The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I don't mind the EC, I mind the voter suppression by the Republicans, but not the EC.

You decided to just go full idiot tonight? Oh nm, Friday, I'm guessing drunk.
Not yet.
It's 3:35 pm right now here.
Gimme time ... LoL

Going out to dinner tonite at a roadhouse on Highway 299 in Bella Vista (suburb of Redding, Ca) with another couple. It's called Dry Creek Station (used to be a stagecoach station) Their last name is Wild. So we sign in with their last name and the "Wild party of four" announcement raises a grand cheer and the party is on.

Great prime rib, and they have a Filet Mignon stroganoff that is outstanding.
AND, they stock my favorite whiskey ... Pendelton.

Live music tonite, its the Yee Haw Quintet.
Put on your boots, brush your teeth and join us -- I'll buy you a whiskey.
Dinner is at 5:30 -- party is till 3am or whenever they can get us out of there.
Yes. It is possible ... we'll show you.
That is exactly what the Electoral College is supposed to do.
You see, in 1492 when Columbus and Washington got together and figured out how they were going to screw Native Americans and Democrats, they invented the EC. It guaranteed that Trump would be our first President for Life.

Either that, or the founding fathers wanted to make sure that the big cities weren't the only ones electing a president. Thank gawd.

But, good news!!
The founding fathers also left a way for you to change it.
Wanna get rid of EC? ... go for it.

But, me (and a few others) will resist that because:
- I live in a rural area, and I don't want the big cities being the only ones to elect a president, and
- I want to honor Columbus' and Washington's wishes that Trump be president for life.
Not yet.
It's 3:35 pm right now here.
Gimme time ... LoL

Going out to dinner tonite at a roadhouse on Highway 299 in Bella Vista (suburb of Redding, Ca) with another couple. It's called Dry Creek Station (used to be a stagecoach station) Their last name is Wild. So we sign in with their last name and the "Wild party of four" announcement raises a grand cheer and the party is on.

Great prime rib, and they have a Filet Mignon stroganoff that is outstanding.
AND, they stock my favorite whiskey ... Pendelton.

Live music tonite, its the Yee Haw Quintet.
Put on your boots, brush your teeth and join us -- I'll buy you a whiskey.
Dinner is at 5:30 -- party is till 3am or whenever they can get us out of there.
Whiskey. I understand now...
Not yet.
It's 3:35 pm right now here.
Gimme time ... LoL

Going out to dinner tonite at a roadhouse on Highway 299 in Bella Vista (suburb of Redding, Ca) with another couple. It's called Dry Creek Station (used to be a stagecoach station) Their last name is Wild. So we sign in with their last name and the "Wild party of four" announcement raises a grand cheer and the party is on.

Great prime rib, and they have a Filet Mignon stroganoff that is outstanding.
AND, they stock my favorite whiskey ... Pendelton.

Live music tonite, its the Yee Haw Quintet.
Put on your boots, brush your teeth and join us -- I'll buy you a whiskey.
Dinner is at 5:30 -- party is till 3am or whenever they can get us out of there.
I hope you have a nice time. It'll be a bit too far for me to get there from MI
I hope you have a nice time. It'll be a bit too far for me to get there from MI
You're in Michigan?
I got a sister that lives in Michigan ... in Grand Rapids.
I used to live in Battle Creek ... drove ambulance in Jackson ... later in Detroit.
Lasted thru ONE winter there and told my new wife: "I'm going back to California, and you're welcome to come along." That was 40 years ago ... I wonder how she's doing sometimes.

Sissy was complaining to me about the weather the other day. I told her "You grew up in California, so you know better. You are not in a witness protection program so you can come home any time."
She laughed and said, "I JUST got this state to go Republican. I'm not leaving now."

If you ever make it to N. Cali -- look me up. I'll show you what a real commercial grow looks like.
You're in Michigan?
I got a sister that lives in Michigan ... in Grand Rapids.
I used to live in Battle Creek ... drove ambulance in Jackson ... later in Detroit.
Lasted thru ONE winter there and told my new wife: "I'm going back to California, and you're welcome to come along." That was 40 years ago ... I wonder how she's doing sometimes.

Sissy was complaining to me about the weather the other day. I told her "You grew up in California, so you know better. You are not in a witness protection program so you can come home any time."
She laughed and said, "I JUST got this state to go Republican. I'm not leaving now."

If you ever make it to N. Cali -- look me up. I'll show you what a real commercial grow looks like.
Right on, I have a couple brothers that are firefighters and do EMT on the side. I couldn't handle the blood, saw a little girl who chewed on a electrical cord and that did me in.

I love the winter, could do without the grey in March and April and May, but really like not having any poisonous bugs or snakes (mostly).

