Warren Vows Secretary of Education Job Dependent On Random Transexual Child's Personal Approval

Is it mysoginistic to view Warren's policy as illogical, and a bit hysterical?

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“I’m gonna have a secretary of education that this young trans person interviews, on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our secretary of education nominee is someone who is committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone, will that person actually be advanced to be secretary of education.

Not sure children are qualified or posses the foresight to be burdened with this power. Not sure singling out trans kids for this burden reflects or is inclusive to the historical slights that rise to greater magnitudes of documented cases concerning public education and other minority communities (ie communities of color). Not sure the criteria for qualification based soley on sexual orientation is logical. Seems like she made it up on the spot. Sounds like a hysterical appeal to the woke community imo. Let's be intelligent with our advocacy for minority rights. Most else what she's ran on is great imo, but as soon as you start going places like this, legitamacy is diminished.
Are you still on this troll of Warren?

The kid is not 'picking' the candidate, Warren is. If a grown ass professional adult can't talk to a young kid without scaring the shit out of them, maybe they shouldn't be the Education secretary.
Are you still on this troll of Warren?

The kid is not 'picking' the candidate, Warren is. If a grown ass professional adult can't talk to a young kid without scaring the shit out of them, maybe they shouldn't be the Education secretary.
What about other minorities? How many kids are trans? Sounds more like nothing will change for trans kids, sounds empty and unimpactful and a bit of a hysterical appeal to the woke community as she's slipping in polls. You yourself admit its political pandering, but she definitely tried to make it seem as if this kid had the power. If you're upset, take it up with her.
What about other minorities? How many kids are trans? Sounds more like nothing will change for trans kids, sounds empty and unimpactful and a bit of a hysterical appeal to the woke community as she's slipping in polls. You yourself admit its political pandering, but she definitely tried to make it seem as if this kid had the power. If you're upset, take it up with her.
good point, we should expand this line of questioning to include other minorities too so that you can be even more triggered for our amusement, nazi boi
good point, we should expand this line of questioning to include other minorities too so that you can be even more triggered for our amusement, nazi boi
It just should have never been proposed. If she wants minority impact, theres infinite other ways to achieve and have meaningful results. I would be insulted by an empty political pander knowing that its meaningless, and just to secure more votes. She's using the trans community as a prop and you all ate it up.
It just should have never been proposed. If she wants minority impact, theres infinite other ways to achieve and have meaningful results. I would be insulted by an empty political pander knowing that its meaningless, and just to secure more votes. She's using the trans community as a prop and you all ate it up.
no, you had a good point

What about other minorities?

This program should not be limited to just trans students, students of all other minority communities should have say into who runs the department of education since it affects them directly

A special select committee consisting of all minority communities and no white heterosexual christians sounds like a great plan to me

Pat yourself on the back for your good thinking!
no, you had a good point

What about other minorities?

This program should not be limited to just trans students, students of all other minority communities should have say into who runs the department of education since it affects them directly

A special select committee consisting of all minority communities and no white heterosexual christians sounds like a great plan to me

Pat yourself on the back for your good thinking!
Ya that's an idea. I think that's better than what was proposed. Maybe minority communities get a delegate to be part of the Sec of education office and decisions proposed by the Sec are voted on by the delegates. I'm not a policy expert (maybe delegates isn't the way?) I just think there's better ways of inclusion.
What about other minorities? How many kids are trans? Sounds more like nothing will change for trans kids, sounds empty and unimpactful and a bit of a hysterical appeal to the woke community as she's slipping in polls. You yourself admit its political pandering, but she definitely tried to make it seem as if this kid had the power. If you're upset, take it up with her.
Are you really that concerned about a young trans kid doing an interview with the Education secretary that Warren picks for their school paper? I am not upset in the least, I just question why you are.
Are you really that concerned about a young trans kid doing an interview with the Education secretary that Warren picks for their school paper? I am not upset in the least, I just question why you are.
I'm pretty sure you're making assumptions:rolleyes:
With which part? You could just watch the video if you mean what Warren said, he posted the full video. Or if you mean assuming he cares, I am just going on how often he has brought it up knowing it is bullshit.
Shit maybe im wrong.... I think she said the person she chooses, will need to pass the interview with the child. But everyone is saying she was just pandering, but what if she's serious. I think that's the whole topic.
With which part? You could just watch the video if you mean what Warren said, he posted the full video. Or if you mean assuming he cares, I am just going on how often he has brought it up knowing it is bullshit.
Thank you, at least you admit it. The points I've made stand for themselves. Its empty, and cringeworthy. It's a bit hysterical. I caught holy hell for being reasonable. You're all triggered because you're Warren or die, but I'm not Warren or die. I created a thread to undermine the trolls silly argument that I was mysoginistic because I disagreed with Warren's policy. First Warren proposes a policy pandering to the woke (like I said, I think if you were truly a suffering trans that you'd be a bit insulted), then I make a few points, and now I'm the one that's being too sensitive? Lol that's a bit rich. I'd think that if you defend Warrens policy, you'd fall into the "ultra woke" category, and I chuckle as I observe the hypocrisy as its implied I'm being too sensative.
Thank you, at least you admit it. The points I've made stand for themselves. Its empty, and cringeworthy. It's a bit hysterical. I caught holy hell for being reasonable. You're all triggered because you're Warren or die, but I'm not Warren or die. I created a thread to undermine the trolls silly argument that I was mysoginistic because I disagreed with Warren's policy. First Warren proposes a policy pandering to the woke (like I said, I think if you were truly a suffering trans that you'd be a bit insulted), then I make a few points, and now I'm the one that's being too sensitive? Lol that's a bit rich. I'd think that if you defend Warrens policy, you'd fall into the "ultra woke" category, and I chuckle as I observe the hypocrisy as its implied I'm being too sensative.
youre being unreasonable, misogynistic, and way too sensitive

Having a transgender kid weigh in on the person who will run the department of education is a common sense idea.