Aussie Growers Thread

To many politician kids gettin done with green so they legalized it up there?
ACT is a very liberal Green territory. proebely the highest % of green voters in the country- hence its loose on laws. No random drug testing there either i dont think?
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Oh top bin nichia? Yeah u mentioned that’s what u thought it was.

So where’s the data? Eff? Lumens per watt? PPD output?

Nothing on their site

Yeah the websites pretty basic. There’s 4 or so threads going atm from various guys on the led section.

Most of the data is on here

Or here

Ill vote against anything that is not full decriminalisation.

Decriminalisation is only a step to legalisation. Decriminalisation still makes it illegal it’s just no longer criminal, you’d still have people getting raided, equipment seized and huge fines levied with decriminalisation. What you want is legalisation without regulation which I don’t ever see happening
Decriminalisation is only a step to legalisation. Decriminalisation still makes it illegal it’s just no longer criminal, you’d still have people getting raided, equipment seized and huge fines levied with decriminalisation. What you want is legalisation without regulation which I don’t ever see happening
yep, thats what i want- decriminalisation. Happy to pay a small fine like i would now.

It would be lovely if they just took it off the drugs register but i dont see that happening.
yep, thats what i want- decriminalisation. Happy to pay a small fine like i would now.

It would be lovely if they just took it off the drugs register but i dont see that happening.

There’s nothing to say the fine under decriminalisation would be small or insignificant. Personally I’d like to see a mix of both legalisation and decriminalisation. Legalisation of small rec grows based on footprint/space (not plant numbers) and penalties under a decriminalised system for those who don’t follow the rules. For commercial setups it’ll always fall under the criminal system
There’s nothing to say the fine under decriminalisation would be small or insignificant. Personally I’d like to see a mix of both legalisation and decriminalisation. Legalisation of small rec grows based on footprint/space (not plant numbers) and penalties under a decriminalised system for those who don’t follow the rules. For commercial setups it’ll always fall under the criminal system
I cannot see the fine going up with decriminalisation, whats the avg court fine $100 a plant or something now for under Traffic?? I can with Legalisation.
I cannot see the fine going up with decriminalisation, whats the avg court fine $100 a plant or something now for under Traffic?? I can with Legalisation.

With decrim fines would likely go up, as well as mandatory court enforced drug education and rehabilitation programs instead of goal. Like they still need to make people not want to do it the penalties are now just not criminal they’re social/medical ie fines and treatment.

What we want is pretty much home brew spirits. Like the only part of hb that’s illegal is the tax evasion. You apply for the tax stamp, pay the cost and get inspected once to make sure your not going to blow the place up and your good to make as much home brew as you can drink. Want to sell it now you need a whole bunch of other permits and shit to do with food safety etc and more inspections
Got 10 decent top on left plant, got deficiencys though, my lazy ass watered 5 times at 7.0 ph, ph now to 6.0 and feeding hopefully stop it progressing, looks like K issue i think from shite ph