Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Also, regan was 74 when he took office, so Bernie would be 5 years older, not 10. Biden is 77. So he'd also be the oldest president ever. Imo you just don't like Bernie, you're not really raising any legitament concerns to me.
I told you the reasons I am not voting for Bernie in the primary, I will vote for him if he gets the nominee however. We know what Trump is.
He has a Harvard Law degree and got a job that pays less than Biden can earn doing 2 or 3 speeches to get. Not really 'unqualified'. And yeah it is interesting about his stutter, once I learned about it a couple months back, it made a lot more sense listening to him when he stop and change his sentence around to stop the stutter that is going to hit him mid word. I never knew either.

I don't mind Bernie, and am not saying to not vote for him, it is your vote for a reason. I am really just trying to push back on all the propaganda against everyone and lay bare the Russian/foreign/Trump trolling going on that is designed to get Trump re-elected. It is ripping apart our society and the more people understand it the better we will all be.
Ya but the lawyers statements about his responsibilities weren't adding up. So far with the evidence Ive seen I think it stinks.
Then prove it, corn poop
Silly rabbit you of all people know why I would not send any info on RIU. Hell as much shit you sent me about people in PM...really ?? You and abandon just trying to get my info ..NOT going to happen. I wonder is that really Sky picture you sent me. I think I will ask her. Let me go check some PM so I can get exact info
Silly rabbit you of all people know why I would not send any info on RIU. Hell as much shit you sent me about people in PM...really ?? You and abandon just trying to get my info ..NOT going to happen. I wonder is that really Sky picture you sent me. I think I will ask her. Let me go check some PM so I can get exact info
Just try not to lash out when nobody believes a word you say anymore.
He never doxed you
Correct. It's not the sort of thing that a veteran would do to another veteran. You would know that if you were one, but you never deployed and you were probably never in the military anyway.

Does the VA award service connected bennies for alcoholism now? Your histrionic diatribe seems really emotional and you seem unstable and really childish and petty. These personal insults based on my military service don't hurt me as much as they hurt you.

They make you seem like a fake and angry little guy. Not at all like an NCO.
Correct. It's not the sort of thing that a veteran would do to another veteran. You would know that if you were one, but you never deployed and you were probably never in the military anyway.

Does the VA award service connected bennies for alcoholism now? Your histrionic diatribe seems really emotional and you seem unstable and really childish and petty. These personal insults based on my military service don't hurt me as much as they hurt you.

They make you seem like a fake and angry little guy. Not at all like an NCO.
real vets don't go around giving accolades to other vets that are non deserving. EVER VET KNOWS THAT.
If Pete himself says he was not a combat vet but you go around saying he is , what the fuck are you doing. ?? and instead of standing down and admitting your error you double and bring bullshit between us. That's some Uncle Buck shit. Next you will be giving the man a purple heart. WTF
you have every right to vote for who ever you wish. respect the rights of others to do the same
Only people who are not respected have to go around demanding respect.
real vets don't go around giving accolades to other vets that are non deserving. EVER VET KNOWS THAT.

If Pete himself says he was not a combat vet but you go around saying he is , what the fuck are you doing. ?? and instead of standing down and admitting your error you double and bring bullshit between us. That's some Uncle Buck shit. Next you will be giving the man a purple heart. WTF

At least he deployed, unlike you.
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Silly rabbit you of all people know why I would not send any info on RIU. Hell as much shit you sent me about people in PM...really ?? You and abandon just trying to get my info ..NOT going to happen. I wonder is that really Sky picture you sent me. I think I will ask her. Let me go check some PM so I can get exact info
so then you can’t prove anything, corn poop

Thought so

Abandon is right. You are all talk. You will lsay anything.

Feel free to post any pm I have ever sent you btw. Especially if it helps you with your obvious mental breakdown
so then you can’t prove anything, corn poop

Thought so

Abandon is right. You are all talk. You will lsay anything.

Feel free to post any pm I have ever sent you btw. Especially if it helps you with your obvious mental breakdown
Yeah soon as rolli gives the ok. You have an inside connection. make it happen.
Abandon is a drunk who cant keep a wife. hmmmmm very similar to you
Also, regan was 74 when he took office, so Bernie would be 5 years older, not 10. Biden is 77. So he'd also be the oldest president ever. Imo you just don't like Bernie, you're not really raising any legitament concerns to me.

Oops that was meant for @abandonconflict
Incorrect. I was wrong though too. Donald Trump was the oldest ever inaugurated. He was 70. So Sanders would still smash that by 9 years.

In any case, the statistical remaining lifespan for a 79 year old with a recent history of heart attack is less than 3 years. This means that Sanders is unfit for a four year term in the highest office in the world and we should be demanding to see his entire medical records.
Yeah soon as rolli gives the ok. You have an inside connection. make it happen.
Abandon is a drunk who cant keep a wife. hmmmmm very similar to you
i thought I was rolli

My wife of 10 years is sitting across from me right now

What caused your obvious mental breakdown?
Yeah soon as rolli gives the ok. You have an inside connection. make it happen.
Abandon is a drunk who cant keep a wife. hmmmmm very similar to you
I'm almost 8 years sober and I'm at peace with my past relationships. I'm also a decorated combat veteran of the airborne infantry having served in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003 and Iraq 2003 to 2004. That's just from my first enlistment before I was reactivated from IRR.

I sent my dd214 to the site's top admin @rollitup and I would appreciate it if you would therefore cease to cast shade on my service to my country. You can stop hatefully lashing out at me now. It's hurting you more than it's hurting me. It makes you look like a childish and petty little guy and not at all like an NCO with honor and worthy of respect.

Is this how Bernie supporters behave?
I'm almost 8 years sober and I'm at peace with my past relationships. I'm also a decorated combat veteran of the airborne infantry having served in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2003 and Iraq 2003 to 2004. That's just from my first enlistment before I was reactivated from IRR.

I sent my dd214 to the site's top admin @rollitup and I would appreciate it if you would therefore cease to cast shade on my service to my country. You can stop hatefully lashing out at me now. It's hurting you more than it's hurting me. It makes you look like a childish and petty little guy and not at all like an NCO with honor and worthy of respect.
Simply stop giving accolades to someone undeserving of it. simple as that. He will get votes just by being a vet. Mayor Pete has never fired a weapon in combat nor has he ever received incoming. Being airborne you should know this shit. Hmmm You should know Fort Bragg I certainly know Pope Air Force base maybe we can share our times in Fayetteville
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