Doubts about the use of remo

hello guys, I started using based on what is on the website, which says "it should start as soon as the first pair of serrated leafs appear"
then on the seventh day of life after germinating, I gave the first watering with ferts , put the indicated in the table but gave an ec of 1.2 , I corrected to 0.6 and PH 5.7
it seems to me that it burned a little bit , because the tips of the leaves were curved down , but I have my doubts if it is missing nutrients ,I also used the fish mix from biobizz as a complement, if someone can help me I will be grateful.

substrate 50%turfa 50%perlite
Measure used>
500 ml of destilled water

grow 0,5 ml
micro 0,5
velokelp 0,5
magnifical 0,5
fish mix 0,5

(I had to add another 400 ml to reach ec 0.6)


in the photos they are 13 days since they germinated



Well-Known Member
Very minor burn if that's what it is. You didn't slop the mix on the leaves while watering maybe?

That's only 300ppm so shouldn't hurt. Are there any nutes in the 'turfa' which I gather is just peat so essentially a soilless media. If not amended with dolomitic lime like Promix is then it could just be a low pH situation. Straight peat is quite acidic on it's own.

The new growth looks pretty healthy and that's what counts. Those early leaves will be gone and never missed soon enough.

Don't kill them with kindness by trying to fix something that doesn't look to me to be a problem yet.

Very minor burn if that's what it is. You didn't slop the mix on the leaves while watering maybe?

That's only 300ppm so shouldn't hurt. Are there any nutes in the 'turfa' which I gather is just peat so essentially a soilless media. If not amended with dolomitic lime like Promix is then it could just be a low pH situation. Straight peat is quite acidic on it's own.

The new growth looks pretty healthy and that's what counts. Those early leaves will be gone and never missed soon enough.

Don't kill them with kindness by trying to fix something that doesn't look to me to be a problem yet.

Thanks for the answer man,

The specifications of the soil according to the manufacturer are PH 5.8 and Ec 0.3 I think the rigth name for "turfa" is "canadian peat"

I always water carefully not to burn the leaves, but three days after that post I noticed that the burns started to appear on the new leaves ,
so I decided to make a small flush with water of pH 6.3 I didn't wash the soil much, just let it drain more than normal.

I don't know if the light can influence burns, I'm using a 1000w castnoo led this is about 80 centimeters from the plants and temperature is around 84 F and humidity 60%

(I'm from brazil I apologize if I notice something wrong with my english, I use a translator to communicate)

new photos >>



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Well-Known Member
Light can influence burning for sure but I'm pretty sure that you're far enough away for that not to be an issue.

Many little sprouts can do what yours are doing at the start then settle into things and do fine so I wouldn't worry. I would just use water for the next two or three waterings so they can use up some of the nutes already in the pots then start feeding at no more than half strength once they start more rapid growth. I would also pH the water at 6.0. Are you using tap water? I use only reverse osmosis, RO, or distilled water to feed mine in a similar media. ProMix HP with 3-part Advanced Nutrients.

Unless the burnt tips keep happening as the plants grow I wouldn't try doing anything other than have patience and watch them grow. :)

Light can influence burning for sure but I'm pretty sure that you're far enough away for that not to be an issue.

Many little sprouts can do what yours are doing at the start then settle into things and do fine so I wouldn't worry. I would just use water for the next two or three waterings so they can use up some of the nutes already in the pots then start feeding at no more than half strength once they start more rapid growth. I would also pH the water at 6.0. Are you using tap water? I use only reverse osmosis, RO, or distilled water to feed mine in a similar media. ProMix HP with 3-part Advanced Nutrients.

Unless the burnt tips keep happening as the plants grow I wouldn't try doing anything other than have patience and watch them grow. :)

I used distilled water at the beginning, but I have a filter at home and the water comes out with 0076 ppm. I am using an acid that is used in aquariums to lower the pH, I believe it does not influence because the amount used is very small. I think I fertilized it very early, I'll just water them over the next few days and see what happens.

Would you recommend returning with the same ec 0.6?


Well-Known Member
Would you recommend returning with the same ec 0.6?
That's a good start for small plants and what start my DWC clones off at when I do DWC. Once they start vigorous growth then I raise the EC/PPM to 1.0-1.2. then go up from there. I do pretty much the same in pots of ProMix and used to feed then water then feed again but now try to feed every watering but at half the level. I prefer to feed less until I see signs the plants want more. Lower leaves will start to yellow as nitrogen and other mobile nutrients get stolen so I'll feed 25% more. I can take 2 or 3 grows of the same plant to find it's sweet spot. Feeding too much can lead to toxic salts buildup that shows up mid-flower and can really mess up your plants and affect the quality of your pot.

The books in this link are all in English so not sure if they are of use to you but there's lots of good pictures and diagrams.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

That's a good start for small plants and what start my DWC clones off at when I do DWC. Once they start vigorous growth then I raise the EC/PPM to 1.0-1.2. then go up from there. I do pretty much the same in pots of ProMix and used to feed then water then feed again but now try to feed every watering but at half the level. I prefer to feed less until I see signs the plants want more. Lower leaves will start to yellow as nitrogen and other mobile nutrients get stolen so I'll feed 25% more. I can take 2 or 3 grows of the same plant to find it's sweet spot. Feeding too much can lead to toxic salts buildup that shows up mid-flower and can really mess up your plants and affect the quality of your pot.

The books in this link are all in English so not sure if they are of use to you but there's lots of good pictures and diagrams.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

Thanks for the link, very good !

I am watching and I will do as you said, better give them food when they ask!

2 days after the flush I noticed an improvement, the growth is in full swing!

Any news I'll post here, man thanks for the tips