My First Flowering Stage

I have a Blueberry Kush about 5ft in a 10gal pot atm with a root ball that takes up the entire pot lol. I’ve kept it in the vegetation state since I bought it back in June. About a month ago it seems to be more like my x about when it needs attention lol, in this case watering lol. This is my first plant. I bought it as a clone. Started it on a 12/12 last weekend before Christmas. I am familiar with the signs of overwatering and dehydration and keeping the soil properly watered. It’s been on about 400 LED full spectrum. I have a 1000w LED full spectrum coming in on January 6th for better flowering. Question is tho, any idea about how much water I could maybe expect to use as I go through this flowering process for the first time so I don’t teeter totter it to much possibly ruining my first plant? Thank you. Mike



Well-Known Member
5ft tall? Hope u have a high ceiling for stretch. There's too many factors to say how much water you'll need. Pot size temp humidity plant size etc....
8’ ceiling and is why I’m starting the flowering now before it’s to tall. And I just don’t want to deal with anything bigger for my first in my apt lol. That’ll be next lease with a 2bdr. Actually doing this right in my living room. Just measured. It’s actually 51” at tallest 2 points, so I guess it’s actually just a little over 4’. I keep apt thermostat at 72-74. Keep it more on the dryer side since when I first read something on the strain it mentioned a cooler dryer climate. My grow space is 53”x53” and 77.5” high. Built myself before getting into more in-depth stuff just to get feet wet after reading what I could. I’m just hoping my first becomes a success really. Thanks for taking the time to read that and respond on the first one dude


Well-Known Member
I have a Blueberry Kush about 5ft in a 10gal pot atm with a root ball that takes up the entire pot lol. I’ve kept it in the vegetation state since I bought it back in June. About a month ago it seems to be more like my x about when it needs attention lol, in this case watering lol. This is my first plant. I bought it as a clone. Started it on a 12/12 last weekend before Christmas. I am familiar with the signs of overwatering and dehydration and keeping the soil properly watered. It’s been on about 400 LED full spectrum. I have a 1000w LED full spectrum coming in on January 6th for better flowering. Question is tho, any idea about how much water I could maybe expect to use as I go through this flowering process for the first time so I don’t teeter totter it to much possibly ruining my first plant? Thank you. Mike
Is that 400 true watts from the wall or just like most led companies say like 400w when it only pulls 100w from the wall? Because I'm thinking that's not 400 true watts it should be bigger for 6 months of veg but then again you said the root ball has taken up the whole bucket pretty much so it is root bound so it could just be growing slower cuz of that
Still looking good though
Is that 400 true watts from the wall or just like most led companies say like 400w when it only pulls 100w from the wall? Because I'm thinking that's not 400 true watts it should be bigger for 6 months of veg but then again you said the root ball has taken up the whole bucket pretty much so it is root bound so it could just be growing slower cuz of that
Still looking good though
Is that 400 true watts from the wall or just like most led companies say like 400w when it only pulls 100w from the wall? Because I'm thinking that's not 400 true watts it should be bigger for 6 months of veg but then again you said the root ball has taken up the whole bucket pretty much so it is root bound so it could just be growing slower cuz of that
Still looking good though
Thank you! Yeah, 425w equivalent but is only actually 56 watts used. Wanted it to have more roots at a shorter height. I’m no pro and just having fun thinking with it a bit. Figure it could grow better buds if it had better roots even at a shorter size. I knew if I could create a better root system before budding I could get better buds, or at least that was my thinking behind a slow above ground grow. I knew if I put a 1000w from the beginning it would have been way taller before my root ball was huge which wasn't my goal. Being my first plant I’m also going to try to reveg it after I pluck when it’s ready. Also took a clipping of it this morning before work and came home to see it like this, and it’s just been sitting in tap water this morning. So I’m also going to do this to some more and try a experimenting even more:) it definitely wasn’t like that this morning after I put it in the glass and went to work. The pic is about after about 6hrs I think in tap water and it’s also under the same lighting atm until I get my new lights in Here in just under 2 weeks


That bitch is gonna be like 8-9' tall after stretch. If u have a light hanging off your 8' ceiling that's not gonna leave any space between light and plant. I suggest you super crop her before going into flower.
I can always train branches outward. Which is what I’m going to do in my next plant when I give it its own bedroom. Not even sure if it’s possible but I’ve always wanted to do it lol. Gonna veg it till it’s a one plant jungle lol then flower the fuck out of it once it’s about half the radius of the room. Lol can’t blame a man for dreaming lol
Is that 400 true watts from the wall or just like most led companies say like 400w when it only pulls 100w from the wall? Because I'm thinking that's not 400 true watts it should be bigger for 6 months of veg but then again you said the root ball has taken up the whole bucket pretty much so it is root bound so it could just be growing slower cuz of that
Still looking good though
It was in a 5 gal a month ago. Dropped it in a 10gal. Was full last Sunday. I cleared about 3inches of soil and root from the edge of the pot and replaced it with new soil for the roots to grow back into. Not sure if that’s good or not but in my weird head I figure why not groom what grows underground a bit to help what’s above ground. I’m no pro lol just having fun while staying high lol and thanks for the compliment:)
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You are going to require AT LEAST 500 to 600 TRUE WATTS FROM WALL.
Be a shame to waste that plant on poor lighting Bro.
I ordered this this morning and it’s supposed to arrive on Jan 6th. Sounds like I might need two of them lol. What do you think? Thank you for responding:) definitely just going to do more individual plants next time for bud quantity instead of just one big one. It’s my first and just loving it lol



Well-Known Member
Keep looking Bro....not trying to be an ass. I am not one to preach what lights to use...too much of that here. Go with what works for you. Good luck and happy growing!
Keep looking Bro....not trying to be an ass. I am not one to preach what lights to use...too much of that here. Go with what works for you. Good luck and happy growing!
No worries bro:) this is my first and I’m trying to learn all this while also working it on a budget and trying ideas that will still make it a great smoke when it’s ready. I’m always open to advice. I’m to focused on doing this than seeing any negative anyway even if there was any lol. I’m to high to be negative lol always listening for new and or better ideas:) close minds never open new doors! Thanks bro!
And just in case if someone just happened to be wondering if I’m using any additional additives for anything and the answer is, nope. Since it is my first plant I didn’t want to risk screwing anything up so when I first transplanted it I asked the dude at the grow shop supply store which soil he had that would already have the nutrients I needed from beginning to end if possible. He mentioned a brand of soil called Purple Cow. That’s all I know about it at this point. One of my next steps teaching myself is just this tho so that I can get better and more knowledgeable, but I know it will come with time from also experimenting and just doing it.


Well-Known Member
I ordered this this morning and it’s supposed to arrive on Jan 6th. Sounds like I might need two of them lol. What do you think? Thank you for responding:) definitely just going to do more individual plants next time for bud quantity instead of just one big one. It’s my first and just loving it lol
That's a shitty light and if I were you I would cancel order if you can it won't matter about your roots you will get only like baby buds with that light get some cobs or hps not those shitty blurple and you usually want 50 true watts per square ft
Well shit if they’re about 185 true watts each and if I have 3 that would be 555 of true watts. Are you saying that would solve my potential budding problem, or is it the type of lights in general besides these amount of lighting factor? Honestly though, please do tell, lol maybe even 4? Four would bring it up to 740 true watts


Well-Known Member
Lighting isn't measured in watts, it's measured in PPFD. 600w at the wall of shitty amazon lights is like 1/4 as much light as an efficient LED running at the same 600w at the wall. They're not even comparable.

You got this way too big and you have neither the space nor the light to flower it. The only way to save this grow now is to get a real LED and then scrog/supercrop the hell out of that thing.

It also looks like your flower room is just a corner of some other room in your house. You know you need pitch blackness during the dark period, right? Any light during the dark period will seriously fuck shit up.

If I was you I would get the SF4000 and probably a grow tent ASAP:


Well-Known Member
I ordered this this morning and it’s supposed to arrive on Jan 6th. Sounds like I might need two of them lol. What do you think? Thank you for responding:) definitely just going to do more individual plants next time for bud quantity instead of just one big one. It’s my first and just loving it lol
You can get a 600w hps/cmh for under 200 buck with a vented hood


Well-Known Member
Lighting isn't measured in watts, it's measured in PPFD. 600w at the wall of shitty amazon lights is like 1/4 as much light as an efficient LED running at the same 600w at the wall. They're not even comparable.

You got this way too big and you have neither the space nor the light to flower it. The only way to save this grow now is to get a real LED and then scrog/supercrop the hell out of that thing.

It also looks like your flower room is just a corner of some other room in your house. You know you need pitch blackness during the dark period, right? Any light during the dark period will seriously fuck shit up.

If I was you I would get the SF4000 and probably a grow tent ASAP:
If it's a crappy blurple led then yes but if you get a good cob led they are pretty much comparable to hps