colloidal silver


Has anyone got experience with colloidal silver who wouldn't mind answering a few questions pls I've been researching for while and can't find the knowledge I'm looking for. I know how to make it where to apply it and when to apply it. What I'd like some knowledge about is what ppm should I make it and how long does take to produce pollen on a auto. I don't want to start all my plant then for it to take a while to produce pollen then it being late to pollinate my other autos. Should I start the one I'm using for pollen 1st and collect the pollen or is there enough time to start them together and pollinate and produce seeds before end if cycle. Any help or info would be appreciated
Hey man the ppm should be at 30. Autos will make them just like photos should take about a month from pollination. Start the plant you want to pollinate three weeks after the one you’re taking the pollen from.
I'm kinda on the same position. I plan on sacrificing an auto for female pollen. If I understand it correctly, I can use the pollen on another auto to make feminized auto seeds, and can also use it on photos to make feminized photos with the random auto seed.??.
I'm kinda on the same position. I plan on sacrificing an auto for female pollen. If I understand it correctly, I can use the pollen on another auto to make feminized auto seeds, and can also use it on photos to make feminized photos with the random auto seed.??.

That's how it works on photo's. I assume it would work on auto's just as well. Btw, you can treat just one branch and not the whole plant. You may even end up self polinating the mother and getting seeds in one generation if you time it correctly. Just don't smoke any of the bud you put CS on.
Greg, that's the plan, but from what I understand it takes the seeds longer to mature than the buds. Worth a shot either way I suppose.
Greg, that's the plan, but from what I understand it takes the seeds longer to mature than the buds. Worth a shot either way I suppose.
Yup, but you don't have to take the plant down until the seeds are ready. Screw the trich color; it's the seeds you want. The bud around them will still be smokeable, or you can turn them to edibles. The plants will live quite a while past senescence.
Also, check out this thread. It's exactly what you are asking about:

Hey man the ppm should be at 30. Autos will make them just like photos should take about a month from pollination. Start the plant you want to pollinate three weeks after the one you’re taking the pollen from.
Thanks for the info. Do reckon if I start the the I'm using for pollen and start the mothers 2 weeks later and leave them together they will get pollinated. I'm not worried about leaving to run longer then they should because I'm doing a seed run so I'm not to fussed about the bud on this run