There are a lot of people reading these threads. A lot more than participate.
Few of those people hear the other side, because you and others here have bullied anyone who disagrees with you until they leave. You shout down anyone who tries to say anything.
I'm not going to leave. I've been told to 'sit down and shut up' by much more powerful people than you, so I'm not too concerned.
When I first came here, a mere six weeks ago (time flies when yer having fun, eh?) everyone here agreed with everyone else. It was the same posts with the next one even more angry than the last. Lots of memes. NObody had an original thought. And, most importantly, NObody dared to disagree or question the common wisdom. It was all "RACIST" and "ORANGE GUY!" and "CHO-MO" and "RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA!!! and "IMPEACH, COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, RACIST, RACIST".
Then, I came along. Wow, I would make a two sentence post and within an hour there'd be a dozen seriously rabid responses. Even a mod had to get involved to calm us down. And I know that mod didn't want to do that, it must have really hurt because she is right in there screaming with you; but, she has a job to do and must do it as long as she has that job. (Kinda like me cutting plants early, we do our job.)
I am not here to change your mind.
Now, some, a few of the more adventurous are starting to speak up. They are realizing they are not alone. Maybe, just maybe, some of those who didn't know better are changing their minds, or at least wondering ... I know there are a lot of minds here that are locked tight, they'll never consider the possibility of an alternative POV, nor do they care. But, even when I answer you, I am talking to those who want to hear - not you. And, they hear me.
And they hear YOU too. So, now they're getting BOTH sides.
And that is a good thing.