Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Fyfe, nice set up ya got going there! I took about an hour and half browsin thru this thread while i watched a hockey game... Looks like your girlies will grow up healthy and strong, even the leggy wench previously mentioned. There's another option than transplanting further up the stem too, put a tiny oscillating fan in there on low and that could build up their stem strength... it'll for sure help once they get loaded with buds too; otherwise I say for sure transplant a little higher:eyesmoke: up the stem. I see that you're a little past the two week mark, see any males yet?
Thanks for the first post on my journal too! :)

Hi cogogrow, Yeh the lanky one will be taken car of, im not worried it will do its own thing lol.

i might have spotted a male last night but sshhhh. im not saying anything till i can make sure. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well i was impatient and decided i was going to transplant last night, minly because i was bored and had no smoke.

the pics are of the rootballs and then the plant in its new pot.

i think i may have a male already, im not 100% yet though so we will need to wait and see on that one.


learing the ways

Well-Known Member
thanx fyfe, erm the oldest is 9 days old today, and the youngest is 4 days i believe. its going alot better than my first grow attempt so im happy so far =-) just read the last few pages of ur grow journal, as i do everyday lol. erm,,, dont mean too be rude but i think that conversation was heading down the porno route lol, neways looking good. there like 18 days old now right? just wondering coz i think im gona transplant at 3 weeks.then stick them under the flower light


Well-Known Member
Those rootballs are for sure lookin good. I think that they'll enjoy their new space to spread out.
Keep on Truckin'!


Well-Known Member
i leave you guys alone for 5 mins and my journal ends up full of leggy girls with fanny batter :lol:

:oops: sowwy :lol: Plants lookin nice Fyfe man, bet ya cant wait to find out which are ladies eh?

Your bang on with the re-pot too, that rootball was just ready to be moved into its new home ;-)


Well-Known Member
thanx fyfe, erm the oldest is 9 days old today, and the youngest is 4 days i believe. its going alot better than my first grow attempt so im happy so far =-) just read the last few pages of ur grow journal, as i do everyday lol. erm,,, dont mean too be rude but i think that conversation was heading down the porno route lol, neways looking good. there like 18 days old now right? just wondering coz i think im gona transplant at 3 weeks.then stick them under the flower light
Porn???? Where???? tell me :lol:

Yeh there about 18 days i think. i'l need to check back the journal for the proper date. yeh transplanting at three weeks would be just about right. i was slightly early transplanting.

pots are about 3.5ltr i think.


Well-Known Member
:oops: sowwy :lol: Plants lookin nice Fyfe man, bet ya cant wait to find out which are ladies eh?

Your bang on with the re-pot too, that rootball was just ready to be moved into its new home ;-)

Haha! no worries mate it was a laugh to come back to :lol:

yeh one of them was a little early but the rest were just about ready i think.

the one that never really needed transplanting yet is tiny, you cant tell from the pics but even the new plated seedling are bigger than it already hight wise.

my guess is its an original lowryder.

i can wait to see which one's are female. not to long hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Well at the moment mate, no news is good news on the sexing as the males show first, my LR2 that i grew showed its first fem preflower at around day 21 i think.


Well-Known Member
yeh its a good thing, mine should start to show by the weekend. but they will show when they do i suppose, i dont mind the wait.

I see tiny little balls on one, only one or two, like mini ballbearing's. really mini.

im not ruling it out as male yet though. i'l wait a few days.


Well-Known Member
yea the balls do sound like male pre's mate, but like ya say leave em a bit to be sure, sometimes the first female pre flower calyx's dont show theyre pistils at first, the balls normally form into little clusters of balls before any of em open.

Ya know what fem pre flowers look like dont ya?



Well-Known Member
yea the balls do sound like male pre's mate, but like ya say leave em a bit to be sure, sometimes the first female pre flower calyx's dont show theyre pistils at first, the balls normally form into little clusters of balls before any of em open.

Ya know what fem pre flowers look like dont ya?

Yeh im pretty sure it is a male, but i dont like saying it :-P lets just pretend its nothing yet :lol:

Yeh iv seen quite a few pics of the preflowers on the net and i had a butchers at some of my uncles planst over the last couple of months. oh and i has preflowers on my bagseed :-P


Well-Known Member
Pre-flowers on ya bag seed is pretty cool mate
HaHa na i wasnt complainin :lol:

Yeh i thought so to, took them like 3 months but there's little pistils Showing.

i might take it up my uncles and tick it under the 400 hps on 12/12 with his plants. just to see whats it turns out like.

just getting it there without anyone seeing is the problem.

its not small anymore :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
too big for a bin liner? or two bin liners 1 with the bottom cut off and taped to the top of the other one?


Well-Known Member
a dyson hoover box is good for moving plants that r big
Yeh it should fit in a bin liner. it might be a little bit to tall. so maybe to on top. im fresh out of dyson boxes unfortunately.

cheers i'l ask him if i can move it tonight, its abit big for a house plant in the living room :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Good luck with that then. 1 bin liner over the top and one from the bottom will do it. U gotta drive it far? Or are u walking down the road with it?


Well-Known Member
well i can see his house from mine but im lazy so i'l stick it in the bimmer and drive down lol.

i hate walking since i passed my test.