Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?

Okay. I will leave you with this. You are obviously a misplaced troll of ethnic diversity and sexuality issues. There are help programs for that. A colored individual of unknown sexual orientation posing Cpt. Kirk. An arrogant, self indulgent sexist pig at best. I truly hope you get help. Noone should suffer as you obviously are. Peace and best wishes.
Yeah you're right, like gutting welfare programs, scrapping banking regulations leading to the great recession and voting for the Iraq War
Bernie Sanders had radio-active waste dumped in a Hispanic neighborhood and had anti-war protesters arrested.
Okay. I will leave you with this. You are obviously a misplaced troll of ethnic diversity and sexuality issues. There are help programs for that. A colored individual of unknown sexual orientation posing Cpt. Kirk. An arrogant, self indulgent sexist pig at best. I truly hope you get help. Noone should suffer as you obviously are. Peace and best wishes.
So, I'm a gay Mexican who should get help because I'm suffering...

Have you considered suicide?
And miss learning why our world is going to hell? What are you? 26 or so? I really want to hear how misguided people really are when they aren't experienced or well enough informed to make a correct choice.
The Republican party and its associated ideology can't be compromised with. It's a far right party. When Democrats compromise on policy issues, it only benefits Republicans and corporate interests. It never benefits Democratic voters.
And this is a growers forum? And we are all a world apart. Think I'll stay. But you are free to knock on my front door and ask me to leave. LMAO