Understandable... But just think about what your plant is doing in its early stages of life, in terms of water usage.
The very earliest stages of life, the plant is fed by the cotyledons, as the root system is expanding in search of water/food sources to sustain it once the vegetative growth becomes too much for the cotyledons to support.
If your adding light amounts of water, to the top of the soil daily.. the root system will be shallow, because they lack reason to stretch down into the soil deeper. This also keeps the soil moist at the top, which prevents air pockets from forming, which would then be pushed down into the soil on the subsequent watering to give your root zone oxygen.
Will the plant live and grow watering that way? Sure, so long as your not drowning the roots. Is it the best method though? Nahh
But, as long as you get bud at the end, who really cares how you water it for the first 2 or 3 week lol