Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?

You should know by now they never leave when they say they're going to leave

it's just a sad ploy for attention
Usually the "new" socks go straight for @UncleBuck but I have noticed a pattern. They usually go off for a couple pages about how civil they are and try to make it out like he's picking on them angrily. This guy just started that (but this time on me) so I think he's going to be here for at least a few more posts. He has to carefully create the illusion that he's a nice mature guy and that I'm just picking on him. It's not easy for a new account.

He also has to convince everyone that I'm a racist gay Mexican who's 25 years old.
I’m from Poughkeepsie NY , I might know you lol jk . Never been to prison but i did 2 consecutive 11/29’s in Volusia co. FL Daytona Beach for a half lb of crippy weed, I would not want to be a CO ! Paving seems hot , but those guys always seem to be leaning on a shove/rake & the older dudes with beer guts sit on a machine? That’s a stuck in traffic point of view , watching something for a minute doesn’t equate to doing it ! You know what else is hot , shotcrete in an Olympic swimming pool in a hole with no wind . Its like an oven with no breeze . Google it . Not sure the point of your post , I’m not 20 or trying to be tough . You seem to have adapted to the 20 year old‘s language or lack of it lol! You could have said AT faster then @ lol! You seem cool I’ve read your posts in the NORMAL weed threads , hypocrisy is my problem with the politics forum not you . I’m out before RIO starts charging me rent like the rest that live here lol!!!
I'm from Hudson, NY.
Ended up 60 miles NW of Hudson, NY......I'm hardly a typical 60+ yr old, grew up in a party area....23 miles NE of Woodstock, NY (Hudson, NY).

Never altered myself for a job or a woman.......I don't change, the ppl around me do.
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Okay. I will leave you with this. You are obviously a misplaced troll of ethnic diversity and sexuality issues. There are help programs for that. A colored individual of unknown sexual orientation posing Cpt. Kirk. An arrogant, self indulgent sexist pig at best. I truly hope you get help. Noone should suffer as you obviously are. Peace and best wishes.
Hi, still leaving?
Why not. ? I'm neither civil or nice. Just realizing my arrogance and ignorance as a youth. Trying to be a better person. Really sorry you aren't able to understand that yet. But you will come to know it.
It's true. Analysts like those employed by Cambridge Analytica have become extremely proficient in targetting dumb asses and spamming them with pro-Trump propaganda and conspiracies by appealing to anti-academic and science denying viewpoints.
stfu water head, Hollywood & the internet is pretty anti the guy you hate ! WTF are you talking about Fox News or every news network? Anti academics? Who made that word up ? A fucking Neanderthal ? Do you mean the people that achieve to be stupid , because you don’t share the same opinion? You don’t even live in country, but constantly talk shit about it ! please tell me your race & residence so I know the proper racial slurs to use when you revert back to caucasian slurs HoNkY ! pick a better avi , you shame the one you got ! Kirk fucked them all regardless of race lol!
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stfu water head, Hollywood & the internet is pretty anti the guy you hate ! WTF are you talking about Fox News or every news network? Anti academics? Who made that word up ? A fucking Neanderthal ? Do you mean the people that achieve to be stupid , because you don’t share the same opinion? You don’t even live in country, but constantly talk shit about it ! please tell your race & residence so I know the proper racial slurs to use when you revert back to caucasian slurs HoNkY !
PK was the place crackheads drove to...in mid to late 80's.......cooked eigths off Jamaicans for cheap...Drove my brother there many times, mostly weekends.
PK was the place crackheads drove to...in mid to late 80's.......cooked eigths off Jamaicans for cheap...Drove my brother there many times, mostly weekends.
what do you mean by a cooked 1/8 ? Crack heads never had to drive that far back then , shit was everywhere , cheeper in the city tho . Example: I used to go to skiing at Catamount up state NY & get a room at the Red lion inn in Great Barrington MA & the shit was prevalent in the parking lot in the sticks ! It came from Pittsfield MA . Dam I’m high & rambling lol , but I’m not trying incite conflicts at all ;)
Usually the "new" socks go straight for @UncleBuck but I have noticed a pattern. They usually go off for a couple pages about how civil they are and try to make it out like he's picking on them angrily. This guy just started that (but this time on me) so I think he's going to be here for at least a few more posts. He has to carefully create the illusion that he's a nice mature guy and that I'm just picking on him. It's not easy for a new account.

He also has to convince everyone that I'm a racist gay Mexican who's 25 years old.

Kind of like attacking the edges wasn't working, so switched tactics to slice through the middle and push the sides apart.

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It makes sense that by using 'right' and 'left' trolls leading up to the 2016 election, that they have had to evolve to trolling from the middle.

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Between 'a gay' being dropped a few times, and the obvious racially tinged post as a follow up, it is very hard to just assume that the new guys are not the same as a long line of sock puppets. I hope not, it would be nice to have some actual people joining up, but only time will tell.
what do you mean by a cooked 1/8 ? Crack heads never had to drive that far back then , shit was everywhere , cheeper in the city tho . Example: I used to go to skiing at Catamount up state NY & get a room at the Red lion inn in Great Barrington MA & the shit was prevalent in the parking lot in the sticks ! It came from Pittsfield MA . Dam I’m high & rambling lol , but I’m not trying incite conflicts at all ;)
It was like half the price in PK, my bro was a lieutenant in Corrections back then, and he was hooked on crack. I got him that shit at 1/2 the price it was in Hudson back then...up there they had 20 dollar bumps,,,,tiny shits.......think the PK shit 3.5 grams was about $150 if u knew the right ppl, was yellowish crystal.....

I tried it once or twice, just made me paranoid.....my bro ended up in rehab for that stuff back then. I never feared walking in the roughest hoods, he did tho. He was skinny and non confrontational........I had pushed wheelbarrows of hot blacktop all day around that time, had just started in the blacktop field.....I was fearless when I was young

Can't believe how lucky I've been over the yrs.....all the dumb shit I did.
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It was like half the price in PK, my bro was a lieutenant in Corrections back then, and he was hooked on crack. I got him that shit at 1/2 the price it was in Hudson back then...up there they had 20 dollar bumps,,,,tiny shits.......think the PK shit 3.5 grams was about $150 if u knew the right ppl, was yellowish crystal.....

I tried it once or twice, just made me paranoid.....my bro ended up in rehab for that stuff back then. I never feared walking in the roughest hoods, he did tho. He was skinny and non confrontational........I had pushed wheelbarrows of hot blacktop all day around that time, had just started in the blacktop field.....I was fearless when I was young

Can't believe how lucky I've been over the yrs.....all the dumb shit I did.
I remember being yelled at to find the 'form-stretcher' for a couple hours on a slow day when I was a kid.