Elizabeth Warren

Do you know what a "working paper" is? They are more like opinion pieces than something substantial that has been peer reviewed and given enough status to be used in citations by reputable experts. But, OK, given this paper, what's wrong with it?

  • The biggest problem with this report is that Bernie didn't include enough information in his health care bill to enable the OMB to produce an estimate for how much it will cost. In fact, Bernie has never produced a cost estimate nor has he said how it will be paid for. So, how can this report claim any cost savings if a firm cost isn't available?
  • Bernie has never endorsed the results of this study. He's not making any claims about cost or how it will be paid for.
  • It does not claim that individuals will save money. Bernie's bill does not stipulate who will pay and how much?
  • It says overall that national healthcare saves money but makes no effort to tell us who will pick up the whopping large tab of "estimated to add $435 billion to national healthcare spending" in 2022. Instead it just subtracts $420 billion from payments to providers who are just expected to suck it up. No plans are discussed for how to do this to ensure quality of service is maintained. Since when have you seen costs go down and quality improve and nothing else change?
There is plenty more but I'll just put that out there for starters.

I regret to have to break it to you, child; there is no Santa Claus. I've listed a few details that any responsible lawmaker would account for in their healthcare bills. Bernie wasn't stupid when he left those details out, he was shrewd and manipulative. His bill was never going to pass anyway and he didn't include details because that would require work that would be wasted and the more information he included, the more grist for the opposition mill to grind upon.

Regarding unfounded beliefs,

Plasma beings. Tell us about plasma beings.
You're new. You are demanding we rehash arguments that have been made dozens of times and you're derailing a thread to do it because YOU WERE NOT PRESENT.

Also, it's against ToS to run a sock account.
I'm here to smell the fetid corpse this forum has become because of folks like buck and yourself. It smells the same, and it's not a sock account if it's the only account I use, you know what a sock account does right? Try harder pal. A few months back you were all positing bullshit forecasts and I knew you would all coalesce around Warren. Predictable as the stench you folks have been wafting around here
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Now that thinking will surly get you Trump. " My man did not win so I'm not voting "

Before I do that I ask myself. Is this person still better than Trump or worst ? Then I take my ass out and vote.
The tax hikes are too high. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR BERNIE.


When we're talking about my meager salary for my extremely hard work. literally trying to save the the planet by cultivating entire coral reefs. Yeah, I will vote for my paycheck.
The tax hikes are too high. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR BERNIE.


When we're talking about my meager salary for my extremely hard work. literally trying to save the the planet by cultivating entire coral reefs. Yeah, I will vote for my paycheck.
What type of grants have you received for the work you do. Have you ever applied for any. Do you think Bernie would reward any grants for this work or Trump. serious question. Trump thinks climate change is a hoax. What is Bernies view on this.
I'm here to smell the fetid corpse this forum has become because of folks like buck and yourself. It smells the same, and it's not a sock account if it's the only account I use, you know what a sock account does right? Try harder pal. A few months back you were all positing bullshit forecasts and I knew you would all coalesce around Warren. Predictable as the stench you folks have been waiting around here
I did not have any interaction with you a few months back. Bandying people together usually leads to these sorts of fallacies.

I had the courtesy to engage your arguments directly and insult you personally. Have to decency to treat me as an individual. I started this thread.
I did not have any interaction with you a few months back. Bandying people together usually leads to these sorts of fallacies.

I had the courtesy to engage your arguments directly and insult you personally. Have to decency to treat me as an individual. I started this thread.
My forecast is this, you will vote or not and it doesn't fucking matter because you're one guy on a cannabis forum. Get outside and start knocking on doors and canvassing, start showing up to soup kitchens and rallying the downtrodden for a cause worth voting for. Build solidarity with your community and use that to gain political power and influence. Bitching and arguing on rollitup doesn't solve shit.

View attachment 4455230

We’ve seen this “I’m not a nazi, bernie2020!” act way too many times before

Bigot fraud
Dude, I am against our military rounding up kids, who are on the path to being fascists and unloading bullets into them. Is that hard to understand? It was a quote from April 2018, and I'm somewhat consistent on these positions because our government shouldn't round people up for execution. You sound like the person who's advocating this. You have authoritarian tendencies you aren't aware of Mr sociopath.

