What did you accomplish today?

Today I accomplished finishing the project from hell at work . I really think those bastards set me up to fail, but I pulled another one off with sure grit and determination . Tomorrow I am going to pretent to still be working but secretly I'm going to be stoned AF and not doing shit . And then two weeks off with maybe a side job for some quick cash.
Today I accomplished finishing the project from hell at work . I really think those bastards set me up to fail, but I pulled another one off with sure grit and determination . Tomorrow I am going to pretent to still be working but secretly I'm going to be stoned AF and not doing shit . And then two weeks off with maybe a side job for some quick cash.
I used to do the same shit at work. Me and my partner would be the only people in the warehouse on weekends. We would smash all the orders in a a matter of a few hours and then the rest of the day would consist of having a few beers, tokes, and a good lunch.
Today I learned that feral pigs in Canada build pigloos to survive the winter. :clap:

So for the first time in 25 years I had to cancel a gig today :( It was a xmas party downtown, and they were SO looking forward to having me perform. It turns out that I have a bulging or herniated disc in my lower back, and although it is slowly improving, I would just re-injure it if I tried to gig in this condition. Which is exactly what I did this last time. I sustained this injury a few weeks ago while working out, thought it healed enough to play a gig, and from simply moving equipment, standing, and walking, I re-injured it worse than before. I had an amazing xmas party to attend this evening, and tickets to see Brother Ali tomorrow night with a bunch of buddies. Not to mention 2 other gigs that I'm going to have to cancel in the next few days. Altogether I'm out about $1300. I hope I can make some of that gig money back by selling some weed that folks ordered at that party that I'll miss tonight, as a buddy is supposed to stop by, pick it up, and get it to the people expecting it. Oh well, at least now I have a legit excuse to avoid my family on xmas. I've got a nice back brace coming tomorrow that I hope will help. I'm still in surprisingly good spirits, at least it's not cancer...
I'm right there with you in the back department except there is no disk between L5 and S1 in my back. My vertebra randomly moves to a point where it pinches a nerve. I'm probably looking at cortisone shots again. It went out when I was getting out of my car to go in a store. At least I can walk using a crutch, we'd be screwed otherwise.
I'm right there with you in the back department except there is no disk between L5 and S1 in my back. My vertebra randomly moves to a point where it pinches a nerve. I'm probably looking at cortisone shots again. It went out when I was getting out of my car to go in a store. At least I can walk using a crutch, we'd be screwed otherwise.

Can't you guys do surgery to fix the problem?
I'm right there with you in the back department except there is no disk between L5 and S1 in my back. My vertebra randomly moves to a point where it pinches a nerve. I'm probably looking at cortisone shots again. It went out when I was getting out of my car to go in a store. At least I can walk using a crutch, we'd be screwed otherwise.
I feel for ya man.
My back is still tweaked from a fall 3 years ago. It will probably never be the same again.

Doctor prescribed physical therapy but it's been my experience that those folks bring more pain than they relieve...