
Well-Known Member
49 days from flip.
Might be 4 or 5 weeks left till chop.

A bit of a PH problem early in the grow, not sure if the leaf edges are burnt and lifted from that or if it's a bit of nute burn from top dressings more recently. The leaves have a look of it being heat and or light stressed but I'm not sure it's related to that this grow or if it was related to the PH, could be both IDK.
A different set of clones developed a calcium deficiency from the low PH. Necrotic spots on middle fan leaves it appears to have stopped or at least slowed down since liming the soil and if I recall I may have broke out the cal/mag + for a couple of waterings at that time about 8 or 9 weeks ago while in veg.
Hopefully I can keep those leaves in check for a few weeks.
Would have liked to have had these in 5 gallon pots instead of the 3 gallon they are in, a lot was off this grow.

Managed to catch a decent picture without the flash today, normaly I'm to shaky with the camera to get a good pic without the flash.
Two different plants 1st picture with no flash.

Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
My own Black Triangle x Copper Chem f2 down at 66 days slightly bigger than average with nice mid-size buds on the LSTed girl. Lots of buds and very hard. Leans slightly to narrow leaves and lots of purple and yellow coming on.
Very heavy fuel and oily rag smell. Some black pepper. Very strong smelling at chop.