FYI, the military branches as well as law enforcement are packed with neo Nazis. They receive training and then head home and spread that knowledge to their ideological allies, so even if they are the spawn of 2 cousin fuckers, they're armed and trained by soldiers with experience slaughtering people. Is this not something you care about?

Destroy the underpinnings of their ideology through different methods. You're clearly autistic if you lack the ability to see this nuance as a deterrent.
What type of grants have you received for the work you do. Have you ever applied for any. Do you think Bernie would reward any grants for this work or Trump. serious question. Trump thinks climate change is a hoax. What is Bernies view on this.
Bernie had toxic waste dumped in Hispanic neighborhoods. Bernie had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in with the hope of talking to him personally. Bernie consistently voted in favor of military spending because he wants his district to benefit from the contracts.

Bernie is only popular because he promises so much free shit, that is literally what populism means.

His economic agenda would cost 97 trillion dollars in 10 years. Those tax hikes which also affect US citizens working abroad such as myself. I will vote according to my interests.
I'm here to smell the fetid corpse this forum has become because of folks like buck and yourself. It smells the same, and it's not a sock account if it's the only account I use, you know what a sock account does right? Try harder pal. A few months back you were all positing bullshit forecasts and I knew you would all coalesce around Warren. Predictable as the stench you folks have been waiting around here
michiganmed, methinks


how much spam does it take for this sock to make enough spam so that this retard sock account can be removed?
My forecast is this, you will vote or not and it doesn't fucking matter because you're one guy on a cannabis forum. Get outside and start knocking on doors and canvassing, start showing up to soup kitchens and rallying the downtrodden for a cause worth voting for. Build solidarity with your community and use that to gain political power and influence. Bitching and arguing on rollitup doesn't solve shit.
So, selling grams to gramps in assisted living is your answer for "rallying the downtrodden"?
Bernie had toxic waste dumped in Hispanic neighborhoods. Bernie had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in with the hope of talking to him personally. Bernie consistently voted in favor of military spending because he wants his district to benefit from the contracts.

Bernie is only popular because he promises so much free shit, that is literally what populism means.

His economic agenda would cost 97 trillion dollars in 10 years. Those tax hikes which also affect US citizens working abroad such as myself. I will vote according to my interests.
Please link me the story.
It's true.

Bernie isn't Santa Claus and can't just magically make stuff happen. His record over that past 12 years is proof that nothing happens when Bernie just uses the "then a miracle occurs" assumption in his calculations.

The tax hikes are too high. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR BERNIE.


When we're talking about my meager salary for my extremely hard work. literally trying to save the the planet by cultivating entire coral reefs. Yeah, I will vote for my paycheck.
This is honest, I appreciate that. If an argument or a study could prove to you that it was economically feasible, would you chose a candidate that espoused these platforms?
Please link me the story.

I can't find a snopes on the antiwar protesters getting arrested, but I know those protesters personally. Here's a NYtimes article:

This is honest, I appreciate that. If an argument or a study could prove to you that it was economically feasible, would you chose a candidate that espoused these platforms?
It is economically feasible, I never doubted that for a second. Those things can be nationalized and paid for if taxes are significantly hiked.

Dude, I am against our military rounding up kids, who are on the path to being fascists and unloading bullets into them. Is that hard to understand? It was a quote from April 2018, and I'm somewhat consistent on these positions because our government shouldn't round people up for execution. You sound like the person who's advocating this. You have authoritarian tendencies you aren't aware of Mr sociopath.

FYI, the military branches as well as law enforcement are packed with neo Nazis. They receive training and then head home and spread that knowledge to their ideological allies, so even if they are the spawn of 2 cousin fuckers, they're armed and trained by soldiers with experience slaughtering people. Is this not something you care about?

Destroy the underpinnings of their ideology through different methods. You're clearly autistic if you lack the ability to see this nuance as a deterrent.
“I’m not against killing nazis, it’s one of my life goals”


if it's private citizens doing the killing, then that makes them murderers. People who commit murder do not belong in society, and should be separated and exiled or imprisoned.

you’re a lying sack of shit, sorry

nazi boi

I can't find a snopes on the antiwar protesters getting arrested, but I know those protesters personally. Here's a NYtimes article:

wow on the first part. Have to call BS on the second. Cant find that story nowhere