Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Ya she looked good last night. Genuine, just didn't give a fuck. Her and Klobuchar were assassins for Bernie, I don't think Bernie would have faired so well without those 2.
Bernie definitely would not fair so well if he releases his medical records. That's because he's dying and unelectable. He's never accomplished anything in politics except to fracture the dnc. That's why the delegates are going to nominate one of the other candidates.

Will you still vote against Trump when that happens?
Bernie definitely would not fair so well if he releases his medical records. That's because he's dying and unelectable. He's never accomplished anything in politics except to fracture the dnc. That's why the delegates are going to nominate one of the other candidates.

Will you still vote against Trump when that happens?
He's released as much as any other candidate.. They're just trying to take shots.

If DNC delegates fuck Bernie like the electoral college fucked Hillary out of popular vote, then dems lose no matter what. When the people don't have the say anymore, voting is pointless. If they screw him it will be disastrous for the entire system. Who would you vote for, Bloomberg or Trump? The only people I see up there not controlled by corporate greed is Warren and Bernie. All the others are lesser evil than Dump, so yes they'll have my vote but I will feel very betrayed (if they screw him). Imo it'll backfire for the DNC if they screw with the popular vote. They couldn't win with Hillary when there was speculation, if it happens again then it will be cemented and the party will lose constituents and much more in the years to come. Bernies the clear guy rn but every cable news is super reluctant to give any support because of their close ties to the establishment DNC. Chuck Todd is a douche bag a little off topic but figured I'd add that too lol
He's released as much as any other candidate.. They're just trying to take shots.

If DNC delegates fuck Bernie like the electoral college fucked Hillary out of popular vote, then dems lose no matter what. When the people don't have the say anymore, voting is pointless. If they screw him it will be disastrous for the entire system. Who would you vote for, Bloomberg or Trump? The only people I see up there not controlled by corporate greed is Warren and Bernie. All the others are lesser evil than Dump, so yes they'll have my vote but I will feel very betrayed (if they screw him). Imo it'll backfire for the DNC if they screw with the popular vote. They couldn't win with Hillary when there was speculation, if it happens again then it will be cemented and the party will lose constituents and much more in the years to come. Bernies the clear guy rn but every cable news is super reluctant to give any support because of their close ties to the establishment DNC. Chuck Todd is a douche bag a little off topic but figured I'd add that too lol
What a cute setup
He's released as much as any other candidate.. They're just trying to take shots.

If DNC delegates fuck Bernie like the electoral college fucked Hillary out of popular vote, then dems lose no matter what. When the people don't have the say anymore, voting is pointless. If they screw him it will be disastrous for the entire system. Who would you vote for, Bloomberg or Trump? The only people I see up there not controlled by corporate greed is Warren and Bernie. All the others are lesser evil than Dump, so yes they'll have my vote but I will feel very betrayed (if they screw him). Imo it'll backfire for the DNC if they screw with the popular vote. They couldn't win with Hillary when there was speculation, if it happens again then it will be cemented and the party will lose constituents and much more in the years to come. Bernies the clear guy rn but every cable news is super reluctant to give any support because of their close ties to the establishment DNC. Chuck Todd is a douche bag a little off topic but figured I'd add that too lol
I am curious what you have saying that about Biden, he left office without cashing in on his power. He never sold out, and wasn't a millionaire until he was out of public office and a private citizen.

If bernie doesn't have anything to hide, he shouldn't have a problem releasing his medical records, if you have a good reason why that is incorrect, please share it. The guy did just have a heart attack, and we shouldn't have to worry about trusting his VP pick will be a unelected President.
I am curious what you have saying that about Biden, he left office without cashing in on his power. He never sold out, and wasn't a millionaire until he was out of public office and a private citizen.

If bernie doesn't have anything to hide, he shouldn't have a problem releasing his medical records, if you have a good reason why that is incorrect, please share it. The guy did just have a heart attack, and we shouldn't have to worry about trusting his VP pick will be a unelected President.
He's given out the same amount of medical records as anyone else, plus 2 cardiologists clearing after his heart attack lol. What more do you want, height ? Weight? Are you a doctor? Seriously, if you're going to want more records from Bernie then you should want more records from everyone. Is a double standard.

