Russia is supporting Bernie Sanders as well as Trump again in 2020.

I mean whats the chances the Russians have something actually bad on Bernie?

The KGB was big on hidden cameras in rooms of visiting politicians, and he was on his honeymoon in Moscow. If he gets the Democratic nominee I really hope that it is not something worse than the obvious.
Looking forward to the release of his naked pictures. You know some orgy shit went on at that party. Maybe then his fuckable fuckabill statistics will increase. :cool:He could surprise us all.
How many people that voted for Trump in 2016 have you actually met and talked with? Or are you basing everything you are 'seeing' in TV talking heads and online conversations? Because unfortunately both of those sources tend to leave nuance and reasonable conversation in the dust.
There are people who like Trump here too, they are the same as in America, their real motives are now crystal clear and not in the least ideological.

The 'right vs left' conversation you are saying is taking place in the Democratic party is incorrect. You don't have anyone saying abortions should be illegal, schools should be pushing prayer, social saftey nets should be cut in favor of more weapons. What is going on in the Democratic party is Democratic values that are what have brought us all the very real forward movement from the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only dominated society to where we are today, and a Russian hyped dystopia veiw that the government is out to screw you over and only I can take it all back and give it to the people.
I agree, but the ideological division of which I speak is economic in nature and not too tied to the "culture wars" with in the ranks of the democrats. The Russians will no doubt seek to exploit legitimate divisions of opinion on policy and everything else, but we cannot allow it to shut down the conversation. We are dealing with a form of "information terrorism" and if people are constrained in their freedom of action and options by it the Russians win. This is an example of technological and communications affecting societies and dissolving borders, 20 years ago the technology for this Canadian to intrude on the debate is the same as for the Russians or anybody else. With Trump and the GOP your ass is currently hanging in the breeze as far as election and cyber security goes. I'm hoping that NATO will pick up the slack and attack the Russians as the try to interfere in the US elections, it would be a no brainer. I'm staying as clear as I can from the primaries and I'll jump in for the big show, not that it will do any good, but it will feel good to do something. I don't wanna take any road trips to red states and knock on doors for Bernie, I might get shot!
There are people who like Trump here too, they are the same as in America, their real motives are now crystal clear and not in the least ideological.

I agree, but the ideological division of which I speak is economic in nature and not too tied to the "culture wars" with in the ranks of the democrats. The Russians will no doubt seek to exploit legitimate divisions of opinion on policy and everything else, but we cannot allow it to shut down the conversation. We are dealing with a form of "information terrorism" and if people are constrained in their freedom of action and options by it the Russians win. This is an example of technological and communications affecting societies and dissolving borders, 20 years ago the technology for this Canadian to intrude on the debate is the same as for the Russians or anybody else. With Trump and the GOP your ass is currently hanging in the breeze as far as election and cyber security goes. I'm hoping that NATO will pick up the slack and attack the Russians as the try to interfere in the US elections, it would be a no brainer. I'm staying as clear as I can from the primaries and I'll jump in for the big show, not that it will do any good, but it will feel good to do something. I don't wanna take any road trips to red states and knock on doors for Bernie, I might get shot!
What economic ideology are you talking about?

Canada's economy is mainly driven by the sale of oil extracted from tar sands. Come back and proclaim a brave new world when Canada's economy and concurrent budget for social programs aren't dependent on unsustainable fossil fuel extraction.

Oh yeah, I'm referring to this:

Conservatives Furious With Trudeau Over $20B Teck Mine Project Cancellation
Teck Frontier's CEO cited a lack of climate change policies in his decision, but experts say bad economic prospects for the oil industry are likely to blame.

Kudos to Justin Trudeau for standing up against big oil. :clap: Not sarcasm, truly great leadership. Taking a big risk. Also, applaud his recognition that income from mining tar oil sands is not worth the cost. I hope there are enough votes to keep him in office when the offsetting spending cuts are made.

