White Supremacists in the Military

Its probably from this thread. I don't think Hashbucket realizes the company he's in with regard to the seasoned growers on this site. They actually took it easy on him.
What? You don't harvest at 6 weeks and get 2.5 pounds per 1k watt?
My boss, you know, the guy that PAYS ME TO DO A JOB THE WAY HE WANTS IT DONE, pays me to chop in 8 weeks. My best so far is 31 lbs under 12 1000wt lights.
I was tired when I made that 6 week post. And I admitted it and begged for forgiveness for the mistake. It's eight weeks.
Yea, too early, I know.
But, goddammit, he pays me WAY too much for this job, and I hit the cash register every four weeks ... good harvest or not.
So, why do I care?
I work to get paid.
I get paid ... he gets what he wants - the immature and nute burned product.
My boss, you know, the guy that PAYS ME TO DO A JOB THE WAY HE WANTS IT DONE, pays me to chop in 8 weeks. My best so far is 31 lbs under 12 1000wt lights.
I was tired when I made that 6 week post. And I admitted it and begged for forgiveness for the mistake. It's eight weeks.
Yea, too early, I know.
But, goddammit, he pays me WAY too much for this job, and I hit the cash register every four weeks ... good harvest or not.
So, why do I care?
I work to get paid.
I get paid ... he gets what he wants - the immature and nute burned product.
So you were tired when you said it, and then a day later when you said it again, but actually spelled out the number SIX, you were tired again?

You must be "tired" all the time. Does tired mean lying dumb ass?
No one wants to hear your nazi lies, no one likes you, and you’ll be banned soon (again)
I've never been banned ... from here. *__*
I'm sure you're right tho - I will be.
And then, it will be rollitup.org's loss.
Then it will just be a chorus of the same old same old again.
Boring: "Orange Guy, LIar, RUSSIA!, obstruction, Impeach!, Orange ... " everybody agreeing and trying to out-hate the guy before him. No discussion. No disagreement. No challenge. Just boring.

Its been said that everybody's idea of Hell is different. I like the heat .... MY idea of Hell is boredom. Living the rest of my life (or eternity) in a small cell with nothing to do, nothing to see, no body to interact with, no communications with any thing or any one, no reading *shudder* ... that would be Hell. (for me)

But, this IS private property. If the 'powers that be' decide that I don't need to be here, I'll leave. I've never forced myself on anyone - and I'm too old to start now.
Its probably from this thread. I don't think Hashbucket realizes the company he's in with regard to the seasoned growers on this site. They actually took it easy on him.
danielbae said:
Please surprise us with some pics, I just can't imagine that GG4 is ready after 6 weeks lol
Oh fuck.
I'm sorry.
Jeeze, I AM stupid.

Eight weeks.
**hanging head**
I'm embarrassed ...

No wonder you were scratching your head and saying, "huh?"


And, if Tangerine had the morals to do the right thing and post the very next posting, mine, you'd of all see that. I'm sure she didn't see it, just missed it, yea. But, (s)he has an agenda. Its not one of fairness ... nope, (s)he just wants to be sure and be able to sit at the cool table.
We all love you Tangerine. We think you are pretty.
Don't worry.
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go to bed you old angry drunk
Do you do posts with capital letters at the beginning of the sentence? Can you make a sentence? Can you string together a few sentences to make a paragraph?

Have you ever made a post of more than five words? and/or one without a meme?
Have you ever had an original thought?
Oh fuck.
I'm sorry.
Jeeze, I AM stupid.

Eight weeks.
**hanging head**
I'm embarrassed ...

No wonder you were scratching your head and saying, "huh?"

JFC, you're missing the point, dude.
And calling that modest room a commercial grow op is laughable. Nearly as laughable as your heroic tales of pediatric emergency medicine.
Everyone likes to show off their grows and end product but you've taken the drive by braggings to an obnoxious level.
Humility goes a long way around these parts.
JFC, you're missing the point, dude.
And calling that modest room a commercial grow op is laughable. Nearly as laughable as your heroic tales of pediatric emergency medicine.
Everyone likes to show off their grows and end product but you've taken the drive by braggings to an obnoxious level.
Humility goes a long way around these parts.
Yea, yea. I'm there now.
But, it's too late for humility. Or apologies.
How about blow jobs? Would you forgive me if I blew ya?
Not saying I'd do it ... but I'd like to know the price of forgiveness here.

I overstepped ... especially where I was new, and not really wanted in the first place.
I can BEG YOUR FORGIVENESS AGAIN. If it would do any good. But it won't.
I made a mistake, and mistakes are not understood or forgiven any more.
Ya'll are just way too perfect.
It's good.

The only thing I can do now is log off forever and come back as a sock puppet?
Naw, I won't do that
I'll hang.

