So for the first time in 25 years I had to cancel a gig today

It was a xmas party downtown, and they were SO looking forward to having me perform. It turns out that I have a bulging or herniated disc in my lower back, and although it is slowly improving, I would just re-injure it if I tried to gig in this condition. Which is exactly what I did this last time. I sustained this injury a few weeks ago while working out, thought it healed enough to play a gig, and from simply moving equipment, standing, and walking, I re-injured it worse than before. I had an amazing xmas party to attend this evening, and tickets to see Brother Ali tomorrow night with a bunch of buddies. Not to mention 2 other gigs that I'm going to have to cancel in the next few days. Altogether I'm out about $1300. I hope I can make some of that gig money back by selling some weed that folks ordered at that party that I'll miss tonight, as a buddy is supposed to stop by, pick it up, and get it to the people expecting it. Oh well, at least now I have a legit excuse to avoid my family on xmas. I've got a nice back brace coming tomorrow that I hope will help. I'm still in surprisingly good spirits, at least it's not cancer...