Biden? Lmao... And you're worried about Bernie? Dude can't even make it through a sentence. I like him, but he's not for MCA either. Hunter Biden will be a drag.
He's given out the same amount of medical records as anyone else, plus 2 cardiologists clearing after his heart attack lol. What more do you want, height ? Weight? Are you a doctor? Seriously, if you're going to want more records from Bernie then you should want more records from everyone. Is a double standard.

Biden? Lmao... And you're worried about Bernie? Dude can't even make it through a sentence. I like him, but he's not for MCA either. Hunter Biden will be a drag.
The Russian hit job on Biden that Trump got impeached trying to make stick is bullshit. And you do know Biden has a stutter right? And he still holds his own in debates, he won't destroy Trump like Warren or Harris would, but he won't get walked over by him either.

Also (and most important) Biden has the best ability to win the House and Senate, and is seen to be the best candidate in the swing states. Without that even if they win the Presidency, they won't be able to get anything through Mitch, and if they lose the House they cannot investigate and expose all the Russian election interference.

I also prefer the reality that fixing the holes the Republicans poked into the ACA to get 100% of our citizens insurance is far more likely than trying to pass Medicare for all.
He's released as much as any other candidate.. They're just trying to take shots.
Bernie is 78 and had a heart attack recently. If he gets elected, he will be 79 by the inauguration. That would make him ten years older than the oldest president ever ever elected. The statistical life expectency for a 79 year old with a recent history of heart attack is less than 3 years. This would certainly make him unfit for a four year term in office.

He's unelectable and we should be demanding to see his medical records.
He's given out the same amount of medical records as anyone else, plus 2 cardiologists clearing after his heart attack lol. What more do you want, height ? Weight? Are you a doctor? Seriously, if you're going to want more records from Bernie then you should want more records from everyone. Is a double standard.

Biden? Lmao... And you're worried about Bernie? Dude can't even make it through a sentence. I like him, but he's not for MCA either. Hunter Biden will be a drag.
no one else has had a heart attack at age 80
Dd214 or it never happened. I sent mine to the site's top admin who also happens to be a Vietnam veteran. He never doxxed me. Your weak ass excuses just make you look like a liar. If you want to go around saying that you are a veteran, then prove it. Otherwise, you're just another in a long series of morons who come and say they're a veteran to get respect they don't deserve.

Put up or shut up.
He never doxed you ...I wonder why.
Really how fucking stupid are you ? Why in the fuck would I send my personal info to rolli when he shares ip addys with UB and I have the fucking PM to prove it. Well that's what UB claims when he gets info ? You dumb. I tell you what, I will be what ever you want me to be. I have no problems with what a internet loser thinks.
I just want to know why you deemed it necessary to collect a check from the VA because you could not stop drinking, Is this the reason why your wife left you ? or did she leave because you could no longer satisfy her needs...because of drunk. again I get VA news and will be more than happy to share the link on how to get a job as a census taker. You broke and poor and could use the money. Vote Bernie he can help ya, but you have to stop drinking and get off your ass. Posting on RIU is not work.

Oh and if @rollitup whats to talk Airforce talk I would love to do so. I would love to hear what tech school he went to . See if I can guess his AFSC just by him saying it. but me sending any info on this site will not fuckin happen. UB showed me why you should never ever do that
He never doxed you ...I wonder why.
Really how fucking stupid are you ? Why in the fuck would I send my personal info to rolli when he shares ip addys with UB and I have the fucking PM to prove it. Well that's what UB claims when he gets info ? You dumb. I tell you what, I will be what ever you want me to be. I have no problems with what a internet loser thinks.
I just want to know why you deemed it necessary to collect a check from the VA because you could not stop drinking, Is this the reason why your wife left you ? or did she leave because you could no longer satisfy her needs...because of drunk. again I get VA news and will be more than happy to share the link on how to get a job as a census taker. You broke and poor and could use the money. Vote Bernie he can help ya, but you have to stop drinking and get off your ass. Posting on RIU is not work.

Oh and if @rollitup whats to talk Airforce talk I would love to do so. I would love to hear what tech school he went to . See if I can guess his AFSC just by him saying it. but me sending any info on this site will not fuckin happen. UB showed me why you should never ever do that
Then prove it, corn poop
third grade jokes are all you got. Come on I thought you were better then that.
but seriously did your wife leave you or did you guys work that shit out.
it was me considering leaving my wife, ya lie filled corn pooper

And we’re on solid ground. Unlike you with your obvious mental breakdown
He's given out the same amount of medical records as anyone else, plus 2 cardiologists clearing after his heart attack lol. What more do you want, height ? Weight? Are you a doctor? Seriously, if you're going to want more records from Bernie then you should want more records from everyone. Is a double standard.

