Bernie Sanders 2020

"establishment candidate"
"the deep state"
You're conflating two completely different things, one has a basis in reality and the other is complete bullshit. Describing Hillary as the establishment candidate would not be inaccurate and Bernie has been battling the DNC "establishment" for years. He is a product of his past experience like everybody else.
Bernie has integrity and has been self consistent for decades, this election is not about ideology on either side, its a civil war by other means. I believe Bernie can tap into the strong desire for change present in the country and also inspire the confidence in older voters too, when he is compared to Trump. Sure trump will paint him as a communist, but nobody who is not a Trumper believes a word that comes out of his mouth, the media calls him a liar all the time. Bernie represents anti corruption better than anybody and Trump the opposite, he will also most likely be a one term president because of age, so a good running mate is essential. If America wants to go left Liz would be a good choice, but Wall St would shit it collective pinstriped pants. I think Bernie might do well in the south too, poor places like WV and cut into some of the Trump 2016 trump voters who actually wanted real change. Nancy wants to talk healthcare as the number one issue this time around, with Bernie running they will know they will get it, in one form or another, it's the number one issue for most voters..
You don't know what you are talking about.

Bernie Sanders has very little integrity and a whole lot of rhetoric. He's tagged along using Democrats as a vehicle but contributed nothing of significance. When convenient, he turned on us.

Nope, Bernie has little integrity. He's not a Democrat either. He should have/could have run as a Green Party candidate in 2016 but didn't.

He has been consistently unproductive. Showed up less than 40% of the time when votes were taken in the Senate and introduced zero bills of consequence that got passed into law. His healthcare bill is a shoddy symbolic piece of bullshit. He has no hope of passing it if he's successful in preventing Democrats from winning both the presidency and the Senate, so he's being mendacious there too.

Given his abysmal support from black, Hispanic and women voters, you'd think he would have reached out to them and maybe build some relationships there. But no. He began 2017 on a tour with Perez ostensibly to unify the party. On that tour he tore at Democrats as if it were them and not Republicans who were at the time trying to abolish what little socialized healthcare we have.

The number one objective for Democrats is to beat Trump in the fall. The number one healthcare issue voiced by people, left and right, is cost of healthcare, not availability. Yet, Bernie is dragging Democrats away from talking about what people are concerned about to discuss his half baked and vague promise of a plan that begins with stripping people from plans they like.

I'll vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination. Until he does, I'm opposing him and will back any legal and ethical means used to stop him.
The proper retort is that I'm an alcoholic and my ex wife left me 13 years ago because she couldn't stand me being a fucking crazy ass combat vet.
That sucks and I'm glad you've worked your way out of that mess.

It's all in the past and can't be changed. I'd rather laugh your good joke made a Bernie Bros expense.
I'll vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination. Until he does, I'm opposing him and will back any legal and ethical means used to stop him.
I'd expect you to fight for your corner you got the right and more importantly the vote, this race is still early and so far Bernie has momentum, he might clinch it by super tuesday though. Nancy might also have a chat with Bernie about his plan, maybe help him to firm up the details a bit...
Good then, you'll vote for Bernie if he's the nominee, that's settled.
Given that lousy choice, yes I would. Sanders voted to make sure the NRA can't be sued.......all those dead little children probably haunt his memories. It's unforgivable, he helped them accrue the power they've had 30 yrs. He only helped cosponsor 30 bills in 30 years as a senator. Klobachar helped cosponsor 100 bills in 4 years, but not many know her.

Most people aren't OCD and just believe what they are fed via media outlets on TV. If I'm interested in something I research all day, sometimes for a week.
Well hopefully all you guys are not all caveman who brings that shit all in and around the house.
So you didnt have trouble having kids. allow me to do some research on that. You didnt want to leave your wife. Do I need to post that shit.
Why does rolli not want us to post PM. It would stop people like yourself from causing troble
Slide your stove out and take a pic behind it. How often do you clean out your hvac system? Baseboards if you got them. Wash your curtains? Speaker cabinets? Unless you're a complete germaphobe or just looking for something to bitch about... you're just ridiculous. You didnt let your kids play outside?

All buck did was say you're crazy. Which I agree with if you're that afraid of a little dirt on jeans when the wood floor and carpet are clean. Then you got personal. Brought his wife into it. What the hell man?
Bernie's healthcare plan isn't really addressing what most people in the US care about.

Americans are closely divided over value of medical treatments, but most agree costs are a big problem


Most patients in U.S. have high praise for their health care providers


To be honest, when the tax hikes hit the spotlight, I can see a lot of moderates picking Trump. Bernie's plan would cost 3 trillion per year. That's alomst the entire federal revenue. Guess how they'd get more revenue.
I'm working in a factory now outside of detroit. While trump is actively hurting the industry. I can confidently say that I am the only person that would vote bernie over trump
To be honest, when the tax hikes hit the spotlight, I can see a lot of moderates picking Trump. Bernie's plan would cost 3 trillion per year. That's alomst the entire federal revenue. Guess how they'd get more revenue.
Bernie's health is likely worse then what he's said. Honestly I think the guy is one stroke away from death. He's not going to survive 4 years in that job, anyways.
I'm working in a factory now outside of detroit. While trump is actively hurting the industry. I can confidently say that I am the only person that would vote bernie over trump
It's what I have seen too. The people who still want a moderate are facing harsher insults from the bernouts than they are from Trumptards.
Given that lousy choice, yes I would. Sanders voted to make sure the NRA can't be sued.......all those dead little children probably haunt his memories. It's unforgivable, he helped them accrue the power they've had 30 yrs. He only helped cosponsor 30 bills in 30 years as a senator. Klobachar helped cosponsor 100 bills in 4 years, but not many know her.

Most people aren't OCD and just believe what they are fed via media outlets on TV. If I'm interested in something I research all day, sometimes for a week.
He's from a big hunting and gun state in a time when the NRA was in ascendency, it was the times and politics. I don't think Bernie will veto any gun legislation these days, times change, to talk gun control a decade ago was the kiss of death for many a politician.