Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
its a strange one.

the theory of the seed falling onto the plant and the plant encasing it could be viable but for it to happen on two plants?

its so hard to tell where a BS flag is appropriate.


Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to go with BS. Failing that, perhaps some parasitic plant penetrated the stem and grew a seed in it. What's your take on it?


Well-Known Member
If he didnt have the seedling growing, id say it was mineral salt build up in the stem, as all the water/ferts are uptaken in the stem, especially as he says it was rock hard, which sounds like a mineral build up, im sitting on the fence with it, leaning to the side of BS.

Nobody can know for sure if that seedling came from a stem??

mr west

Well-Known Member
and its not even april the first lol. Cannabis has been around for years and malenia im sure something would of beeen documented somewhere bout seeds in stems. Im staying on the side with the fertilizer lol pure guano


Well-Known Member
where did my BS flag go? i def put it up lol.

yeh im staying on the quano side to mate :lol:


Well-Known Member
its fookin freezing here, snowing like mad!

anyway. just a pic of all of them and the second pic is of the plant that started as the freak. and grew really quickly.

it has strange leaves. there almost rubbery? its nothing major i dont think but we will ride it out and see.

3rd pic is how much its snowed here already this morning thought id share lol.


mr west

Well-Known Member
juicy leavs is good lol. I Hate snow brrrrrrr i always fall over in the snow for some reason lol, Der, stoner and slippy icey stuff lmao

mr west

Well-Known Member
ziss is to be hexpected Im surprised my sig is still there. Clicks heals together and goose steps away


Well-Known Member
juicy leavs is good lol. I Hate snow brrrrrrr i always fall over in the snow for some reason lol, Der, stoner and slippy icey stuff lmao
lmao, i fell over this morning. lost my feet when i got outa the car on a grid hidden under the snow. doh!

Strange how things just dissapear eh Fyfe? iv had my signature wiped without notice, think someone didnt approve of it :lol:
yeh it just vanished overnight lol. maybe someone didnt like the fact that i took it from another forum? ah well

so that plant with rubbery leaves is A ok then?


Well-Known Member
ziss is to be hexpected Im surprised my sig is still there. Clicks heals together and goose steps away
:lol: goose steps

you mean the part about them reading your private messages?

what's the 'its not a race' pic from mr west?


Well-Known Member
cheeky sods. not so private, private messages are they!

good job iv never really said anything that could come back at me on private.

only messages to londoner lol.


Well-Known Member
Its probably just to make sure dodgy dealings arnt going on, I imagine lots of people try to get contacts from places like this. So unless youre trying to buy/sell 50oz of green I doubt anyone but the administrators would see the messages. I hope anyway. Hope its not a conspiracy to bust the personal home growers!

mr west

Well-Known Member
i wasnt selling or buying anything. Its cuz i mentioned another website in the pm and that a few users went there after similer issues lol bloody politics and paranoia lol