Is the rise in secularism causing a rise in antidepressants?

i think it is....nearly ever person i've ever met uses some kind of crutch to get through their lives, drugs, alcohol, religion, coffee.....they sometimes think they've "beat" their problem, but all they do is use a different crutch. if you quit drinking but start going to church 3 times a week, you may have gotten slightly better, but you're still hobbling around with a crutch.
antidepressants are just another crutch. we can't fix our fucked up world, because the rich motherfuckers don't want it fixed, it's much harder to manipulate people who have time to think about what you're doing to keep them busy with bullshit, and sedated so it doesn't seem quite so bad....

Some use anger as a crutch like myself. Have to agree most people just trade one vice for another.

I would wager the rise in anti-depressants is directly related to how many antidepressants are available and prescribed. If the demand isn't there but the supply is, we have to market and push it until we make our sale. I've been on them and agree, don't care for the zombified reality they induce, better off just working on your issues. It is also "easier" to just pop a pill than actually talk to someone whom is annoying you, sometimes you can come to a better solution.
Some use anger as a crutch like myself. Have to agree most people just trade one vice for another.

I would wager the rise in anti-depressants is directly related to how many antidepressants are available and prescribed. If the demand isn't there but the supply is, we have to market and push it until we make our sale. I've been on them and agree, don't care for the zombified reality they induce, better off just working on your issues. It is also "easier" to just pop a pill than actually talk to someone whom is annoying you, sometimes you can come to a better solution.
I agree, Its better to present a problem and resolve it immediately instead of letting it fester. Cooler heads do prevail, you look at the problem as the enemy and not the person you have the problem with. The anticipation of the conflict is worse than the conflict itself. The longer you wait, the more anger that will build. Waiting too long will lead to explosive conflict that neither side benefits from. Our society thinks happiness is something you can obtain through consumption.

The worst thing about being bipolar is you are easily drawn to conflict and the body feels rewarded by it, I think it is the adrenaline it kicks off. My body wants go into overkill over the smallest of conflict and I have to fight myself to think with empathy. It could be the old berserker genetics in me, not sure. It is taking a life time to understand and control, my goal is to reforge it into a tool for my prosperity. Meditation releases anger and stress without having to put it on some one else and exchanges it with an immense adrenaline and oxygen high.
I was put on psychotropic drugs and lost a year of my life as a zombie before I just stopped taking them. After doing some research, I started taking vitamins. The one which helped the most was magnesium. Even though my blood test came back saying I wasn't deficient. After about a month, I started feeling better. Also just dealing and going day to day not caring if I felt like shit, and generally eating better, not for the enjoyment and comfort it gave.

What doesn't work I found out is pretending everything is alright. That you do feel bad. For some strange reason admitting that, slowly I stared feeling better.
Maybe you should go back on the drugs before you do a mass murder
part of spiritual growth is learning how to deal with adversity in a calm and controlled manner

Those who scream the most about being calm, tend to be what they aren't, because those who truly are calm wouldn't preach to others about it, since they know how hard it is and don't get on someone's case for it on momentary lapses. Especially if it's just words said in frustration.

Have a good nap?

Why you so jelly I can sleep whenever I want? I'm free, not a slave like you are. I make my own schedule, take breaks whenever, and if I feel like it do my "job" that makes me money. So you're right. I don't have a job, because a job is something you wouldn't do if you didn't have to. What I do makes me happy.
It sounded pretty calm and controlled to me buck calls everyone a nazi so I dont know if that holds any ground.
Yes but from what I've gathered Roger is not conscerned with spiritual growth
i don't put effort into something that happens on it's own.
if you're only good because you're afraid of the consequences, that doesn't make you a good person. you have to want to be good, or it's just a sham.
i can do that part of the gets to be a little larger part of the time as each year passes, but i'm not really close to 100% of the time yet....
are you?
i don't put effort into something that happens on it's own.
if you're only good because you're afraid of the consequences, that doesn't make you a good person. you have to want to be good, or it's just a sham.
i can do that part of the gets to be a little larger part of the time as each year passes, but i'm not really close to 100% of the time yet....
are you?
No not nearly Roger, more time than most my age.
Why you so jelly I can sleep whenever I want? I'm free, not a slave like you are. I make my own schedule, take breaks whenever, and if I feel like it do my "job" that makes me money. So you're right. I don't have a job, because a job is something you wouldn't do if you didn't have to. What I do makes me happy.
I’m glad you put job in quotes so as to indicate it’s dubiousness

ya know, since you’re unemployable and have no job
I’m glad you put job in quotes so as to indicate it’s dubiousness

ya know, since you’re unemployable and have no job

I get paid pretty good for my unjob which is my hobby and I'd do even if not paid. You can't say the same. Your wife forced you to quit being a farmer because you're whipped.
I get paid pretty good for my unjob which is my hobby and I'd do even if not paid. You can't say the same. Your wife forced you to quit being a farmer because you're whipped.
funny how quickly you can lose the spiritual high ground and throw shit with the rest of us monkeys....what would buddha have to say about that?
what you do not accept, returns to the one offering it to begin with....when you let others start to dictate the terms of your life, you've lost before you ever begin to fight
funny how quickly you can lose the spiritual high ground and throw shit with the rest of us monkeys....what would buddha have to say about that?
what you do not accept, returns to the one offering it to begin with....when you let others start to dictate the terms of your life, you've lost before you ever begin to fight

The Buddha said to have infinite compassion for others, not to be a push over. If he wants to play that way, I'll play right back. You're the one on your high horse, not me. If you want me to play nice, you have to play nice.