From what I've gathered, mostly from reading the back and forths between Canadians on this forum, there is quite a bit of political tension between those who make a living from unsustainable extraction of resources, which is the basis for Canada's economy, and those who prefer to ignore that inconvenient fact.
There are people who like Trump here too, they are the same as in America, their real motives are now crystal clear and not in the least ideological.
I agree, but the ideological division of which I speak is economic in nature and not too tied to the "culture wars" with in the ranks of the democrats.
Economics is not 'left' and 'right'. That is like saying you can only drive like a 'left' or 'right'. Nonsensical. The only ones pushing this are people with an agenda. This is why the Federal Reserve system is a quasi-government institution, so it operates outside of politics.
The Russians will no doubt seek to exploit legitimate divisions of opinion on policy and everything else, but we cannot allow it to shut down the conversation. We are dealing with a form of "information terrorism" and if people are constrained in their freedom of action and options by it the Russians win. This is an example of technological and communications affecting societies and dissolving borders, 20 years ago the technology for this Canadian to intrude on the debate is the same as for the Russians or anybody else. With Trump and the GOP your ass is currently hanging in the breeze as far as election and cyber security goes. I'm hoping that NATO will pick up the slack and attack the Russians as the try to interfere in the US elections, it would be a no brainer. I'm staying as clear as I can from the primaries and I'll jump in for the big show, not that it will do any good, but it will feel good to do something. I don't wanna take any road trips to red states and knock on doors for Bernie, I might get shot!
The Russians (and now that they exposed how effective form of warfare this is, many other countries) are using anything and everything to scare the shit out of people in the most efficient and effective manner ever created. I agree with you there. The shitty thing is that by doing so, and aiming it at everyone except the candidates they choose to support, they are making it extremely easy for those campaigns to sell their lies of what they will do for our society.

If I was you I would worry about your family and neighbors who are similarly getting attacked in your own country. It is only a matter of time before they flip the switch and push a candidate of choice on you guys next. I wouldn't doubt that it was them that pushed the blackface nonsense a little while back, at almost the same time we had a series of politicians hit with it too. Seemed pretty coordinated form the outside looking in to me.
What economic ideology are you talking about?

Canada's economy is mainly driven by the sale of oil extracted from tar sands. Come back and proclaim a brave new world when Canada's economy and concurrent budget for social programs aren't dependent on unsustainable fossil fuel extraction.

Oh yeah, I'm referring to this:

Conservatives Furious With Trudeau Over $20B Teck Mine Project Cancellation
Teck Frontier's CEO cited a lack of climate change policies in his decision, but experts say bad economic prospects for the oil industry are likely to blame.

Kudos to Justin Trudeau for standing up against big oil. :clap: Not sarcasm, truly great leadership. Taking a big risk. Also, applaud his recognition that income from mining tar oil sands is not worth the cost. I hope there are enough votes to keep him in office when the offsetting spending cuts are made.

From what I've gathered, mostly from reading the back and forths between Canadians on this forum, there is quite a bit of political tension between those who make a living from unsustainable extraction of resources, which is the basis for Canada's economy, and those who prefer to ignore that inconvenient fact.
Right and left, what you folks have been squabbling about with in the democratic party, a few democrats around here would rather cut off their own cocks than vote for Bernie because he's a socialist%^%#@$

Canada has it's issues too, you've seen me speak of them and where I stand, we can be vehemit too! Ever played hockey with a Canadian?

If the US elects the democrats and they get a hattrick, what do you think the US policy will be on global warming? How long before pipelines from Alberta are shut down or environmentally tariffed out of existence? Trudeau might be getting ahead of the curve here, how long do you think it will be before counties are sanctioned about carbon emissions, if the USA comes online and pushes the agenda?
I love @Padawanbater2, he is the left's @Bugeye. All of his links show you the hack 'journalists' doing the work for the Russian's (see John Solomon) at legitimate companies.

This guy "Matt Taibbi" stories are flooded with Anti-Comey, Russians attacking our elections are a hoax, no new criminal filings after Mueller report, The Democrats are all stupid, and I stopped at 'Ukrainegate helps Biden'. Im sure this guy ..... google search, and I didn't even have to enter his wiki page to find it.....

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Right off the bat, the title is Russian disinformation 101, it's not Russia, it is our Leaders that are using the Russian military to attack our vulnerable citizens on a constant basis using all of our data in a weaponized matter to find out and feed us all exactly what we are most afraid of.

