What did you accomplish today?

I have 5 Whole Foods bags full of popcorn bud and frosty trim. A few are several years old. I make a shit load of canna-butter and I press a lot of rosin and hash, and I still don't keep up with the trim accumulation. Nice problem to have, I know. Anyway, I usually look forward to this time of year because of all the sub-zero days, because it is simple to freeze my trim, and keep my dry sift kief tumbler going non-stop. But this year we've only had a couple of these sub-zero days, and it is rarely falling below freezing. Nothing but high thirties, low 40s in the forecast, and tomorrow is going to be 52f and sunny! In Chicago. In late February. WTF??? I'm def going on a long bike ride, but I'm concerned that the summers are soon going to get uncomfortably hot. If our President did not keep assuring me that global warming is a liberal ruse, I might be worried...
Our summer was a tad warm, we can’t jump to conclusions though. SMH
Got me a stick in the mud non grower anti anti to tell me on a baby tent Veg . How I was fucking up and what I could do better :)

It’s just the simple things that keep you grinding
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loaded another load of stuff into the truck to take over to the new house tomorrow. i get to officially move in Thursday, and should have all my stuff there by then. gotta go by the u haul store and buy a couple of those wardrobe boxes to move the bigger plants, probably need to make a couple of trips.
early morning trips...
loaded another load of stuff into the truck to take over to the new house tomorrow. i get to officially move in Thursday, and should have all my stuff there by then. gotta go by the u haul store and buy a couple of those wardrobe boxes to move the bigger plants, probably need to make a couple of trips.
early morning trips...

Getter done .
We’ve been in Spring weather for most of this year so far here in Northern California. It’s gonna be 78F this next thursday, Feb 27th. SMH
Yeah man. It’s gonna be some bullshit this summer. This is gonna be one of this 107-115degrees for the better part of a month type of summers. I’m just hoping we can get some decent showers in beforehand. It sprinkled off and on yesterday, but not even enough to get the floor wet. Last year my garage and whole street got flooded though. Ain’t no tellin.
Just finished cleaning up after a big carby breakfast of French toast and bacon with pure maple syrup. The syrup is so good.

Next I'm on to harvesting a bunch of plants and prep more to take their place.
Today is another full day of garden work. I was down for over wk and now I've gotta lot of catching up to do.

Oh yeah, and the clones I got for my Bday are leaving quarantine for the veg room. The bare cuttings in the cloner have nubbed up and should be exploding with roots any day now.

Hope everyone enjoys a nice stoney Sunday :hug: