pulled leaves off as they were almost yellow!
Stop doing that!! The plant needs even the yellow leaves. when the plant is done with the leaf and no longer needs it , it will fall off.
LED lights are about as useful as teets on a Bull for growing, maybe someday they will perfect the technology, but right now its a far cry from what one can do with a cheap ole HPS light.
You need more light! Thats as simple as I can get, If you really want to get those plants to grow your going to need about 10 of those 22 watt CFL bulbs to get ok results. 2 bathroom vanity lights will have enough sockets and they are fairly easy to install and wire.
Yep! An oil man should have never been allowed to be in office.at least we dont have Bush tho!
i use those. i have 2 of each colour spectrum. for veg they are great. i don't think they are so good for flower tho. i've added some extra red spectrum cfls. check out my journal for more info.just some more pics.
Oh, and the foil is outta there!!!
I'm def looking to use CFL's all the way through my grow. was looking on the net yesterday an came across some of these. seem like a good idea. anyone used them before??
I had not seen any before that seem to offer both the reb and blue ranges together.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]125w DUAL spectrum CFL & hanger for vegetative & flowering stages[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Exclusive CFL with both 2700K Red & 6400K Blue spectrums[/FONT]
link bellow is for item descrption from ebay.co.uk
Dual 125w Hydroponics CFL & hanger grow light lamp bulb on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 12-Oct-08 18:59:53 BST)
Thanks again for all you'r help people.
as you may be able to see, the mold type stuff is now gone (without any pestercide) just got the fan occerlating and on more regularly.
you said u got them as clone for your buddy so im sure the girls why would someone sell male clones to ther buddy lolis it just me or are they both female????
look in the grow faq there are many bending techniques i did this with a few of my plants from the beginning but they turned out to be males so never really saw the end result lol.. just do a lil at a time so that you dont stress it or break it.. slightly bend and use a string or a paperclip to tie that bitch downcool man. i guess i need some red spec cfls. but anyone used these dual red an blue ones? also, is it ok to bend plants over. ive only got bout 3 foot of space...
thought i better post some pics of how I tied them down.... if anyone has any ideas about the mold im open to suggestions.... i read about using baking soda and water to break the mold down so i'll pick some up later. i also just bent the plants over a bit more and think i might have broken one. it's not torn the stalk but it does have a crease (i'll take some pics when i get some more batterys) i am starting to worrie about them tho.look in the grow faq there are many bending techniques i did this with a few of my plants from the beginning but they turned out to be males so never really saw the end result lol.. just do a lil at a time so that you dont stress it or break it.. slightly bend and use a string or a paperclip to tie that bitch down![]()