The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

i've never been sure what's on the other side of death....but trump better hope God isn't real....
I smell fire and brimstone in his future, Donald will definitely roast. See if he ticks off all the items on this well recognised list. This is how they used to tell who the assholes were...

The Seven Deadly Sins
Seven things that are considered the worst things to do.

1. Greed - Wanting too much of something.
2. Gluttony - Similar to greed, but gluttony is the action of taking too much of something in.
3. Lust - The need to fulfill unspiritual desires (not just sexual desires, but this is usually what lust is associated with.)
4. Envy - Jealousy; wanting to have what someone has.
5. Sloth - Being too slow or lazy at doing something.
6. Wrath - Vindictive anger; angry revenge.
7. Pride - Being too self-satisfied
There are plenty of evangelical Americans who maybe didn’t support President Trump in the last election because they didn’t believe he was a true ally, but who are now taking a second look at him because of his record,” a Trump campaign adviser said.

These people know JC as well as Trump knows truth

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It's like a hidden family portrait of retards.

My mind boggles.
It's like a hidden family portrait of retards.

My mind boggles.
It looks like they're trying to telepathically communicate, all the "christian" con artists in one place, all the charlatans together. These people are like Trump, they prey upon the fearful and stupid too, a real Christian wouldn't touch Trump with a ten foot pole. All the people in the picture were crooks some are self deluded, others just predators all are con artists, like Trump.
It looks like they're trying to telepathically communicate, all the "christian" con artists in one place, all the charlatans together. These people are like Trump, they prey upon the fearful and stupid too, a real Christian wouldn't touch Trump with a ten foot pole. All the people in the picture were crooks some are self deluded, others just predators all are con artists, like Trump.
A real Republican wouldn't either. That's why they are all retiring leaving only the worst of them in Congress.
Ay time to have a terrorist attack caused by trump you heard already u know something is coming from iran we all know It trump should have left them alone
Hey, the guy was a monster and deserved what he got. My problem is that what tRUmp did and why have nothing to do with the guys crimes against the world and in typical tRUmp fashion he wants to gloat and rub their faces in it. He's trying to save his own skin and stay in office, if he had met him, he probably would have become friends with the monster and would tell everyone what a strong leader he was.