Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Cannibalism is proven to cause a prion disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakobs, which is similar to madcow disease.
i love cow. Had a fusion tonight for dinner, pepper steak Thai salad. Was bloody nice. Wonder what Soy human stir fry would be like and would it come with crackling.
i think its perception, growth in which way? i think the black death (forget which plague exactly) which killed mostly peasants was actually beneficial, the landlords didnt have enough people to harvest their crops so they offered competitive wages to the peasants or risk losing their crops. now prosperity is just a GDP number, easiest way to raise GDP is more people.
Literally, mass death causes population growth. I was arguing based on facts and pointing out a reality. A culling would not solve population growth, it would add to the problem.
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Id give dog a go. Id try Human if it was on a menu. Its all meat at the end of the day.

I'm guessing you wouldn't even think twice about eating bugs

Me, I'm a picky eater. I'll only eat cows, chicken and pig. No seafood. Only fish I'll eat is fried lake perch
the 1919 Spanish flu killed 5% of the world population.....and they didn't have jet aircraft to fly it around the world....
Hopefully it will be like SARS (previous terrifying coronovirus mutation) and authorities will contain it. It does seem worse though, that high rnot and its ability to transmit during incubation along with how bad the symptoms are said to be really are cause for concern. It's almost as if the CCP wanted it to spread.
As much as yes this seems to be bad, keep in mind this.
“While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.”
Not trying to minimize this, just keeping it in prospective for now. I’ll hold off on the surgical masks for a bit :o!
As much as yes this seems to be bad, keep in mind this.
“While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.”
Not trying to minimize this, just keeping it in prospective for now. I’ll hold off on the surgical masks for a bit :o!
This isn't the flu, it's another coronavirus. It's the 7th mutation to come out of China but the difference this time is that the CCP has caused this to get to phase 5 by trying to cover it up. Chinese people, as prosperous and wealthy as they are, have caused this to spread to humans by running huge markets for bushmeat.

This coronavirus has an rnot of 1.5 to 2.5 and even the lower end of that is huge cause for concern. The symptoms are said to be like a very severe flu times two.

Chances are, someone you know will die from this. You can't stop that now. So don't be alarmed. It's only killing between 3-10 percent of the people who get it. That's less than the flu. I'm not telling you to be alarmed. I'm telling you what has been unleashed.
You can take a flu vaccine every year to protect you from the seasonal avian flu that mutates every year and still get swine flu.

Now, coronavirus is on the same level because people are eating bats in Wuhan and the Chinese Communist Party has ensured its spread. There is no vaccine for any variant of the coronavirus.
You can take a flu vaccine every year to protect you from the seasonal avian flu that mutates every year and still get swine flu.

Now, coronavirus is on the same level because people are eating bats in Wuhan and the Chinese Communist Party has ensured its spread. There is no vaccine for any variant of the coronavirus.

We should be lucky their Republican Party has little pull.
So don't be alarmed. It's only killing between 3-10 percent of the people who get it. That's less than the flu.
then what % of people die from the flu then? sounds like some brainwash number thats being thrown out there. technically over 90% of people die that has been infected with the flu, most people will contract the virus in their lifetime and eventually will die from natural causes or whatever gets them killed. its old people that die from the flu, and people with advanced AIDS.
then what % of people die from the flu then? sounds like some brainwash number thats being thrown out there. technically over 90% of people die that has been infected with the flu, most people will contract the virus in their lifetime and eventually will die from natural causes or whatever gets them killed. its old people that die from the flu, and people with advanced AIDS.
This current coronavirus will have lower than the total number of swine flu deaths, hopefully. Not a lower mortality rate. The mortality rate of h1n1 in 2009 was 0.02 percent. However, 1 in 5 people on the planet caught it.

So I misspoke, or wrote mistakenly.

This current coronavirus has a higher rnot and far higher mortality rate. It's SARS, basically. Except it's worse because it spreads while incubating and before you notice symptoms. Beijing has been completely shut down as of a day ago.
Don't be alarmed, but the R0 might be significantly higher than CCP employed scientists are claiming. This article in nature points to several other reports, but does not quote them verbatim. Infections have been confirmed in the US, in California and in Arizona. Cases in 14 other countries have been confirmed as well.

On January 23rd, the World Health Organization declined to declare this an emergency as it had not been confirmed that human to human transmission occurred. Subsequently, human to human transmission has in fact been confirmed. Based on the "data" that CCP employed "scientists" are willing to admit to, which are almost certainly lowball bullshit, it has about a 3-4 percent fatality rate.

Don't be alarmed though, you can't do shit about it.
It's also thought to be the basis for zombies being depicted wanting to eat brains.
My mom lives in assisted living facility. When I go there (nearly every day), I'm strongly reminded of a zombie movie. It is frightening to think of all the super-germs that are being bred in those places.

Great information posted by you on the nascent Coronavirus epidemic that was covered up by the Chinese Government. Kudos.

I don't understand the reaction by the anti-science folks who treat problems that are not at their doorstep as non-issues. They will, on the other hand, cry bloody murder if it affects them in any way. Human caused global warming, holes in the ozone layer, bird flu were all treated like hoaxes and now this.
My mom lives in assisted living facility. When I go there (nearly every day), I'm strongly reminded of a zombie movie. It is frightening to think of all the super-germs that are being bred in those places.

Great information posted by you on the nascent Coronavirus epidemic that was covered up by the Chinese Government. Kudos.

I don't understand the reaction by the anti-science folks who treat problems that are not at their doorstep as non-issues. They will, on the other hand, cry bloody murder if it affects them in any way. Human caused global warming, holes in the ozone layer, bird flu were all treated like hoaxes and now this.
It's the polarization. It's not about the content anymore that gets likes and positive reactions. It's about who you support. It will get worse before it gets better. I don't expect people to be receptive to anything around here unless it is praise for their chosen candidate. I can understand rejecting civility with bigots, but a virus doesn't fucking care who you vote for.
I'm guessing you wouldn't even think twice about eating bugs

Me, I'm a picky eater. I'll only eat cows, chicken and pig. No seafood. Only fish I'll eat is fried lake perch
Granted it's hard to get good fresh seafood in the Midwest, you have to live a little. I made a cioppino (sea food stew) for Christmas Eve loaded to the brim with, cod, prawns, blue lip muscles, clams and Dungeness crab, and home made tomato sauce. You can't go wrong with fried fish either. Another favorite here in California is fish tacos, fried or grilled, they are delicious, you might be able to get into those. Unfortunately, I'm the exact opposite and will eat anything, undetoured, even with the given side effects of consuming approx. 20 pints of pickled jalapenos, carrots, and onions a year. Take that Corona virus!
New estimate by UK virologist places viral replication at up to R04. That means every infected person will infect 4 others. He went on to contradict the theory put forth by Chinese scientists that mutation occurred through infection of a snake secondary to chiropteran infection. Initially, the Chinese epidemiologists thought that the close proximity of so many different captive wild animals which otherwise would never have been in contact caused this mutation.

In other words, they still have no fucking clue what they're doing and likely can't even access information themselves due to the CCP having a big cover-up going on.