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Unfortunately he is correct.

Brad Parscale is attacking us all full force, as are Bernies online supporters and both of their staff. And Trump as our President is firing people for trying to warn Americans about how pervasive and persistent this attack has been on our democracy.

So I went on to start reading the article:

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Attacking the news for writing about what got exposed when Trump fired the Director of National Intelligence because he did his job and informed congress that the Russians are still attacking our country, to the benefit of Trump and Bernie, and nobody is doing anything to stop it. Which is a much better reason for why people who are being flooded with propaganda designed to stick them into a nice little bubble for their cult leader of choice to the benefit of the Russians.

It is so hard to read through this garbage....

Especially this part, which completely ignores that Bill Barr came in with his 4-page summary of disinformation and black markers to ensure that Mueller would have his hands tied, and every case into the President would be choked off, to the point that just recently a bunch of prosecutors quit in protest in Trump-Russia related crimes that they were found guilty of in a court of law by 12 American Jurors who got the full story.

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Look at the flash back of Carter Page too, who Trump's DOJ filed 2 FISA on (after Comey was gone) to cast shade on the fact that they were lawfully started under Obama, when it became obvious that Trump was working with the Russians.

And also conveniently ignored is this slip up on the Republicans in Mueller's hearing:

This sweet blog goes onto list all these things that have happened, many of which I know I can point to exactly where it is found that they were done being manipulated by the Russians: BLM was being used to discourage black voters, while firing up the ones who believed they were the problem (and missed the whole point was to ask cops to please stop shooting them), Brexit has a ton of evidence about Cambridge Analytica pushing for it, whose data and psychological data profiling programs were given to the Russians to use in other elections.

Then there are the things that he stretches into a lie, that nobody credible is saying. I didn't see in any reports that Jill Stein was running because of the Russians, only that they were amplifying her message at the expense of Clinton. He wrote the same with Gabbard too.

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It is a shame that people are able to continue these lies when evidence is put forth that easily disputes the message that they are trying to say, unless they say it with a misleading tweak, like Jill Stein was 'prompted' to run, when that is not what is being shown, they were using her as a voter suppression tactic to move votes away from the Democratic Presidential nominee.

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This tool goes on for several more pages that I am not going to bother going through it all. This is what we are facing in the upcoming election, this propaganda is overwhelming and getting into every legitimate news outlet from time to time for these trolls to use so they don't have to always link to their garbage that is obviously a Russian/Saudi/Chinese Cult/Domestic Trolling website that is trying to pass itself off as 'news'.

We need to wake up as a society to what is going on with this kind of propaganda.
What did John Solomon report that was wrong? He had perhaps the most accurate reporting on the Russia collusion story. Nothing about Trump in the Mueller report was a surprise to those who read Solomons reports. Unlike the numerous false reports put out by MSNBC and CNN. Anyway, thanks for the mention, I don’t judge you.
What did John Solomon report that was wrong? He had perhaps the most accurate reporting on the Russia collusion story. Nothing about Trump in the Mueller report was a surprise to those who read Solomons reports. Unlike the numerous false reports put out by MSNBC and CNN. Anyway, thanks for the mention, I don’t judge you.
What did John Solomon report that was wrong? He had perhaps the most accurate reporting on the Russia collusion story. Nothing about Trump in the Mueller report was a surprise to those who read Solomons reports. Unlike the numerous false reports put out by MSNBC and CNN. Anyway, thanks for the mention, I don’t judge you.
is anyone buying that no collusion shit yet
What did John Solomon report that was wrong? He had perhaps the most accurate reporting on the Russia collusion story. Nothing about Trump in the Mueller report was a surprise to those who read Solomons reports. Unlike the numerous false reports put out by MSNBC and CNN. Anyway, thanks for the mention, I don’t judge you.
Such a tightrope you walk, it is about what he didn't report that all of his conclusions fall apart with. Also he (being in on the crimes being perpetrated) wasn't getting disinformation selectively leaked to them by Trump's minions on air.

Oh look "MSNBC" Lied! Ignoring though it was Trump's minions lying on the air that is the lie.
Such a tightrope you walk, it is about what he didn't report that all of his conclusions fall apart with. Also he (being in on the crimes being perpetrated) wasn't getting disinformation selectively leaked to them by Trump's minions on air.

