Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
sorry for posting a 122 bus on this thread. Lol tilong aint quite so dangerous lol
i dont care mate, post whatever you want :lol:

i think i overdone the dimensions of the room were going to be growing in, it prob more like 12l x 7w x 7h

everythings already there to start i dont need to buy anything.

on another note, lowryders are fine. the biggest one is recovering from its burn on the leaves.

im going to have to get extraction though i think, i looked in the cab this morning and temp's were hovering just over 30 c is that to much? i switched of 2 of the three cfl's just to help bring the temp down abit.

i can always leave the window open in the room? that would bring the temp down and supply plenty of fresh air.


Well-Known Member
Yea you need that extractor fan mate, 28-29 is getting into the heatstress zone, 30+ id be panicking :lol:


Well-Known Member
glad i turned the cfl's of anyway :lol:

could have got home to some stressed out plants.

need to try find another fan. the one i have is crap. the plats either have to hold on for there lives or dont get any breeze at all. kinda got it sussed where i bat the wind of one of the wall up into the light which then reflects down onto the plants :lol:

just need a variable speed fan. make life easier. wrong time of teh year though.

i have a little comp fan so when i get back i will wire that up for now and hopefully that will bring temos down a little to.

mr west

Well-Known Member
even tho im english and have lived here all my life I still think in faranhight, I like my cab at 78degreesF or 21cish


Well-Known Member
even tho im english and have lived here all my life I still think in faranhight, I like my cab at 78degreesF or 21cish
mine is way to high then :roll:

hopefully this comp fan and the cfl' off will help out.

i want some more kush it was so nice last night. i dont even want to bother smoking soap after that!

mr west

Well-Known Member
ahhh mate i know how that feels i have had the same bit of soap roolling around my tin for months lol. I have to go buy an oz of it later today for my mate whos gonna sell it to his mate lmao, as i wrote this he rang me up lmfaro. Just gonna bin up some satori which tastes so fukin nice even wen its quick dried lol. puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm finding 75°F or 23.9°C works good for my little room in Canada here.

In the seventies Pierre Elliot Trudeau brought in multi culturism n the metric system for us Canucks. Still to this day people use both systems just to keep things confusing ;-)

Seeing that the States is are our biggest trading partner and basically own us, going metric wasn't such a great idea. Just created a lot of costs n confusion here. But isn't that what governments do all over the place. They never get the KISS principle.

. . . . sorry Fyfe, my little rant for the day bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Nice journal and 8 days ahead of me. It's like looking into the future! It never appears as if mine are growing but, I suppose that is because I check on them far too often. They do however seem to match up with your pictures which gives me hope. Keep up the good work; subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Nice journal and 8 days ahead of me. It's like looking into the future! It never appears as if mine are growing but, I suppose that is because I check on them far too often. They do however seem to match up with your pictures which gives me hope. Keep up the good work; subscribed.
i check my ryders like 5 times a day, getting sick of myself now! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Morning all.

well two weeks old today and they have really started growing. hopefully i will be sexing them next week.

I really need to get some bigger pots now. the ones they are in are just to small now. roots are showing at the bottom and the roots are holding the compo together nicely nice. prob try hang on till i can sex them if i can but if not i'l do them through the week.

you can definately see the diffrence in strains. 2 have very broad leaves and 1 has very skinny leaves and one is abot of both.

few pics for a butchers.

The first ones are the streeeeeeeeeetchy seedling :lol: i moved it away from the light and forgot to put her back :lol: its back under the light now.

My new fan broke on me already but i sorted temps out with the comp fan. it sits at 25 constant now.

Picture 9 is the plant that started life bigger than the rest. its still the biggest now, but the pthers are catching up. you can just see where it got burned from having no fan

its day 5 or 6 for the other seedling i think.



Well-Known Member
Lookin goooood Fyfe man ;-) Huge difference since the last pics, glad you got the temps sorted too mate, environment plays such a huge part in the grow.


Well-Known Member
Lookin goooood Fyfe man ;-) Huge difference since the last pics, glad you got the temps sorted too mate, environment plays such a huge part in the grow.
Cheers mate. yeah they really taken off over the last few days. getting big. starting to look like proper little plants now. Its amazing the difference that comp fan makes on its own.


Well-Known Member
A constant 24hr supply of fresh air is just as important as the light you grow with mate, my extractor fans are well over-rated for my rooms, but i still want more airflow lol


Well-Known Member
i check my ryders like 5 times a day, getting sick of myself now! :wall:
Frustrating isn't it? I've started measuring the leaves to the mm over night to reassure myself that they actually are growing.

Fyfe, they're looking beautiful friend. Question; do you think it is worth fimming this strain or will the short lifecycle and the approach of flowering cause more damage than good?


Well-Known Member
i dont think fimming would be a good idea mate. i dont beleive the put up with it well. because they have basically no veg state it would prob do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt do anything to LR crosses, just let em grow as they want.

Since they start flowering as they leave the seedling stage, youd be stressing them while theyre flowering, not good.