But, I do want to thank you for your one-sided reporting of the facts. Specifically not showing my very next post admitting, before anyone caught me, admitting that I fucked up. Good job hiding that. You are certainly 'in' with the cool table group.
And we all think you pretty.
Begging for forgiveness with an apology followed up with an unambiguous swipe? Gaslight much.
Just go back to worshipping Trump and all the repulsive shit the Trump name stands for.
Oh, I see.
The cost of forgiveness is to give up my soul, preach something that I don't believe in, become a liar and a politician ... ok, then it's an easy decision.
I will remain the unforgiven.
There are a lot of people reading these threads. A lot more than participate.
Few of those people hear the other side, because you and others here have bullied anyone who disagrees with you until they leave. You shout down anyone who tries to say anything.
I'm not going to leave. I've been told to 'sit down and shut up' by much more powerful people than you, so I'm not too concerned.

When I first came here, a mere six weeks ago (time flies when yer having fun, eh?) everyone here agreed with everyone else. It was the same posts with the next one even more angry than the last. Lots of memes. NObody had an original thought. And, most importantly, NObody dared to disagree or question the common wisdom. It was all "RACIST" and "ORANGE GUY!" and "CHO-MO" and "RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA!!! and "IMPEACH, COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, RACIST, RACIST".

Then, I came along. Wow, I would make a two sentence post and within an hour there'd be a dozen seriously rabid responses. Even a mod had to get involved to calm us down. And I know that mod didn't want to do that, it must have really hurt because she is right in there screaming with you; but, she has a job to do and must do it as long as she has that job. (Kinda like me cutting plants early, we do our job.)

I am not here to change your mind.

Now, some, a few of the more adventurous are starting to speak up. They are realizing they are not alone. Maybe, just maybe, some of those who didn't know better are changing their minds, or at least wondering ... I know there are a lot of minds here that are locked tight, they'll never consider the possibility of an alternative POV, nor do they care. But, even when I answer you, I am talking to those who want to hear - not you. And, they hear me.

And they hear YOU too. So, now they're getting BOTH sides.
And that is a good thing.
Good luck with that, having all sides of a conversation is nice. But you should take some reponsibility of 'your side' by regurgitating lies their politicians are pushing and always starting out/moving to trolling almost immediately (because that is what they have seen nonstop from their entertainers on Fox and the Radio). Because it stops all conversation. And even worse IMO is the complete disregarding of reality and facts in favor of proven propaganda and disinformation.

Thinking you are the first/only conservative that has been on this forum and wrapping yourself in the comfort by the obvious foreign trolls is only a sugar high. The problem is the ones I have seen wake up to the fact that they were being manipulated by the Russian military trolls and stop posting when they realize they are doing Putin's work as Useful Idiots (or leaving when they lose all credibility).

Hopefully you are an American and stick around, the trolling of you won't stop, so if you feel yourself NEEDING to reposond to every attack, you will likely start to fall back onto using propaganda, remember that ignore button is there for your sanity. Because if you are what you say, it will become obvious that you've been surrounded by sock puppets and that Russian/foreign online attacks on our democracy is a reality.
I've never been banned ... from here. *__*
I'm sure you're right tho - I will be.
And then, it will be rollitup.org's loss.
Then it will just be a chorus of the same old same old again.
Boring: "Orange Guy, LIar, RUSSIA!, obstruction, Impeach!, Orange ... " everybody agreeing and trying to out-hate the guy before him. No discussion. No disagreement. No challenge. Just boring.

Its been said that everybody's idea of Hell is different. I like the heat .... MY idea of Hell is boredom. Living the rest of my life (or eternity) in a small cell with nothing to do, nothing to see, no body to interact with, no communications with any thing or any one, no reading *shudder* ... that would be Hell. (for me)

But, this IS private property. If the 'powers that be' decide that I don't need to be here, I'll leave. I've never forced myself on anyone - and I'm too old to start now.
Do a search history of all the sock puppets crying about being banned, and then only to see them post a few months later as they recycle their puppet accounts.

After the last several years of this attack from Russia, people are not going to just give people the benefit of a doubt anymore, they will troll early and often until people slip up and show themselves for who they are really. Like edge lord did the other night after trying to troll here hard for about a week.

And quit thinking Russians mean just Russians, maybe in 2016, but now you have the Chinese Religious cult, Russians, Saudis, and others being paid from anywhere else. It is truly becoming a global assault on all of the democracies of our world.
Do a search history of all the sock puppets crying about being banned, and then only to see them post a few months later as they recycle their puppet accounts.

After the last several years of this attack from Russia, people are not going to just give people the benefit of a doubt anymore, they will troll early and often until people slip up and show themselves for who they are really. Like edge lord did the other night after trying to troll here hard for about a week.

And quit thinking Russians mean just Russians, maybe in 2016, but now you have the Chinese Religious cult, Russians, Saudis, and others being paid from anywhere else. It is truly becoming a global assault on all of the democracies of our world.

Aren't you just tired of all the Russians? I don't know if people heard you.
