The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

That was cute*

*example of sarcasm
GanjaPegBoi, youre hideously dim witted, a common trait among the leches fastened to this bloated swines blowhole. Your quips are as grotesque and flaccid as dotard's neck vulva

Poll: Majority approves of Trump's impeachment

A majority of voters approve of the House of Representatives’ impeachment of President Donald Trump earlier this week, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted in the immediate aftermath of the vote.
The narrow majority who approve, 52 percent, is greater than the 43 percent who disapprove of the House voting to impeach Trump, the poll shows. Five percent of voters have no opinion on Trump’s impeachment.

Not yet.
It's 3:35 pm right now here.
Gimme time ... LoL

Going out to dinner tonite at a roadhouse on Highway 299 in Bella Vista (suburb of Redding, Ca) with another couple. It's called Dry Creek Station (used to be a stagecoach station) Their last name is Wild. So we sign in with their last name and the "Wild party of four" announcement raises a grand cheer and the party is on.

Great prime rib, and they have a Filet Mignon stroganoff that is outstanding.
AND, they stock my favorite whiskey ... Pendelton.

Live music tonite, its the Yee Haw Quintet.
Put on your boots, brush your teeth and join us -- I'll buy you a whiskey.
Dinner is at 5:30 -- party is till 3am or whenever they can get us out of there.
You and the `missus` gonna douche for the big night? Gonna wear shoes?
If it haddn't been for whiskey I'd of never made it through Quantitative Analysis.

Yes. Whiskey men are smart, educated and always get the pretty girls. Jealous?

Seriously though, I knew a guy that I used to work with. He didn't drink, but he smoked pot. He had six kids, by six different women. Never supported any of them. Lived on welfare and foodstamps his whole life.
So, don't smoke weed either.

Moderation in everything.
I like whisky, I like weed, I like women, like fast cars and a friendly poker game ... but too much of any of that isn't good for you. Well, except whiskey, and weed, and .... oh never mind.
You are a mess.