The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


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Just what we need, Donald's financials landing like a one ton turd in the middle of the impeachment trial fight. Lev is eager to squeal and can see the end game coming, new unredacted versions of emails paint Trump into a corner on the Ukraine affair. It's not just impeachable, it's a crime too. It looks like McGhan and Bolton will have to publicly testify, either at the senate trial or at a house hearing, also the courts are gonna make a call on Donald's taxes by spring. If Mitch has a sham show trial it will be very messy with house hearings all winter, spring and summer, the democrats will make the GOP own any acquittal bigly, so will Donald! I wouldn't assume anything about the senate trial, anything could happen and a lot is going on right now with more shit coming out every day.


Well-Known Member
I will never understand why the media, faced with incontrovertible evidence, chooses to report headlines like “trump denies any connection to Russia”, especially given what a liar he is
It's Christmas remember, everybody is supposed to be off for the holidays, but look at the shit that's come out in the past week! Imagine when everybody is back to work, shit is breaking daily on this stuff and there are more emails to go through, lot's more. By the time they get around to a trial the "facts on the ground" could change quite a bit, it's not like Mitch likes Donald, or wouldn't cut his throat if he can figure out a way to do it!

The republicans are left with no defense for the indefensible in the GOP senate, Trump has given them no cover or help at all, in deed, his multiple TV confessions have made things harder for them. Rudy his "lawyer" and his chief of staff are blathering confessions on TV too, while Trump is openly threatening witnesses at public house hearings for fuck sake! Donald has dumped all this shit in Mitch McConnell's lap at the beginning of an election year and said, "fix it"! Mitch wants to fuck Donald and is looking for a way! A secret vote for removal 51% is all that's required and would provide lot's of "air cover", for the GOP senators.
The first Donald would hear of the verdict would be when the secret service escorted him off the WH property (check his pockets for silverware)! He might not even get to write any pardons! Pence would not pardon Trump! Donald most likely is already indicted for several crimes and arrest awaits him as soon as he leaves office, muzzling by a judge would shortly follow.


Well-Known Member
I will never understand why the media, faced with incontrovertible evidence, chooses to report headlines like “trump denies any connection to Russia”, especially given what a liar he is
Because its has been shown how easy it is for Russia/Trump to have someone plant stories in the news with single sources that turns out to have just been a plant by these criminals. That they then turn around and say 'see told you they are fake news'.

The stakes are too big to jump at everything damning that gets leaked. The President of the Untied States of America is at war with the free press.


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House lawyers press court to enforce subpoena against Trump aide

Lawyers for the House Judiciary Committee on Friday urged a federal appeals court to enforce a subpoena against former White House counsel Don McGahn, saying the aide’s testimony could give Democrats a basis for new impeachment articles against President Trump.

While McGahn’s anticipated testimony would largely fall on the margins of the articles of impeachment that last month passed the House, lawyers for the Democratic-led committee said his evidence could shed new light on misconduct by Trump.

“We remain here because of the impeachment,” Megan Barbero, an attorney for the committee said during oral arguments before a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel.

Barbero read from a Dec. 23 brief to the D.C. Circuit Court requesting McGahn’s testimony.

“If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the articles approved by the House, the committee will proceed accordingly — including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” she said.

The argument marks Democrats’ latest attempt to persuade the court that concealed evidence related to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has a role in their ongoing impeachment efforts, even after two House-passed articles made only passing reference to conduct covered in the nearly two-year Russia probe.

More broadly, House lawyers also believe that McGahn’s firsthand account of Trump’s alleged obstruction of Mueller could help to demonstrate that the two impeachment articles — abuse of power related to Trump’s Ukraine dealings and obstruction of Congress — reflect a wider pattern of presidential misconduct.

For his part, Trump has dismissed Democrats’ impeachment efforts as baseless.

In a separate case on Friday, another panel of D.C. Circuit Court judges was slated to hear arguments over House Democrats’ efforts to obtain secret grand jury materials stemming from Mueller’s investigation. That probe focused on Moscow’s 2016 election interference and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, as well as the president’s alleged obstruction of justice.

