Useful Seeds

hah I've got so many plants at different stages in my big flower tent, I'll look at one, and then the one next to it, thinking "why are you sooooo smallllllll why do you haaaaate me???!?!??" only to realize that its like a month younger than the other one :)
[/QUOTE.. I know what your saying .. I got another room of vegging ones but forgot to mark calendar start flowering .. so could be three weeks or more yet .. then I got a seed mixed up and it's a taller haze think moby dick and its foot in half taller then all the others , snapped top so it wouldn't get into the lights ..
That jungle spice x chocolate diesel sounds like good indica cross , may have to grab a pack of that .. anyone running that one ?
I ran the jungle chocolate. Had 2, one was full on pine smell the other a bit more menthol/noxzema. Both smoke clean not heavy on the pine flavor but it's there real subtle. Wouldn't call it couch lock but its definitely got some sit the F down in it when smoked. Bushy gal with large leaves and short internodes on both.
Thanks for the support, but for some strange reason they are listed as an f3 feminized, they are regs. I messaged him to correct that issue. The last thing I need is folks posting pics of Chocolate Diesel males, when they thought they bought
Saw post on instagram saying regs but saw his said fems .. which figured it was incorrect .. just bonus of pollen to collect
Hey fam, just checking in. Not a ton going on yet, but I’ve officially got the 4x4 up and final living soil containers (4x 15 gallon) filled with the cover crops and mulching. At least 4 of my 7 seedlings will go in there. Unfortunately, for the other 2 that are kept (6 total), I don’t think I’ll be able to prepare their homes in advance :( Would be nice to have all 6 prepared a bit in advance to let the bennies establish, but probably gonna have to prepare the last two at the time of transplant.

Here’s the seedlings at day 12 from germ, moving right along.


And here’s the new 4x4 with the final pots for four of these seedlings:
Well lucky lucky me. I was browsing glg and what happens to pop up..Black lime reserve f4’s. Was gonna wait for choco diesel but when does an opportunity like that come up. I can’t imagine that someone didn’t go though with the purchase.
Got Goji OG from Mass Med as a freebie last yr, it said OUTDOOR grow on the packet. So I gave it to a local dealer to grow out, he got almost a pound out of one plant on his property....outdoor.....has a tendency to herm indoors, from what I've read online 20-25% chance

Actually it was Goji PUPIL, my bad.......goji og x starpupil

Nice to know that Goji Pupil does good outdoors. I got those freebies too but didn't run them because of the hermie thing. Cool of him to mark them that way and let people know. I got mine with an order of Pupil Stardog, which were great seeds. Nice enough I used one in a chuck. Still, I kind of wish I'd gotten a free-be I could run indoors but beggers can't be choosers as they say and now that I know they turned out nice outdoors I might actually pop them after all., that or give them to someone who's looking for something new outdoors.

Do you happen to know how early they finished up?
Nice to know that Goji Pupil does good outdoors. I got those freebies too but didn't run them because of the hermie thing. Cool of him to mark them that way and let people know. I got mine with an order of Pupil Stardog, which were great seeds. Nice enough I used one in a chuck. Still, I kind of wish I'd gotten a free-be I could run indoors but beggers can't be choosers as they say and now that I know they turned out nice outdoors I might actually pop them after all., that or give them to someone who's looking for something new outdoors.

Do you happen to know how early they finished up?
Mid October I believe...he was selling bud by the end of Oct

I don't think he used any nutes whatsoever, lol. Was still decent weed though.
Nice to know that Goji Pupil does good outdoors. I got those freebies too but didn't run them because of the hermie thing. Cool of him to mark them that way and let people know. I got mine with an order of Pupil Stardog, which were great seeds. Nice enough I used one in a chuck. Still, I kind of wish I'd gotten a free-be I could run indoors but beggers can't be choosers as they say and now that I know they turned out nice outdoors I might actually pop them after all., that or give them to someone who's looking for something new outdoors.

Do you happen to know how early they finished up?
Actually I’d be willing to bet if you just put in the order notes “please no outdoor freebies” they would be happy to oblige. Not like it’s a super hard request to fulfill, and plenty of us plain and simple cannot grow outdoors no matter how hard we’d like to.