This economy ... 2020


Well-Known Member
Just for your info ... truly awful news about a friend who has rent to pay ...
I have a friend who works at the NUMI plant in the SF Bay Area.
He got a 15% wage increase and stepped up medical insurance starting Jan 1.

He should feel bad about that?
I should?
You do?
Means of Production is exactly why we have/need employment laws
When gov't controls all means of production = socialism ala Cuba or Venezuela.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who works at the NUMI plant in the SF Bay Area.
He got a 15% wage increase and stepped up medical insurance starting Jan 1.

He should feel bad about that?
I should?
You do?

When gov't controls all means of production = socialism ala Cuba or Venezuela.
aren't unions awesome?!

re: cuba was communist and venezuela facist ummmmmmm, so not the same thing..didn't you take civics in school?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who works at the NUMI plant in the SF Bay Area.
He got a 15% wage increase and stepped up medical insurance starting Jan 1.

He should feel bad about that?
I should?
You do?

When gov't controls all means of production = socialism ala Cuba or Venezuela.
wages are stagnant and manufacturing is in a recession


Well-Known Member
aren't unions awesome?!

re: cuba was communist and venezuela facist ummmmmmm, so not the same thing..didn't you take civics in school?
Yes, I did take civics in school.
I went to school in Florida. In the 60's I was in grade school.
I remember the refugees floating over from Cuba. They were fleeing a a communist government for a better life in the country you hate.
I remember the Cuban missile crisis. Spending half a day in an air raid shelter while Kennedy and Kruschev decided whether they were going to incinerate the world.

I remember being taught; mostly by people who fought WW2 that freedom was the only way to live. That self reliance was American.

From Wikipedia
Venezuela has a dominant-party system, dominated by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela amidst other parties listed in the following section. The governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV) was created in 2007.
Hugo Chávez, the central figure of the Venezuelan political landscape since his election to the Presidency in 1998 as a political outsider, died in office in early 2013, and was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro (initially as interim President, before narrowly winning the 2013 Venezuelan presidential election in a popular election). Venezuela has a presidential government. The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Venezuela a "socialist authoritarian regime" in 1998.

Notice that it says that Maduro was elected in a ''narrow popular vote''. They have no Electora College to prevent mob rule, and the city dwellers voted for 'free stuff' that Maduro promised. Hows that working out for them?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who works at the NUMI plant in the SF Bay Area.
He got a 15% wage increase and stepped up medical insurance starting Jan 1.

He should feel bad about that?
I should?
You do?

When gov't controls all means of production = socialism ala Cuba or Venezuela.
Thanks Tesla......


Well-Known Member
All you are is full of hate. The Revolution is coming. When that day comes we will realize subjugating others based on their physical appearance and beliefs is wrong, and we will then accept all our brothers and sisters. Your fight is with the wrong people, and one day you'll realize that.
I'm still digging foxholes around my farm.....


Well-Known Member
And, the sky is purple; and Santa Claus has you on his 'nice' list ...

This is the best bad economy I ever lived through
How is that pot growing job going? You know the job you had before you became a hot shot securities trader then retired and moved into a trailer near Shasta. After driving an ambulance in Detroit.

Also, "best economy ever"

The lies keep rolling in.

I'd like to talk to your boss about getting a better troll for RIU. You are obviously defective.


Well-Known Member
Farmers bankrupted, billions borrowed from China to pay farmers not to sell to China, billions of dollars forced onto consumers and businesses, countless jobs lost, trade deficit skyrocketed...

And for that we get to go back to the same deal we had under Obama

What a con