Elizabeth Warren

wow on the first part. Have to call BS on the second. Cant find that story nowhere

It's hard to find the story because actual anti-war protesters are so often disregarded. Bernie Sanders says he had them arrested because the GE plant employed so many people. They were protesting the plant's manufacturing of gatling guns and they were counting on his support.

Look I get it, NYTimes has a paywall and the rest of these links are the sort of bs most of us would never click on.
From the NYT article I linked several posts back:
BURLINGTON, Vt. — When Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist, served as mayor here in the 1980s, he often complained that the United States had its priorities wrong, that it should be diverting money from the military to domestic needs like housing and health care.

So when dozens of antiwar activists blocked the entrance to the local General Electric plant because it was manufacturing Gatling guns to fight the socialists in Central America, the protesters expected the mayor’s full support.

Instead, he lined up with union officials and watched as the police made arrests, saying later that in blocking the plant, the activists were keeping workers from their jobs.
The tax hikes are too high. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR BERNIE.


When we're talking about my meager salary for my extremely hard work. literally trying to save the the planet by cultivating entire coral reefs. Yeah, I will vote for my paycheck.
How high is "too high"? I'm just curious what the % increase is for you decide not to vote for a particular candidate. If you really make a meager salary the increase wouldn't be that much.
Well I have reached the end of the internet and paid all my bills online. Talk with you guys tomorrow. Remember any of the top 5 Dems are wayyyyy better than having Trump for 4 more years. Grab them by the pussy
Warren for POTUS
How high is "too high"? I'm just curious what the % increase is for you decide not to vote for a particular candidate. If you really make a meager salary the increase wouldn't be that much.
I'm not the only person unwilling to take a gigantic tax hike for Bernie's 97 trillion dollar economic agenda.

I asked you to take this to a thread that is about this subject. I tagged you there. You're unwilling to comment there because that thread has strong arguments that you can't refute, so you're asking personal questions to derail this thread.

Bernouts are dishonest trolls.
I'm not the only person unwilling to take a gigantic tax hike for Bernie's 97 trillion dollar economic agenda.

I asked you to take this to a thread that is about this subject. I tagged you there. You're unwilling to comment there because that thread has strong arguments that you can't refute, so you're asking personal questions to derail this thread.

Bernouts are dishonest trolls.
Why can't you answer a direct question?
So, selling grams to gramps in assisted living is your answer for "rallying the downtrodden"?

Obviously I am living in the wrong assisted living spot. Which facility will sell me grams? I want I want it. It would be better if they just gave it to me. I could use a vaporizer too. How bout some cookies to go along with it. who do I vote for, who do I vote for? Don't forget me I will be shaking it over here until you comply with the info. thanks
Why can't I answer a personal question that is not any of your business and irrelevant to the thread?

I don't make a lot of money, that's all I am going to say. Why don't you start a thread about berntax?
My question was a direct response to your statement. If you don't want to be questioned, maybe don't make those personal statements.
I want to start by saying that I have made incorrect assumptions about her because I learned about her by reading criticism designed verily to guide me to such conclusions. Against the two assumptions I have made which drove me to find her repellent, I'm making this post in hope that the thread will actually be about her. I'm interested in such a discussion.

1) She has not tried to claim tribal membership.

2) She is not dishonest.

I enjoyed the 1/16th Cherokee memes but that was all bullshit. Nothing much more to say about it than that. As to her integrity, It's her avoidance of the issue of middle class tax hikes in regard to her healthcare agenda. At first I found this dishonest but with closer inspection I no longer believe this. I think she avoids it because she doesn't believe that middle class taxes will increase significantly but she still can't prove it. I think she's an extremely honest woman who just doesn't want to humor what she sees as a dishonestly loaded query. I think she's wrong and it is a costly error but she genuinely does not intend to give me big tax hikes for coverage I don't want.

She's not my first choice and I will not vote for her in the primary but a Warren presidency would be so much better than the current peach colored impeached shit stain.

Not to pick on her specifically, but ANY candidate from either party: Whatever you may, or may not like about DJT, consider the intricate financial negotiations that are part of every president's daily lives. Damned few candidates are mentally equipped for it, and rely on financial advisors who may not have the countries best intersts at heart. Investigate and you will find most of them jumped between politics and wall street, where their first allegiance is to their share holders.
Not to pick on her specifically, but ANY candidate from either party: Whatever you may, or may not like about DJT, consider the intricate financial negotiations that are part of every president's daily lives. Damned few candidates are mentally equipped for it, and rely on financial advisors who may not have the countries best intersts at heart. Investigate and you will find most of them jumped between politics and wall street, where their first allegiance is to their share holders.

DJT, the J is for Jenius.
Obviously I am living in the wrong assisted living spot. Which facility will sell me grams? I want I want it. It would be better if they just gave it to me. I could use a vaporizer too. How bout some cookies to go along with it. who do I vote for, who do I vote for? Don't forget me I will be shaking it over here until you comply with the info. thanks
psst: I know a guy. Talk to michigan med grower. No discounts given to those with low income though he will praise himself anyway.
Not to pick on her specifically, but ANY candidate from either party: Whatever you may, or may not like about DJT, consider the intricate financial negotiations that are part of every president's daily lives. Damned few candidates are mentally equipped for it, and rely on financial advisors who may not have the countries best intersts at heart. Investigate and you will find most of them jumped between politics and wall street, where their first allegiance is to their share holders.
Oh, I don't know, perhaps we should consider these qualifications you laud:
What you are saying is:

Trump's dragging entire communities through three bankruptcies and being so broke and corrupt that he indulged in money laundering for Russian crime bosses, is more of a qualification than:

Warren's Phd law degree in financial law, professorships at major universities and tenure as the Special Adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury during the financial crisis of 2008. Not to mention her time spend in Congress where she has been a senior member of the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) when she clashed with the Obama administration on their velvet glove treatment of robber baron banks. Also not a whiff of scandal.

Senator Warren is a graduate of the University of Houston and Rutgers School of Law.

Areas of Interest
  • Contracts
  • Bankruptcy
  • Bankruptcy: Consumer Debt
  • Bankruptcy: International Bankruptcy
  • Bankruptcy: Medical Debt
  • Bankruptcy: Transnational Insolvencies
  • Health Law: Healthcare Law, Economics and Systems
  • Empirical Legal Research
  • Commercial Law
Trump barely made it through his undergraduate degree at a college that only let him in because daddy pulled strings.
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It's my choice, not yours. When are you going to make a berntax thread?
Look, I'm just curious at what point you would dump Warren if she were to raise taxes "too high". It seems like a reasonable question for a rational debate. For the record, I don't dislike Warren, and I would vote for either her or Bernie over Tronald Dump.
Look, I'm just curious at what point you would dump Warren if she were to raise taxes "too high". It seems like a reasonable question for a rational debate. For the record, I don't dislike Warren, and I would vote for either her or Bernie over Tronald Dump.

"Read my lips. No new taxes!" :roll:

"Read my lips. No new taxes!" :roll:

I personally don't necessarily like paying (more) taxes, but if they go to something which I feel beneficial to improving society and I can still pay my bills, I'm ok with it. My frustrations over taxes have always been that a large amount of my tax dollars seem to often go towards things I don't agree with.