The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
GanjaPegBoi, youre hideously dim witted, a common trait among the leches fastened to this bloated swines blowhole. Your quips are as grotesque and flaccid as dotard's neck vulva

Poll: Majority approves of Trump's impeachment

A majority of voters approve of the House of Representatives’ impeachment of President Donald Trump earlier this week, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted in the immediate aftermath of the vote.
The narrow majority who approve, 52 percent, is greater than the 43 percent who disapprove of the House voting to impeach Trump, the poll shows. Five percent of voters have no opinion on Trump’s impeachment.

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..obama wasn't impeached.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
gotta quit cherry picking the one poll that favors trump...look at all of them...

democratic support is faltering? doesn't look that way to me....

the dems made more than 70 mill in the same time frame, 25 mill for bernie, 24 for warren, 19 for pete buttiegieg...pete got twice what trump got? and you're crowing about it? and that's just the top three

we didn't pack the supreme court with racist, misogynist, repressive conservative judges, so you got me there.

and the house approving usmca? they had to approve something or the entire economy of three countries would suffer...that this was their only alternative is kind of sad

you fucking trumptards really have to stop believing dumbass memes and start looking for more sources of information...if i believed whatever some fucknut posted without ever trying to confirm it, i'd probably believe trumps outrageous, ignorant, stupid propaganda, too...fortunately for me, i'm not a fucking moron who is too lazy to read multiple accounts of the same events, so i'm not shackled by ignorance and stupidity...the truth WILL set you free, if you don't keep fighting it off


Well-Known Member
If you don't think that stuff happens in rural America too you are blind. Human's can be extremely horrible wherever they are.
Oh sure it does.
People suck everywhere.

And don't worry that guy would have gotten his when he got to prison. Child rapists are not treated kindly there at all.
I know you're right, but at the time I was 24 hours into a three day shift and had no sleep other than hour naps ... we had stabilized the child as best we could, gave her enough pain meds to knock her out and we were about ready to roll when I heard him complain to a cop that his cuffs were too tight.
I snapped. I wanted to feel my hands around his throat - too tight.
And I tried. I really tried.


Well-Known Member
Oh sure it does.
People suck everywhere.

I know you're right, but at the time I was 24 hours into a three day shift and had no sleep other than hour naps ... we had stabilized the child as best we could, gave her enough pain meds to knock her out and we were about ready to roll when I heard him complain to a cop that his cuffs were too tight.
I snapped. I wanted to feel my hands around his throat - too tight.
And I tried. I really tried.
That story is still made up

you’re a poor liar


Well-Known Member
Will there be snakes, praying doesn't work well without a big rattlesnake.