Oh look "MSNBC" Lied! Ignoring though it was Trump's minions lying on the air that is the lie.
Oh, I see. It’s about what he didn’t report. Too funny. Well I was not even a little bit surprised the Mueller report found nothing on Trump regarding Russia conspiracies. The full story yet to be told though.
Oh, I see. It’s about what he didn’t report. Too funny. Well I was not even a little bit surprised the Mueller report found nothing on Trump regarding Russia conspiracies. The full story yet to be told though.

It's not over yet. Barr shutting everything down and changing the rules so that anything touching Trump goes through him should make for some interesting post-Trump hearings/indictments.
I'm very worried about you.
Yeah me too. The stock market tanked so my retirement went to shit. Hopefully it bounces back when I’m ready to retire in 20 years. I also just got an email letting everyone know that gowns, masks and gloves are all on back order due to the Coronavirus and we have to start conserving. Fingers crossed we get a vaccine soon! I hope you are doing well and stay safe . Thank you , good luck and take care!
Right and left, what you folks have been squabbling about with in the democratic party, a few democrats around here would rather cut off their own cocks than vote for Bernie because he's a socialist%^%#@$
I'm a Socialist Dem and have felt that way my whole life, but Sanders is in my opinion is a detriment to the Democratic party right now.
I won't vote for him in my state's caucus, not because I disagree with his ideology, which I don't, but because he's not pragmatic.
He sucking on the teats of the young voter, which is noble but really will do nothing to defeat Trump.
So, yea, I'll vote for him if he's the Dems nominee, but shit, I'd vote for a fucking gerbil over Trump.
Is Sanders the best the Dems have too offer to America?
If that's the case that he is, don't be surprised when we get 4 more years of Hell on Earth with Trump as POTUS.

It's not over yet. Barr shutting everything down and changing the rules so that anything touching Trump goes through him should make for some interesting post-Trump hearings/indictments.
The special council report was produced for the AG, not a change. Are you speaking to something else?
The special council report was produced for the AG, not a change. Are you speaking to something else?
"Are you able to charge the President of a crime when he leaves office" Clear as day, no hesitation, "Yes". No equivocation either, not just obstruction.

Moreover, when Buck said "You made the conclusion with Russian interference.....Threw a bunch of stuff against the wall."

Mueller "I do not agree with that charactorization at all....cannot charge the President with a crime" At all being very telling, Mueller never said just Obstruction, just that he cannot charge period.

There were over a hundred contacts between Trump's campaign and the Russians, and clearly Trump had, and has still been obstructing justice. He is cooked as soon as he leaves office.

And as is almost always the case, the coverup tends to be worse than the crime.

As soon as the Attorneys for President Trump got involved the coverup was covered by the AG loophole that Guiliani cooked up for Trump to use with his old client Whittaker. As soon as a AG is sworn in that is not willing to cover for Trump's illegal acts because he can figure out a way to swallow his morality to find a loophole (until it becomes impossible to 'do his job'), Trump is going to see a lot more people around him in orange.

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"Are you able to charge the President of a crime when he leaves office" Clear as day, no hesitation, "Yes". No equivocation either, not just obstruction.

Moreover, when Buck said "You made the conclusion with Russian interference.....Threw a bunch of stuff against the wall."

Mueller "I do not agree with that charactorization at all....cannot charge the President with a crime" At all being very telling, Mueller never said just Obstruction, just that he cannot charge period.

There were over a hundred contacts between Trump's campaign and the Russians, and clearly Trump had, and has still been obstructing justice. He is cooked as soon as he leaves office.

And as is almost always the case, the coverup tends to be worse than the crime.

As soon as the Attorneys for President Trump got involved the coverup was covered by the AG loophole that Guiliani cooked up for Trump to use with his old client Whittaker. As soon as a AG is sworn in that is not willing to cover for Trump's illegal acts because he can figure out a way to swallow his morality to find a loophole (until it becomes impossible to 'do his job'), Trump is going to see a lot more people around him in orange.

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There was no Trump crime so naturally the cover up (or defense some would call it) is worse. Lol