Useful Seeds

Actually I’d be willing to bet if you just put in the order notes “please no outdoor freebies” they would be happy to oblige. Not like it’s a super hard request to fulfill, and plenty of us plain and simple cannot grow outdoors no matter how hard we’d like to.
DCSE would, yeah.

I bought 3 packs of Useful fems and the freebie at the time was a small pack of Useful regs for buyin ONE pack. So I said to Paul I want just FEMS this yr, keep the regs. He hooked me up with a 10 pack of Mass Medical fems.
Got Goji OG from Mass Med as a freebie last yr, it said OUTDOOR grow on the packet. So I gave it to a local dealer to grow out, he got almost a pound out of one plant on his property....outdoor.....has a tendency to herm indoors, from what I've read online 20-25% chance

Actually it was Goji PUPIL, my bad.......goji og x starpupil
I spend more time with plants than people.. I approach them all like they could be hermys. But on occasion one gets by me.
Well lucky lucky me. I was browsing glg and what happens to pop up..Black lime reserve f4’s. Was gonna wait for choco diesel but when does an opportunity like that come up. I can’t imagine that someone didn’t go though with the purchase.
Dang! Lucky you! I keep looking for a restock of a couple items. I guess I need to be more diligent. Enjoy those goodies.
Plants and pets > most ppl in 2016----> 2020!

Don't personalize this, I mean "in general"..........The day ppl elect a criminal for president? It's the times we live in.
Clinton used to be a key player in bringing coke into America while he was governor of Arkansas. Look up Mena Arkansas and the 2 boys that got killed on railroad tracks there in the 80s.
How goes it, Useful? Cold day here, even had a bit of snow......AGAIN
Pretty cold here as well, ya know it's been cold when the radio station let's ya know it's gonna be 5 ABOVE zero tonight.............hahaha.

Garden is goin well, had some folks return a few cuts that I lost with the whole tree incident, even had a couple people send me things out of the kindness of their hearts....good stuff !!!! A good friend out west hunted through a BUNCH of seeds that I sent him, and he has blessed me with 2 special cuts. Bag of Oranges x Chocolate Trip, and a Pre 98 Bubba x Chocolate Trip.

Lot's of other things goin on as well.....the reversals are goin well, gettin a bunch of pollen collected. Adub, Kosher Tangie, Bag of Oranges, Chocolate Diesel, and a few surprises.
Clinton used to be a key player in bringing coke into America while he was governor of Arkansas. Look up Mena Arkansas and the 2 boys that got killed on railroad tracks there in the 80s.
I know I couldnt get a gram into the US. So tons and tons can only be accomplished with some sort of help. The CIA was trading guns for coke in the 80's.. fact And I'm sure we're involved with poppy producers in some way. It's crazy to think that were giving money to people who use that money to kill Americans.. Please tell me I'm off my rocker.