yea the 9-11 thing is a bit ehhh.
they make alot of good points about it, but their is just no way to know, I figure in 50 years we will know, thats when they have to declassify all their secret shit! incidentaly, thats also around the time everyone stops caring.
a few things make me think the 9/11 thing is possible, the fact that no building ever collapsed because of fire, terrorists can never get things done right, they were having a test that daay, for the exact same situation, these plains flew over 20 minutes backwards, while the airforce usualy intercepts things like this within 5 minutes.
also also medal floating around under ground zero for over a week.
and thermate residue! thermite is crazy shit, I dont know if you ever had some or used it, but it burns through everything and anything, (and its easy to make!) and leaves a real distinct ash, that all of NYC was covered in for over a week, my yard had over a quarter inch of this shit everywear!
also building 7, how the fuck would that happen? watch a video of building 7 falling, its freefall speed, collapsed over 5 hours after the other buildings, and only had a fire on 2 floors.
YouTube - Bin Laden "Confession" Video
come on!!! thats not osama!!! thats some fatt short guy that looks alittle bit like him, but I guess all muslims with tricollerd berads look the same.
but on another note, their are lots of pissed off islamic people because of what we, and britan did in the middle east, and especialy pissed that we favored the jews in our trades, and treaties. yet this wasn't mentioned in the 9/11 report :/