Using magnets to make plants grow faster, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Bumped into some older research about using powerful magnets to speed up plant growth. Never heard people talking about this, I've only really heard of 'new-age' magnetic things (like bracelets etc). So my bullshit-o-meter activated as I started looking through the research. However (although old) I was surprised at the claimed research results (from apparently valid institutions). However, I can't find much 'new' research (which made me wonder ..)

So, has/are any one here using magnets while growing their crops?

Not very scientific; but I guess I could repurpose a powerful speaker magnet and place a plant pot on top of it for a grow :) Or, just grow beside the main power cable for the house ..which may offer electromagnetic goodness! ;-)
In reality, I'm guessing the 'effects' were way less then the research originally hoped (and/or, there are far better methods than magnetics that we already use :)

Florida state university video (experiments conducted by Dr. Ching-Jen Chen) -

Magnetic field effects on plant growth, development, and evolution -

Sowing Seeds in a Magnetic Field -
do not know anything about using magnets to grow thing about science we need to remember it is flawed and teaches us how not to do something on the way to doing it is always a work in progress and what we often think to be true at one time from research we only find later that it was not true from research, if we remember that then I say give it a try.I have found over the years no matter what it is, growing cannabis,archery automobiles or whatever there is a trade gain something here we sacrifice something there and we must determine if that trade off is worth it for the gain.Just like the great light debate you read about here all to often.when we gain something we think everyone should be doing it or there stupid.200% growth rate with microgravity but only time will tell what the sacrifice will be.perhaps none.But look at the medecines we take today many thought to be miracle drugs then 10 years later we find out they cause something worse than what we were being treated for.the side effects of some of these meds are worse than the health problem they are treating.cannabis has thousands of years of genetics built into it.I think learn to read your plant and get the best of what mother nature has given her and good smoke out of it is the way to go.200% growth may not mean better smoke just more growth.not worth it to me.but you don't know if you don't try.Remember cannabis is not grown to take pictures of and put on a blog site to boast about.I have seen some great results with synthetic nuts but no way would I use them the trade off is not worth it for me but for others it is.I had to smile when he said put a powerful speaker magnet under it I remember back in 1971 when i was in jr.high school a girl at our science fair played music to plants and with something she had attached to the plant she was able to show how the plant reacted to different types of music and soft speech or loud speech. Now i don't know if that was B.S.or not but i know rap music sucks and i cant stand it but Motown makes this old man want to put the powerful speaker not just the magnet in your grow room light up a hooter and you will have a better day.God Bless and have a great new year.
actual would like to hear more of the info you have on this,thanks

"First, a sensor failure in the traditional root module on the station caused the plants to receive higher than specified water levels. Investigators believed the overwatering would disrupt nutrients and oxygen in the traditional module, making the newer improved module look better in the comparison.

Surprises in microgravity research are not unusual, though, and it turned out that overwatered traditional module sprouted and developed leaves about twice as fast. "This suggests the conservative water level we have been using for all our previous experiments may be below optimal for plant growth in microgravity," said Topham.

The second surprising result was discovered when the root modules were unpacked on the ground. The new fertilizer being tested had a slower and more even release rate, which had helped lower the plants' accumulation of salts during ground studies. Investigators expected to see higher salt accumulation in the space modules, but the opposite occurred."

Here’s a quick snip but NASA studies have reported multiple times at near or above 200% growth rates.

edit: and plants liking music is not a myth, I’m actually going to put a speaker into my tent once I move into a place where my neighbours won’t hear :)
Relax, guy, smoke a joint and realize I'm just giving him a little shit over "research"

It’s alright, but I don’t think buddy would be posting on RIU expecting an astronomical discussion :D

I didn’t mean to alter the threads course, but I have looked into magnets and got to magnetic levitation and eventually to microgravity. And there’s something to do with the rate at which you rotate the earth in the ISS but I haven’t been able to find as much data on that point.