Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
I just stocked up on food at costco...3cs Kraft Mac&Cheese, 10lbs of coffee beans, 3 flats of eggs, 4cs of on-the-shelf milk. Cs's of chili and beans, 30+ cans of chicken. 48cns of tuna. stuffed the freezer with as much frozen chicken and fish. 2cs each of caned corn, greenbeans and peas. I have 4cs of MRE's. Will plant a veg garden as soon as weather allows.
You should try to prepare for 3-4 months isolated quarantine....
Put a sign on the road coming in that any one crossing maybe shot, or better yet one warning that it's an infected zone! Don't get a chill manning that foxhole old feller! :wink: Being retired has advantages


Well-Known Member
I just stocked up on food at costco...3cs Kraft Mac&Cheese, 10lbs of coffee beans, 3 flats of eggs, 4cs of on-the-shelf milk. Cs's of chili and beans, 30+ cans of chicken. 48cns of tuna. stuffed the freezer with as much frozen chicken and fish. 2cs each of caned corn, greenbeans and peas. I have 4cs of MRE's. Will plant a veg garden as soon as weather allows.
You should try to prepare for 3-4 months isolated quarantine....
Damn Man! Don't forget your can opener.

That is something that I haven't used in 20 years! :lol:



Well-Known Member
505 new cases in South Korea in a day. I would say they're doing a great job tracking this based on how few deaths and ICU admissions they've had. It's sad and morbid that deaths are the way to see how well they're tracking. I'd say Iran's outbreak is likely much worse but that confirmed cases are low based on poor tracking and not because of a higher fatality rate. I saw a news report about how they're using AI to warn people in Seoul who get close to a place where an infected person had been and sending workers to sanitize such places. China reports 455 new cases in the last day which seems to indicate that the extreme quarantine measures have slowed the spreading there.

World 2019ncov stats:

82,585 confirmed cases
8,471 critical condition
33,262 confirmed recovered
2,814 fatalities

I can't believe that the Philippines doesn't have more cases, but I still haven't gotten my Lazada orders from last month.


I think the Philippines put a travel ban on China, Hong Kong and Macua very early. This has probably helped to some extent but you are right. There should be more cases. I have a feeling the SEA countries who rely on tourism are lying through their teeth about the case numbers.

The new cases in Thailand have shut down some schools in Bangkok. I have a bad feeling it will take off there soon. As the Bhat continues to fall.

Singapore did a hell of a good job on this as did Taiwan but it is still early. South Korea is doing a good job testing, I wish the USA would do the same as these countries but there is so much red tape and political bureaucracy that we are screwed.

This virus is out and will be a pandemic. And the morons who keep comparing this to the flu, just compare the R0, incubation period and death %..... Very different.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Once it hits the homeless populations on the West Coast this is gonna be absolutely devastating. Our economy is going crash hard. There are absolutely no masks available in any stores here anymore. I stocked up on hand sanitizer and hoarded a bunch of supplies at work .


Well-Known Member
Once it hits the homeless populations on the West Coast this is gonna be absolutely devastating. Our economy is going crash hard. There are absolutely no masks available in any stores here anymore. I stocked up on hand sanitizer and hoarded a bunch of supplies at work .
I got immunized. There was a guy outside the Walmart selling oral innoculations for corona virus for $50. I bought one for each of my family. It tasted like cheap, skunky beer.


Well-Known Member
A good summary of the news with some accurate analysis.
Trump Fears The Coronavirus Crisis Will Spoil His Reelection Campaign


Well-Known Member
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Government health officials and scientists will have to coordinate statements with the vice president’s office, one of three people designated as the administration’s primary coronavirus official.



Well-Known Member
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Government health officials and scientists will have to coordinate statements with the vice president’s office, one of three people designated as the administration’s primary coronavirus official.

Figured as much as did most people, if Trump manages to muzzle the CDC or fuck up the data, yer best bet might be to look north to Canada for honest information and extrapolate from there. We are close in many ways, too close in this particular way! Trump can't fool the markets, but he can fool some of the Trumpers and those that believe him will be at greater risk, natural selection in action...


Well-Known Member
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Government health officials and scientists will have to coordinate statements with the vice president’s office, one of three people designated as the administration’s primary coronavirus official.

But Pence will need a chaperone if any of the health officials are female.


Well-Known Member
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Government health officials and scientists will have to coordinate statements with the vice president’s office, one of three people designated as the administration’s primary coronavirus official.

Pence should immediately visit all the sick people and lay on reassuring hands like Jesus would, then go back to Washington and personally report the situation directly to the president, Iranian style. The worst that could happen would be that he would die, or become POTUS, it's a risk, but going for power always is!