What did you accomplish today?

So, 2 of the 4 were "customers" of mine, and asked me if I had any weed. I said I did, but hadn't broke it up yet. Minutes later they pull over, its about 11pm at night. We are on a road that has a stone quarry and its about 100 feet away. The driver says he has to take a "leak." So everybody gets out, I'm thinking so its a pitstop to pee, right? I try to pee and while doing so I get hit in the head with the buckle of a belt........with my pecker out, no less.
LOL, so I get that lil guy tucked in and I'm barely lucid......seeing stars......

within seconds I have 4 dudes surrounding me, swinging punches and mostly missing......I hit one in the throat with a punch and hes eliminated from the fray....At some point one guy squats down BEHIND ME and another pushes me over top of him.....I go down.

Now they get the bright idea to pick me up and carry me to the quarrys edge, its probably a 100 ft drop.....Im screamin at the top of my lungs, swinging wildly and Im about 185 lbs (heavier then any of them).........They couldn't get me any closer then about 20 feet.....They give up and drive away.

When I was down from being pushed over I got kicked in the left side of my upper nose. After they left I found a paper bag on the side of the road, eventually. I held it to my face and it actually STUCK. Walked to my Dads house (I was a senior in high school)....climbed in a window about 1 am///quarter pound down my pants in a ziplock........found my bed and fell out.

Mom woke me for school and screamed. The left orbit of my eye got kicked in........they drove me to the ER and after consultation with doctors/nurses my Dad said he could pay for an operation but it would break him........I said "Nah"...stayed home a few days and smoked up............it healed up pretty good, not very noticeable unless u run a finger on the left side of my upper nose....huge bone or something there.

100% true
So, 2 of the 4 were "customers" of mine, and asked me if I had any weed. I said I did, but hadn't broke it up yet. Minutes later they pull over, its about 11pm at night. We are on a road that has a stone quarry and its about 100 feet away. The driver says he has to take a "leak." So everybody gets out, I'm thinking so its a pitstop to pee, right? I try to pee and while doing so I get hit in the head with the buckle of a belt........with my pecker out, no less.
LOL, so I get that lil guy tucked in and I'm barely lucid......seeing stars......

within seconds I have 4 dudes surrounding me, swinging punches and mostly missing......I hit one in the throat with a punch and hes eliminated from the fray....At some point one guy squats down BEHIND ME and another pushes me over top of him.....I go down.

Now they get the bright idea to pick me up and carry me to the quarrys edge, its probably a 100 ft drop.....Im screamin at the top of my lungs, swinging wildly and Im about 185 lbs (heavier then any of them).........They couldn't get me any closer then about 20 feet.....They give up and drive away.

When I was down from being pushed over I got kicked in the left side of my upper nose. After they left I found a paper bag on the side of the road, eventually. I held it to my face and it actually STUCK. Walked to my Dads house (I was a senior in high school)....climbed in a window about 1 am///quarter pound down my pants in a ziplock........found my bed and fell out.

Mom woke me for school and screamed. The left orbit of my eye got kicked in........they drove me to the ER and after consultation with doctors/nurses my Dad said he could pay for an operation but it would break him........I said "Nah"...stayed home a few days and smoked up............it healed up pretty good, not very noticeable unless u run a finger on the left side of my upper nose....huge bone or something there.

100% true
What is an upper nose? I just have a nose.
What is an upper nose? I just have a nose.
I was going to ask “ how big does a nose have to be to have an upper and a lower region “ but after reading the rest of the story I didn’t have the heart to say anything.

So, 2 of the 4 were "customers" of mine, and asked me if I had any weed. I said I did, but hadn't broke it up yet. Minutes later they pull over, its about 11pm at night. We are on a road that has a stone quarry and its about 100 feet away. The driver says he has to take a "leak." So everybody gets out, I'm thinking so its a pitstop to pee, right? I try to pee and while doing so I get hit in the head with the buckle of a belt........with my pecker out, no less.
LOL, so I get that lil guy tucked in and I'm barely lucid......seeing stars......

within seconds I have 4 dudes surrounding me, swinging punches and mostly missing......I hit one in the throat with a punch and hes eliminated from the fray....At some point one guy squats down BEHIND ME and another pushes me over top of him.....I go down.

