Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Never saw this coming lol.

Fuck now it’s swarms of locusts, next will be frogs and boils :(.
Fuck now it’s swarms of locusts, next will be frogs and boils :(.

A distraction is nice for the FDA.

A tobacco company that diversified into the food and drink business targeted black and Hispanic consumers in the same way as they had courted them as cigarette smokers, according to a study by UC San Francisco researchers.

The meat packing Industry has your back as well. (and one day soon, your carcass)
Who would of thought 40 years of providing healthy nutrition would open another market because it wasn't so healthy or beneficial for most.
Hormel Health Labs

We are passionate about improving people’s lives through better food and nutrition. Our mission is clear–to provide great-tasting, affordable and convenient nutrition. Whether you are a major healthcare center, a special care facility, a caregiver or an individual, we are here to help with your dietary needs.

I forget what the Good Book says about Corporations.

Rant over, sorry for the derail.

Edit: but thank you, I feel much better now. :D
and the family of 8 that shared a hot pot.
Yes, precisely. Many of the clusters in the 138 study were families of the healthcare workers who came in contact with the "superspreader". It was one of the reasons it was hard to get a lock on the r0 but most experts are now settled on an r0 near 4. 1 sick person infects 4 more people on average.
THE VIRUS: From the frontline of the coronavirus epidemic | ABC News

Presented by Jeremy Fernandez this special report takes you to the frontline of the fight against the global coronavirus epidemic, and explores the key events that lead to the worldwide health emergency.
This really worries me. So far nobody I know has died. I guess some RIU members will also die from this. I'm washing my hands every chance I get. Not sure what else I can do. Thanks for sounding the alarm.
The outbreak in Wuhan won't even peak until April. That's half a year after patient zero got sick. It spread in Hubei province at full speed. It didn't go international until right around the new year. In each country that has had human to human transmission, great lengths have been taken to slow/stop the spread. You'll know if your area has any cases.

Don't live like the world is going to end. Plenty of things out there will kill someone you know. Plenty of things out there can kill you. This is just another one of em. In all likelihood, you'll live long yet and hold grandchildren. I don't even know you, but I know you have other shit to worry about right now. I'm very near some quarantine measures because a lady from Wuhan was at a resort nearby for four days. Her husband died and was the first death from this thing outside China. I had to get tested for it recently and I had a cold, I was shitting bricks because my fiance is pregnant. I'm still scared but I'm about to have a son but I'm feeling profound so...
The outbreak in Wuhan won't even peak until April. That's half a year after patient zero got sick. It spread in Hubei province at full speed. It didn't go international until right around the new year. In each country that has had human to human transmission, great lengths have been taken to slow/stop the spread. You'll know if your area has any cases.

Don't live like the world is going to end. Plenty of things out there will kill someone you know. Plenty of things out there can kill you. This is just another one of em. In all likelihood, you'll live long yet and hold grandchildren. I don't even know you, but I know you have other shit to worry about right now. I'm very near some quarantine measures because a lady from Wuhan was at a resort nearby for four days. Her husband died and was the first death from this thing outside China. I had to get tested for it recently and I had a cold, I was shitting bricks because my fiance is pregnant. I'm still scared but I'm about to have a son but I'm feeling profound so...

I hope you are OK but ...

One thing is certain: I will never eat any bats or anteaters. :lol:

The problem I have is my wife doen't want to hear about it and seemingly doesn't give a shit. I feel like I'm backed into a corner, and I never do well when that happens. WTF
I ran over a rattlesnake with my '73 Husqvarna 250WR and took it home and ate it
It's not just from eating wild animals. It's because they had a wet market with so many species that would otherwise never be in such close proximity with very low sanitation standards. Different kinds of mammals, alive in cages right next to butchery tables or sold live. It was a recipe for an outbreak compounded by the response by the CCP to try to cover it up which caused the outbreak and ensured its spread far beyond the epicenter. It's likely the same reason ebola kept infecting people in Africa but in Africa there was immediate international response to contain it successfully.
I hope you are OK but ...

One thing is certain: I will never eat any bats or anteaters. :lol:

Most of China is on complete lockdown. We really don't know how bad this is but even the numbers they're releasing are terrifying.

15k new confirmed cases yesterday, again I have to say, "deadliest day yet".

Current stats:
60,310 confirmed cases
5,963 confirmed recovered
8,243 critical condition
1,368 fatalities
It's not just from eating wild animals. It's because they had a wet market with so many species that would otherwise never be in such close proximity with very low sanitation standards. Different kinds of mammals, alive in cages right next to butchery tables or sold live. It was a recipe for an outbreak compounded by the response by the CCP to try to cover it up which caused the outbreak and ensured its spread far beyond the epicenter. It's likely the same reason ebola kept infecting people in Africa but in Africa there was immediate international response to contain it successfully.

I expected someone to ask how it tasted