalty income.
Excluded (untaxed) foreign incomeYes

Rental and royalty incomeYesUse net rental and royalty income.
whilst paying 170 with a house hold of 3 yeah she wealthy and have normal income
you said you had it was Aetna run your numbers again to help you story. I just did for Colorado. lying fuck.
Did you not say your wife had property all over
Types of income to include in your estimate. wealthy my ass

Income typeInclude as income?Notes
Federal Taxable Wages (from your job)YesIf your pay stub lists “federal taxable wages,” use that. If not, use “gross income” and subtract the amounts your employer takes out of your pay for child care, health insurance, and retirement plans.
Self-employment incomeYesInclude “net self-employment income” you expect — what you’ll make from your business minus business expenses. Note: You’ll be asked to describe the type of work you do. If you have farming or fishing income, enter it as either “farming or fishing” income or “self-employment,” but not both.
Unemployment compensationYes
Social SecurityYesInclude both taxable and non-taxable Social Security income. Enter the full amount before any deductions.
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)YesBut do not include Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Retirement or pension IncomeYesInclude most IRA and 401k withdrawals. (See details on retirement income in the instructions for IRS publication 1040). Note: Don’t include qualified distributions from a designated Roth account as income.
AlimonyDependsDivorces and separations finalized before January 1, 2019: Include as income. Divorces and separations finalized on or after January 1, 2019: Don’t include as income.
Child supportNo
Capital gainsYes
Investment incomeYesInclude expected interest and dividends earned on investments, including tax-exempt interest.
Rental and royalty incomeYesUse net rental and royalty income.
Excluded (untaxed) foreign incomeYes

Rental and royalty incomeYesUse net rental and royalty income.
youre so close
we were actually gonna plunk down about 33-36% and then finance the rest, but 730 is the average score getting turned down right now, and i'm not even quite to 730. my wife's score is closer to 650 as she's just starting to establish credit. we'll be in a much better position to buy in a few years, and the housing market for buyers can't be as tough as it is here right now.

plus, denver sucks. it's like living on an island. wyoming that way, kansas that way, utah that way...yuck. and the weather is shitty. and there's no ocean around.

i'll wait to find a nice property in oregon.
but she wealthy with property all over
Nice that you actually looked up something on the subject.

The hole in all of those truthy bits is none of what you copied and pasted is what Sanders can accomplish or wrote into his "medicare for all" bill or his white paper on how to fund it. Not that any single payer healthcare bill has a hope of passing through the Senate next term. The only thing that has the chance of putting "progress" into the word "progressive" for healthcare legislation next term is adding the medicare option to the ACA.

Wallow in your lack of faith in progress forever man, we will happily accept your improved life when we win this fight.
I pay 12 bucks a month for medical, dental and vision. Max out of pocket I think is 5k. Medicare does NOT cover vision or dental. Prescriptions are part d I think, which is seperate.

Source: common sense.

So are you American or not?

Yes, I am actually 7% Native American.

How American are you?
I pay 12 bucks a month for medical, dental and vision. Max out of pocket I think is 5k. Medicare does NOT cover vision or dental. Prescriptions are part d I think, which is seperate.

Source: common sense.

So are you American or not?

exactly the same as private insurance..none of these items are covered and you have to buy separate policies at work for dental, eye.
exactly the same as private insurance..none of these items are covered and you have to buy separate policies at work for dental, eye.
My bad, I pay 12 per week for med, dental and vision. Prescriptions are on the medical.

So no kidding I pay 48 bucks a month for medical, dental and vision. It's really good too and that's not even the Cadillac option.

Im a regular blue collar dude. How's bernie gonna help my insurance situation?
Yes, I am actually 7% Native American.

How American are you?
Right on. Dont mistake me I'm not asking how american are you I'm just literally trying to honestly ask if you're eligible to vote in the us, this being the internet and all. Thanks for the reply I didn't intent on coming off snarky.

And I'm fairly American I would say, family came to the mountains here when it was the new world.
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Right on. Dont mistake me I'm not asking how american are you I'm just literally trying to honestly ask if you're eligible to vote in the us, this being the internet and all. Thanks for the reply I didn't intent on coming off snarky.

And I'm fairly American I would say, family came to the mountains here when it was the new world.
right on, sock puppet!
Right on. Dont mistake me I'm not asking how american are you I'm just literally trying to honestly ask if you're eligible to vote in the us, this being the internet and all. Thanks for the reply I didn't intent on coming off snarky.

And I'm fairly American I would say, family came to the mountains here when it was the new world.

lol, no worry, I figured you were trolling, like buckie. I live on the west coast. Have already cast my vote for Sanders. Left plenty of blank spots too!
I will just drop this link on you seeing how you are one that seemingly does not research the plan Bernie wants. and you do understand Bernie mission is to lower drug cost...unless you enjoy making big pharma rich.

anywoot here you go

Thanks, but that link is a blog, it's someone's opinion and very likely not factual. I won't click on it.

It's great that Bernie wants to lower prescription prices, that still doesn't change the fact that Medicare won't cover prescriptions.