Biden? Lmao... And you're worried about Bernie? Dude can't even make it through a sentence. I like him, but he's not for MCA either. Hunter Biden will be a drag.
Shame when you can't have your sons help on the campaign trail because he out smoking crack
The Russian hit job on Biden that Trump got impeached trying to make stick is bullshit. And you do know Biden has a stutter right? And he still holds his own in debates, he won't destroy Trump like Warren or Harris would, but he won't get walked over by him either.

Also (and most important) Biden has the best ability to win the House and Senate, and is seen to be the best candidate in the swing states. Without that even if they win the Presidency, they won't be able to get anything through Mitch, and if they lose the House they cannot investigate and expose all the Russian election interference.

I also prefer the reality that fixing the holes the Republicans poked into the ACA to get 100% of our citizens insurance is far more likely than trying to pass Medicare for all.
No I wasn't aware that Biden had a stutter. That changes my opinion on his speech. I thought the Hunter Biden story had a stink to it. You have to be more mindful when you're the VP. You've got to know the connections people will make when your son has 0 qualifications to be on the board of a company like that in a nation that's known for corruption. If he was a CIA plant then I can understand, but thats about the only thing I can see that would make it legitament.

I still like Bernie, I still like MCA. People thought that Obama wasnt going to be able to pass his sweeping reform, but it happened. The pundits all talked like Hillary was a shoe in last time, you're saying the same things they are this time around. I think your guys' assumptions and fears are more wishful thinking than anything, I say let it play out. They didn't think trump had a chance and here we are. No one knows the real variables that matter or what makes people vote. They're mostly just trying to herd the cattle towards the guy that's paid the most or offering the most in favors, imo.

I like biden a bit more but I like MCA, and like Bernie. He been saying the and things since forever, and imo we've gone way to far right, we don't need a moderate, we need someone that will bring it back to historical norms. I'm not saying Bernie gets everything he wants done, but I think you have to try to go more than middle ground, if you actually want to get to middle ground with these trumpers.
It is a good thing Biden is not into nepotism like our current President huh.

Doesn't change that he never cashed in on his political office. But we've been down this road before huh.
No I wasn't aware that Biden had a stutter. That changes my opinion on his speech. I thought the Hunter Biden story had a stink to it. You have to be more mindful when you're the VP. You've got to know the connections people will make when your son has 0 qualifications to be on the board of a company like that in a nation that's known for corruption. If he was a CIA plant then I can understand, but thats about the only thing I can see that would make it legitament.

I still like Bernie, I still like MCA. People thought that Obama wasnt going to be able to pass his sweeping reform, but it happened. The pundits all talked like Hillary was a shoe in last time, you're saying the same things they are this time around. I think your guys' assumptions and fears are more wishful thinking than anything, I say let it play out. They didn't think trump had a chance and here we are. No one knows the real variables that matter or what makes people vote. They're mostly just trying to herd the cattle towards the guy that's paid the most or offering the most in favors, imo.

I like biden a bit more but I like MCA, and like Bernie. He been saying the and things since forever, and imo we've gone way to far right, we don't need a moderate, we need someone that will bring it back to historical norms. I'm not saying Bernie gets everything he wants done, but I think you have to try to go more than middle ground, if you actually want to get to middle ground with these trumpers.
He has a Harvard Law degree and got a job that pays less than Biden can earn doing 2 or 3 speeches to get. Not really 'unqualified'. And yeah it is interesting about his stutter, once I learned about it a couple months back, it made a lot more sense listening to him when he stop and change his sentence around to stop the stutter that is going to hit him mid word. I never knew either.

I don't mind Bernie, and am not saying to not vote for him, it is your vote for a reason. I am really just trying to push back on all the propaganda against everyone and lay bare the Russian/foreign/Trump trolling going on that is designed to get Trump re-elected. It is ripping apart our society and the more people understand it the better we will all be.
It is a good thing Biden is not into nepotism like our current President huh.

Doesn't change that he never cashed in on his political office. But we've been down this road before huh.
Also, regan was 74 when he took office, so Bernie would be 5 years older, not 10. Biden is 77. So he'd also be the oldest president ever. Imo you just don't like Bernie, you're not really raising any legitament concerns to me.

Oops that was meant for @abandonconflict
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