Aussie Growers Thread

that’s not true. Only large bodies Of water are effected by the moons gravitational pull. Your backyard pool doesn’t have enough volume and therefore not enough mass to be effected by gravity. By that logic we’re all effected by the gravitational pull of the sun but we aren’t, only the earth as a whole is. Gravity effect all matter the same, more mass in the matter = more effected by gravity. Physics 101
Hahaha how’d I know u’d be the first to chime in.. sheesh.
Its like this, I, like millions of others, like to flip and harvest my garden according to the moon. All my grows have been outdoor during veg and in for flower. Whether gardening by the moon has any significant effect I don’t know for certain but the sacs seem to swell accordingly..? Safasteve likes to go by moon cycles too, why don’t u ask him if he notices any benefits from it?
That’s a fair amount of swing ozy....
Yea I noticed no real improvement running 1500ppm and 1200 tbh.
Probably too late now you’ve changed to led but did you try running your room warmer at 30C?
I didn’t realise how much this affects them when dosing co2.
The higher temp is 2nd in-line of importance for me, (more intense lighting being priority)
Helps put plants into overdrive I think.
I personally found growing in dwc a lot easier to tune in to the plants when dosing co2.
I could monitor how much water/nutes the plant is drinking or not and match my RH to suit.
Just gotta watch the RH doesn’t drop too low with those temps or the stomatas will start to close and you just waste the co2 addition.

Try running your room a little warmer if you haven’t already and see if you see any improvement?? 8)

It is a bit of swing, I’m still playing with the offsets in the Intelliclimate unit so that things aren’t constantly switching. This is the first run since commissioning the new room. Things are going fairly well so far if you spotted the pic the other day.
I’ve been pushing everything moderately thus far, Temps, EC, CO2, lights etc..and still trying to maintain VPD. I’ll try and push things a bit harder, or back things off on the next run when I know the limits from this one.
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Hahaha how’d I know u’d be the first to chime in.. sheesh.
Its like this, I, like millions of others, like to flip and harvest my garden according to the moon. All my grows have been outdoor during veg and in for flower. Whether gardening by the moon has any significant effect I don’t know for certain but the sacs seem to swell accordingly..? Safasteve likes to go by moon cycles too, why don’t u ask him if he notices any benefits from it?

majority of planting by the moon is a hand me down from the pre industrial era. When communities sowed seed by hand and often under the light of the full moon. Further back many civilisations based their calendar of moon cycles.

the moon is pretty important but it’s gravitational pull is actually pretty weak which is why it only effect literally the heaviest thing on the earth, the ocean and every waterway connected to it.
Believe it or not, able see it or not, gravitational effects or not, I have an absolute bitch of a time trying to sleep around full moon.

It's a well-known phenomenon & any fisherman will tell you that a day before full moon & two days afterwards are the best time to catch fish, as that's when they go into a feeding frenzy.

Take a look at stock markets around full moon. They also go a bit crazy. I have my own theory about that one (involving traditional Jewish holidays, but I won't go into it here unless anyone's interested to hear my theory).
Bastard has hermied on me. Tossing up weather to kill it or try and pick as many pollen sacks off (might be futile) but since it's my only plant this year, maybe I'll grow it....not sure what to do lol. I wasted too much time on the thing haha 20200219_171526.jpg
“Many people dismiss myths concerning the influence of the moon, but real effects are being found through science.

Lunacy linked to the moon
Lunacy and lunatic stem from luna, the Latin word for moon. It is believed that people were more likely to show erratic behavior during a full moon.

A publication on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service titled lunar effect- biological tides and human emotions, shows extensive analyses of data on human behavior. Lunar astronomy accurately indicated that the repression of the moon’s gravitational influence brings about social tension, disharmony and bizarre results.
Another study looked at data over a 5-year periodfrom police records in Florida, which showed an increase in cases of homicide and aggravated assault around full moons.

The moon could affect our sleep patterns [...]
, a study definitively showed that the moon’s phases affect human sleep.

In most of the sleep studies, research participants were not aware of the moon phase or time cues.

Researchers followed 1,000 births in a hospital in Kyoto, Japan, where the mothers were not induced. Their study showed more babies were born when the moon was the closest to Earth, when the gravitational pull is the strongest.”

Take a look at stock markets around full moon. They also go a bit crazy. I have my own theory about that one (involving traditional Jewish holidays, but I won't go into it here unless anyone's interested to hear my theory).

Lets hear it

Bastard has hermied on me. Tossing up weather to kill it or try and pick as many pollen sacks off (might be futile) but since it's my only plant this year, maybe I'll grow it....not sure what to do lol. I wasted too much time on the thing haha View attachment 4483095

If its your only plant no harm in growing it out
It is a bit of swing, I’m still playing with the offsets in the Intelliclimate unit so that things aren’t constantly switching. This is the first run since commissioning the new room. Things are going fairly well so far if you spotted the pic the other day.
I’ve been pushing everything moderately thus far, Temps, EC, CO2, lights etc..and still trying to maintain VPD. I’ll try and push things a bit harder, or back things off on the next run when I know the limits from this one.
Sounds like you’ve got your head around it ozy! Takes a while to get the hang of it and then dial everything in but when you do, that’s when the results will show!
When dosing co2 is when I got a lot better at reading my plants (I’m sure you were the same?)
I’ve got a 4 burner generator and found it was a bit too big for my 2m x 2m x 2m tent.
Once in a 3m x 3m room I found I had less fluctuation to my set point.
what size generator do you have in what size room/tent ozy??
Bastard has hermied on me. Tossing up weather to kill it or try and pick as many pollen sacks off (might be futile) but since it's my only plant this year, maybe I'll grow it....not sure what to do lol. I wasted too much time on the thing haha View attachment 4483095
That sucks man!
Nothing to loose if it’s your only plant I reckon... maybe the neighbour does if he/she has any on the go though!? Lol.
Yep. They’ve spent their whole vegetive life outdoors.
And regardless of inside or out there’s no escaping the gravitational pull created by the moon phases. If u contain water then you’re affected by it, whether you’re laying in bed or directly under the stars;)
They were talking about new scientific evidence on how the moon affects plants at night. One guy was wondering if there would be any negative effects on taking his plant inside at night? Apparently it’s beneficial to a small degree if left outdoors. But I couldn’t understand why it would be any different indoors or out....? And I’m sure if there was it probably isn’t visible to the human eye!?
I’ll try and find the write up lol.