It is a shame the year she got Michigan to go red it had to be for this travesty of a president.
One nutcase down in your neck of the woods. The GOP is fucked, Trump was both a cause and also a symptom, they were waiting for their demigod to arrive, who would have figure they would have such a low bar. In the future everybody knows the secret to getting a nomination in the republican party, there is no longer any need for a dog whistle, though the smarter ones will try to walk on both sides of the fence.
Washington state representative participated in domestic terrorism, inquiry finds

A Washington state House inquiry has found that state Rep. Matt Shea (R) planned and participated in domestic terrorism against the U.S. before and during the militant takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, The Seattle Times reports.

According to the 108-page report, Shea assisted "in the planning and preparation” of the Malheur takeover. During the incident, dozens of armed protestors occupied national refuge in rural Eastern Oregon.

“Representative Shea, as a leader in the Patriot Movement, planned, engaged in and promoted a total of three armed conflicts of political violence against the United States Government in three states outside the state of Washington over a three-year period,” the report states.

After the release of the report, state Rep. J.T. Wilcox announced that the state lawmaker “has been suspended from any role in the House Republican Caucus.” Wilcox also called for Shea's resignation on Twitter.

The Patriot Movement is a rural-based conservative organization made up of militia members and so-called sovereign citizens. Deep suspicion and fear of the federal government are some of the big sticking points of the group.

In an interview with Infowars earlier in the month, Shea called the state's investigation a “Marxist smear campaign” and “political warfare according to a Maoist insurgency model.”
63 million

That's how many voted for Trump.

One down, 63 million minus 1 to go.
Right on, I have a couple brothers that are firefighters and do EMT on the side. I couldn't handle the blood, saw a little girl who chewed on a electrical cord and that did me in.
Yea, hurt kids are the worst.
I peeled one six year old off the hood of a car that wasn't belted in ... couldn't even tell if it was a boy or girl. I haven't had a dream about that one in a long time - but now that I've thought about it ... I prolly will now.
I barfed twice before we even got to the ER.

Some old fart dies in bed from a heart attack ... I'm like, "yadda-yadda circle of life so what" but a kid. ugh.
I got written up and almost fired from Detroit because it took two cops to hold me back from beating the piss out of a junkie that raped his own 30 month old daughter.
Inner city animals.
Yea, hurt kids are the worst.
I peeled one six year old off the hood of a car that wasn't belted in ... couldn't even tell if it was a boy or girl. I haven't had a dream about that one in a long time - but now that I've thought about it ... I prolly will now.
I barfed twice before we even got to the ER.

Some old fart dies in bed from a heart attack ... I'm like, "yadda-yadda circle of life so what" but a kid. ugh.
I got written up and almost fired from Detroit because it took two cops to hold me back from beating the piss out of a junkie that raped his own 30 month old daughter.
Inner city animals.
Cool imaginary stories, old drunk racist
Whiskey is good for helping one to understand.
It's medicine, health food for your brain.
My best buddy I worked with was a whiskey man. Wasn't worth a shit. He overdosed on oxy at 68 with a black young lady. His wife was an rn. My boss who had a mechanical engineering degree from UK was a whiskey man. He hung himself. He got hooked up with a much younger lady and actually got her a job at this place. She was a supervisor with a bsn and an engineering degree. His x got zip. The new hot wife cleaned his clock. My dad was an alcoholic. I have many stories. Being old and working with 28000 people in one place you see a lot. As a electronic maintenance engineer you talk with most. Either meetings or actually at the machine working with operators. I never drank but a few times. I doubt I could have made it through two semesters of Boolean algebra.
I doubt I could have made it through two semesters of Boolean algebra.
If it haddn't been for whiskey I'd of never made it through Quantitative Analysis.

My boss who had a mechanical engineering degree from UK was a whiskey man.
He got hooked up with a much younger lady
She was a supervisor with a bsn and an engineering degree.
Yes. Whiskey men are smart, educated and always get the pretty girls. Jealous?

Seriously though, I knew a guy that I used to work with. He didn't drink, but he smoked pot. He had six kids, by six different women. Never supported any of them. Lived on welfare and foodstamps his whole life.
So, don't smoke weed either.

Moderation in everything.
I like whisky, I like weed, I like women, like fast cars and a friendly poker game ... but too much of any of that isn't good for you. Well, except whiskey, and weed, and .... oh never mind.
Yea, hurt kids are the worst.
I peeled one six year old off the hood of a car that wasn't belted in ... couldn't even tell if it was a boy or girl. I haven't had a dream about that one in a long time - but now that I've thought about it ... I prolly will now.
I barfed twice before we even got to the ER.

Some old fart dies in bed from a heart attack ... I'm like, "yadda-yadda circle of life so what" but a kid. ugh.
I got written up and almost fired from Detroit because it took two cops to hold me back from beating the piss out of a junkie that raped his own 30 month old daughter.
Inner city animals.
If you don't think that stuff happens in rural America too you are blind. Human's can be extremely horrible wherever they are.

And don't worry that guy would have gotten his when he got to prison. Child rapists are not treated kindly there at all.