Now they get the bright idea to pick me up and carry me to the quarrys edge, its probably a 100 ft drop.....Im screamin at the top of my lungs, swinging wildly and Im about 185 lbs (heavier then any of them).........They couldn't get me any closer then about 20 feet.....They give up and drive away.

When I was down from being pushed over I got kicked in the left side of my upper nose. After they left I found a paper bag on the side of the road, eventually. I held it to my face and it actually STUCK. Walked to my Dads house (I was a senior in high school)....climbed in a window about 1 am///quarter pound down my pants in a ziplock........found my bed and fell out.

Mom woke me for school and screamed. The left orbit of my eye got kicked in........they drove me to the ER and after consultation with doctors/nurses my Dad said he could pay for an operation but it would break him........I said "Nah"...stayed home a few days and smoked up............it healed up pretty good, not very noticeable unless u run a finger on the left side of my upper nose....huge bone or something there.

100% true

I had a bike wreck that busted my face up pretty bad, my “ upper lip “ was split into and swoll inside out and scabbed to my nose . It was a horrible site .

True story
How old is she? My sisters due date was the 15th but the little one needed to brew a few more days. I've been awake for like 32 hours straight, I tried sleeping this morning but I'm so wired I can barely close my eyes.
7. She is my first of 3. She was sooo close to my birthday, if she could of held on just a lil longer...grandma was so salty as she crept up on it. Ex wife.lol
FYI. I filed my taxes on 2/9 electronically. Yesterday I got the State refund, today I got the Fed refund. YMMV but file early before the wait gets long

Yep, I did mine on the 10th and got mine in my bank today.

Apparently, I was so fucking baller in 2019 that it was the first time I didn't qualify for the EIC. So in other words I worked so many hours of overtime, sucking my life away, that I was just working poor enough to not qualify for shit lol.
Went to put up some unused exhaust fans in my garage and found my old dive gear. Just masks, fins, and weight belt. Guess I'll get them posted on Craigslist once I figure out a price, I'll never dive again unfortunately. Beer shelf is filled, porterhouse steak and potatoes on the grill for dinner, possibly broccoli also. I made some little foil packets with olive oil, salt and pepper, potatoes and mushrooms last time. The wife requested I make them again. Buds and suds in a bit.
Yep, I did mine on the 10th and got mine in my bank today.

Apparently, I was so fucking baller in 2019 that it was the first time I didn't qualify for the EIC. So in other words I worked so many hours of overtime, sucking my life away, that I was just working poor enough to not qualify for shit lol.

Crazy. I filed 2/9 and still dont have state or fed. This is the first year I claimed credit for solar and wind power installation so Im guessing thats a longer process than EIC.
Crazy. I filed 2/9 and still dont have state or fed. This is the first year I claimed credit for solar and wind power installation so Im guessing thats a longer process than EIC.

Could be. I think the excuse they give for EIC is that EIC is "often abused". So they need to check more thoroughly. Or make poor people wait even longer for the money the government stole from their paycheck and kept for a year, interest free. I forget which one it is.
We have a real wildfire problem here in NorCal. So while waiting for a soil delivery truck out at the end of the farm driveway yesterday, the local Fire Lieutenant drove by and stopped to talk. I received the entire 20min fire safety presentation. So....I need to clear much more brush & he asked about any water storage on the property. So I need to make a blue reflective sign with '2500gl water' on my gate and some blue arrows to guide them to the water tank...
Yep and watch out for the violations to come if you don't. They tagged a bunch of neighbors down here. Even empty lots next to lots with structures..