Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

If anyone would still consider trusting PRC stats curated by the Chinese Communist Party:

37,553 confirmed cases
6,109 in critical condition
813 fatalities (surpassed '03 SARS toll)
2,685 confirmed recovered
There are many reports about how this virus all say it is not according to the laws of nature. What has impressed(freaked) me the most were the videos smuggled out of China. After seeing people, almost all men just dropping dead in the streets you can see its really crazy bad. It begs the question is the PRC practiceing population control again. The one child policy prevented 400 million female births, now the society its out of balance.
Its funny that the novel virus uses RNA, like AIDs rather than DNA, as their genetic material. RNAs can self-edit their own genetic code! And this virus is spliced.So was it specificly created for that Asian group. It may not be well targeted for indo-european or africans. Much biotechnology has been stolen and taken back to China in the past few years, maybe it was a mistake, maybe not. What's the ratio of men to women, Lots of un knows still. We need to protect the 1st Amendment and the 2nd, China has no protection.
There are many reports about how this virus all say it is not according to the laws of nature.
Not a single one of them comes from a source that is free from major credibility issues.
Its funny that the novel virus uses RNA, like AIDs rather than DNA, as their genetic material.
Not funny at all considering this is true of all strains of coronavirus.
Just another fucking coincidence, tRUmp shuts it down in Oct and scientists say the corona virus starts in Nov. The pic from the Times shows a Asian market, how ironic if that's where this really started.
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The day before yesterday had been the deadliest, but after yesterday, we can see things are getting even worse.

40,553 confirmed cases
6,494 critical condition
3,324 confirmed recovered
909 fatalities

This is if you still want to trust the "data" curated by the Chinese Communist Party, which even most citizens of the People's Republic of China now openly reject. Also, apparently, many have died in North Korea as well.
My fiance and I do not have the novel coronavirus. We both got over a bad cold. I had already suspected our symptoms were too severe to be ncov2019 which actually has very mild symptoms in the early phase before it turns into ARDS for about 20% of people. We're ok.
Cases on the Diamond Princess exploded last night. Up to 135 now.

Deaths outside of China are very low but the recovery rate and severity of the cases seem to be slow and severe

And if what that Chinese whistleblower is saying is true.... "Exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui recently revealed leaks from Wuhan crematoriums. He claims based on the number of bodies their furnaces are burning, the death toll could be as high as 50,000." CCN

Also there maybe some evidence of this. INTELWAVE "Data from shows a massive release of sulfur dioxide gas from the outskirts of Wuhan, commonly associated with the burning of organic matters. Levels are elevated, even compared to the rest of China."
This was on a video from Chris Martenson's peak prosperity.
I think we're going to have to see how the next outbreak looks to actually know how bad this is. Even in China, it's not projected to peak until April. So a 5 month period from patient zero to the extent of an outbreak. That's assuming the first patiant contracted in November. It likely didn't go international until around the last week of December. If China is going to be cordoned until April at the earliest, we're looking at a global recession.
Third day in a row that I have said "deadliest day yet".

43,101 confirmed cases
4,043 confirmed recovered
7,345 critical condition
1,018 fatalities

It should go without saying that I do not actually trust these numbers and believe they are defintely low-ball CCP curated bullshit.