Like in McGahn’s case, House Judiciary Committee lawyers arguing for the Mueller materials said in a court filing last week that the grand jury evidence could help Democrats decide whether to recommend additional articles of impeachment against Trump.

The three-judge panel presiding over McGahn’s case is weighing whether to enforce a subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee in April that the White House has sought to block.

The Justice Department, on behalf of the White House, appealed to the D.C. Circuit Court after a lower court judge ruled in November that McGahn must comply with the subpoena.

In her ruling, U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, an Obama appointee, rejected the Trump administration’s argument that McGahn has “absolute immunity” from complying with House Democrats’ subpoena.

The Judiciary Committee has long considered McGahn a key witness in Mueller’s examination of 10 "episodes" of possible obstruction of justice by Trump. Mueller’s report found "substantial evidence" that Trump leaned on McGahn to fire the special counsel amid his investigation into foreign interference in the presidential election.


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New Ukraine revelations turn up heat on Senate trial showdown

(CNN)New evidence showing Donald Trump's direct role in pressuring Ukraine for political favors is dialing up the heat as Republicans launch their New Year push to shield the President in a swift Senate impeachment trial.
Trump's top Senate protector, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is expected to attempt to define the next phase of the drama on Friday morning with his first floor speech of 2020. It was not clear whether the aftermath of the stunning US strike to kill Qasem Soleimani, Iran's top military and intelligence officer in Iraq, would change plans on Capitol Hill. The attack has the potential to scramble political calculations in Washington, in addition to its huge global implications.
Whenever McConnell plays his next card, he is expected to push back on demands by Democrats to call senior current and former White House officials to testify in the trial after the President refused to allow them talk to House investigators.
McConnell's speech will ratchet up pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who presided over Trump's historic shaming last month but tried to bolster Democratic demands for new witnesses by declining to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate. That means the trial -- once expected to start as soon as next week cannot yet start.

White House budget official told Pentagon that order to hold Ukraine aid came from Trump, national security site reports
And calls for the Senate to broaden the investigation are resonating amid recent revelations that appear to bolster the impeachment case that Trump froze military assistance from Ukraine partly to coerce it to dig for dirt on his possible 2020 election rival Joe Biden.
Documents reviewed by the "Just Security" website show that a top White House budget official made clear the order to halt nearly $400 million in aid came directly from the President.
The story suggests that there could be new and damning bombshells in piles of official evidence that the President has refused to hand over to the House investigation. It offers a rationale why the White House might be keen to get the Senate trial over quickly before even more damaging evidence emerges.
"As part of our impeachment inquiry, the House subpoenaed these very documents," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said in a statement on Thursday. "From their deeply incriminating character, we can now see why they were concealed: They directly corroborate witnesses who testified that military aid to Ukraine was withheld at the direction of the President and that the White House was informed doing so may violate the law."
But Republicans claim that it is not the Senate's job to improve the impeachment case sent over from the House -- and point to the failure of Pelosi to launch court challenges to compel senior White House officials who Democrats now want called to the Senate to testify in the House probe.


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Most Americans Believe President Donald Trump Committed Impeachable Offense | Morning Joe | MSNBC
New polling from FiveThirtyEight and Ipsos shows that most Americans believe the president committed an impeachable offense and should be removed from office. The panel discusses. Aired on 1/3/20

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
There are plenty of evangelical Americans who maybe didn’t support President Trump in the last election because they didn’t believe he was a true ally, but who are now taking a second look at him because of his record,” a Trump campaign adviser said.

These people know JC as well as Trump knows truth


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
There are plenty of evangelical Americans who maybe didn’t support President Trump in the last election because they didn’t believe he was a true ally, but who are now taking a second look at him because of his record,” a Trump campaign adviser said.

These people know JC as well as Trump knows truth

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i've never been sure what's on the other side of death....but trump better hope God isn't real....


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Learners license has been issued to you temporarily, your reg one gets sent out after go a few miles. (about 10 post)


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91% of Republicans get what they feel is accurate information from Trump. It is fully a cult at this point, all the non indoctrinated Republicans are now 'independents'.

Trump is going to get slaughtered unless he gets some serious help from foreign governments hacking our election systems & a bullshit 3rd party run by Tulsi/Bernie.